3% County -Wide Bed Tax - METRO DADE 3J COUNTY-WIDE BED TAX (CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION) Date 9n/83 R-9D 1 Discussion on notifying all other municipalities & requesting their support & financial aid for the initial constr. of the expansion of the Conv. Ctr. that will servo the entire Dade Co. area. Mayor Ciment requested Hgr send ltr. to Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor, & Surfside. asking them to submi t reso's/ltrs. expressing their feelings reo proposed 3J co.-wide hotel tax & to appear bef. Metro Dade Co. Comm. when ques. will be heard. Comr. Fromberg requested Admin. advise Comm. a.s.a.p when item is scheduled METRO DADE 3J COUNTY-WIDE BED TAX 2 (CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION) Date (Cont'd) 9n 183 on Co. agenda & list them as speakers for R-9D that item. (see METRO DADE CO.) 9n/83 R-9E Res. 83-17441 adopted, expressing appreciation to Gtr. Miami Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee & ratifying their support of expo of MB Conv. Ctr. & establishing as apriority, that the next people mover linkage be to MB. (see RAPID TRANSIT) . METRO DA!)E 3' COtlN'l'Y-WIDE BED TAX (CONVENTIOO CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSlOO) Date 10/19/83 R-8F 3 Memo 695-83, Res. 83-17516 adopted, auth'g execution of inter local agreement w/Metro Dade Co. for the imposition' col. of the 3\ Conv. Dev. Tax, and memorializing Metro Dade Co. to issue sufficient revenue bonds for expanding CMB's Conv. Ctr. Complex, Agree- ment to become effective when approved by governing bodies , continue as long as Tax is imposed, unless terminated, Tax to be imposed as of 11/1/83. (see CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, METRO DADE COUNTY) .. ~M~~3'~"W1~'&ltl '(lit I~ONWNT tin:! ' 'C'OM'i'UllCmtPANS:tONJ Date 11/16/83 R-1OA Request for auth.to appeal ruling reo 3' Co-wide bed tax, proceeds of which to fund expansion of Conv. facilities in MB , Miami. CAtty advised that Dade Circuit Ct. Judge Jack Turner held that St. statute , Co. ord. were invalid because St. law did not contain mechanism for collecting tax , therefore Co. did not have auth. to collect it. She re- quested auth. to appeal decision, , advised in interim, tax will be col'd , pld. in es- crow , legis. amdts. to the law will be sought to remove defect. She advised she will ask ct. to expedite appeal. Commission M!1'M DADE ~, COUN'l'Y-W1DE BEt> TAX 5 (tONVEN'l'lON CEN'l'ER COMPLEltEltPANSION) Date (Cont'd) 11/16/83 auth'd filing of appeal. Comr. Grenald R-10A advised Jack Gordon is preparing new reconunendation w/required mechaniS1ll to allow established col. procedures. (see LEGISI.r.- TURE, FLORIDA STATE OF, METRO DADE CO.) 5/2/84 R-llB - Mayor FroiUberg & C Mgr advised they had been contacted 5/1/84 reo Sen. Jack Gordon's pro- pOsed amdt1 concerning the 3% countYWide t:onv. Deve opment Tax, aria stated 1t:" was their understanding that the proposed new 1ang. would give more control to munics. w/respect to the arch. design and develop- MEl'1'M 'OADg~, COtmTY';'WID!;:&mi '1'AX ' (CONWN'l'tON Cttm:R. eoMPLElt 'EltPANSION) ~ (Cont'd) , :~ti:4 ment of the expanded Conv. Ctr. In reSponse to Mayor Fromberg's inquiry as to whether bonds would be more saleable if the leg' lang. was silent on this matter as oppo~:; to ,providing for City control, Paul J. Lev1ne of Morgan, Lewis and Beckius (Bond counsel) and Stanley E. Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (fin. consultant) advised they did not believe the new lang. would have any e~f~ct on the bond issue, but could not be de~1n1te w/out rev'g the legis. The C Mgr adv1sed he will provide mems. of Comm. 6 iM'l'I.O DAD!;: ~, eotnl'rY-WIDg BgD 'l'AX '1 (CONWN'rION CEN'l'ER COMPLElt EltPANSION) Date (cont'd.) 5/2/84 the lang. of the proposed legis. (see R-llB CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) 5/16/84 R-1C Memo 303-84, Mildred Falk suggested that people are inadequately informed on Conv. Ctr. expansion project funding method & govtl. agcy. (Dade Co. or M.B.) to auth. & be responsible for rev. bondsl & advised that tourists oppose 10% tax. Com. Grenald suggested she dir. ques. to Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expansion Auth. (see CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX, .F. MISCELLANEOUS, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, METRO DADE 3% COUNTY-WIDE BED TAX 8 (CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION) Date (Cont'd) 5/16/84 M.B. TOURIST AND CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION R-1C AUTHORITY) 6/5/84 R-llB 6/20/84 R-7I Mayor FroiUberg advised that Metro Dade Co. CoI1m. passed bonds for imposition of 3% Conv. Development Tax of which 2% will be allocated to City for expansion of Conv. Ctr. (see CONVENTIOO CTR. COMPLEX) Memo 417-84, Res. 84-17778 adopted, request- ing Co. ConII\. to auth. issuance of s~. d> Obligation Bonds not to exceed $80,0 OJ' aggregate prin. amt. to fin. cost for expan- '- ME'rrtO DADE ~, COtlN'n-WIDE BED TAX ~ (CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION Date (Cont'd) 6/20/84 sion of MB Conv. Ctr., secured primarily by a-7I pledge of City'S share of 3' Conv. Development TaxI auth'g negotiation of inter local agreement & assistance in issue preparation. During discussion, Lawrence Levy of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius (City'S bond counsel) appeared in support of reso's adoption. (see CONV. CTR COMPLEX, METRO DADE COUNTY) 7/11/84 R-llB Metro Dade Co. Comr. James Redford advised that Co. Conm. will be considering the 1st reading of the ord. reo tfie Conv. METRO DADE ~, COtlN'n'-WIDE 8ED TAX ~~, CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION) Da (Cont'd) 7/11/84 Development bonds at its 7/17/84 mtg & that a-liB the 2nd reading will probably be 9/4/84. Be further advised that the Supreme Court hrg. on the 3' Conv. Development Tax will be held on 10/3/84 and there could be a decision by some time in Oct. (see CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, METRO DADE COUNTY) 10 ~