Cardeno, HernanMI~ OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMEi~~'G 10 200 - - For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT 8Y JULY 1ST OF EACH YEAR ItJ ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Disclosure for Tax Year Ending: ,2.00'j THE MIAMI-DADE COt1NTY CODE. Name: Last First Middle ~f121~,E ~,3 c3 sa~rZ,.~ A~ Filing as a (check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Empl yee o © Municipal Employee of: t..'!~ OF Jt..~iA~.!% ~E7l~ Position Title: ^~ ~ / f"D' C ~~ ~j n'j.~i J' R>7CXE~. CountylMunicipal Department: CountylMunicipal Division: ~iAMi ~E~~Cu ~piCE ~EPA2t~isi~JT / W~~c4.L S~~rv~~ If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant Wor1c Telephone: to Florida Statutes § 119.07, please check here: ~ 3O.S 1D73. ~.~) ~ f~T. 3 d iS Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) Apt. # SIC' JI~D Gc1Asu~,~~7vn ~VF»u~' Clty State Zip Code M,~+~,-~ ~3~A~, ~~- 33~,3q Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. !f continued on a separate sheet, please check here: ^ Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compensation Received ~E2 X14 ~! ~ A2~,~113 r ~2nFES s i tai ~ L ,(,,~ ~y vQ,2~, ,r~ t_ G/i3'"Ul T•'4f~ T '~''1'a"~~G6M ~~+.)T' 04Sutn~JG . COM/1~/1SAnon 2C/ d ~l of yE-l: I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement . ~ ,,-- Signa>\ure; of Pelson Oiscl sing ., ~ ~ Z ~ Date Signed . .t c,-, G :~.. +onsroo