DD 13-1 Harding Avenue - Catholic Church property/, -t- -ep surf g ~auot~; fitaa~saM aouau~ : ~utod g o~ ~.aa~ ({~~,•Zt~) su~paapunu-auo ,zno3-fi~uaaas pug aeteM~ pa,zpunu aa.zu~ ,~o aoug~stp ~ .zo,~ fiattg pigs ,~o surf fitae~saM ptgsa,zo3g auk. ~uotg fit,zau~nos eouau~ : gpt,zot~ 'fi~uno0 apgQ '~sgg ~{, a~ug~ `u~noS ~5 dtusunnos '~ uot~oaS ,~o au-~t fitaau~.,xou auk s~oas,za~ut fit~zau~.zou papua~xe `gPl~ot~3 `fi~uno0 apgQ ,~o spaooa~ otTgnd auk: 30 `~9t a~gd ~g `~i xoog ~gtd ut Pap~zooa,z `3oaaau~ ~gtd auk o~ ~utpaoooB `~~1 NOISI11IQ8Ilc ~I~Ud ZgQ SOS'It~ `5t Pug i~t `fit `2t `it sxootq ,~o fitae~seM outfit 'fiattg ~oo,~ (fi~uanr ~ ) 0~ B ,~o surf fit.za~saM auk aaauM ~utod g ~g aouaunuo0 0 S'I~ Q.[~II'd' :asst ~zo a~zou~ 'sa~zog ~~~p•0) su~.pugsnou~ -auo ano3-fi~~tu~ ~tz-~u-~g~uoo `~utuut~eq ,~o ~utod auk. o~ 'scat .zo a,zouz '~aa3 (fi~~~FU~) 0~ 3o aoug~sTp g `BPT,zot~ `fi~.uno0 apgQ '~sgg ~~ a~ug~ 'u~noS ~5 dtusuMOs '~ uot~oag ,~o surf fitaau~aou ptgsaao~g eu~ ~uotg fitaa~.sga eouau~ gptaot,~ 'fi~.uno0 apgQ ' ~sg~ ~~ a2ug~ `u~noS £S d-~usumos `~ uot~.oaS ,~o surf fit,zau~.~zou p-~gseso,~g auk pug fiattg pigs ~o au-~t fit,za~saM auk 3o fit~za~saM ~.aa,~ (00'0 ) su~pe~zpunu-auo ou pug fi~.z?u~ Pug o~ tattg.zgd au-~T pTgsa,zo,~g auk 3o uot~aas~za~ut auk Huzaq ~.utod pigs `~utod g o~ `asst .zo aaouz '~ea3 (fi~,~z,~) Og ,~o eoug~.stp g fiettg pigs 3o surf fit,za~.saM auk. ,~o fit,za~saM ~aa3 (00.00 su~paapunu-auo ou puB fi~~tu~ Pug o~ tattgagd surf p-~gsa~zo,~g auk ~uotg fit,zau~aou aouau~ : fiettg pigs ,~o auTt fitaa~saM p-~gsaao,~g auk ,~o fitaa~.saM ~aa3 (00'00 su~Pa,zpunu-auo ou pug fi~~tu~ pug off. Tattg~zgd surf g pug Butt pagt.zosep ~.sgt auk 3o uot~oes.za~.u-~ auk ~utaq ~.utod pigs `~utod g o~ 'asst .zo a,zouz `~aa,~ (fi~~IU~) 0~ 3o eoug~stp g (aogsaas LI~L8 Mou) ~aa~z~5 tanT~an~.sgN 30 (fit.ze~.saM pepua~.xa) surf fit,zau~.nos pTgsaao~g aq~ ~uotg fit~za~.saM aouau~ :~~ uots-~atpgnS ,zg:/u taQ so~t~ 30 ~gtd Ptgs aed sg (aog,z,zas u~G8 Mou ) ~.aa.z~S umt~..zn~sgN 30 (fitaa~saM papue~xe) surf fitaau~ -nos auk pug 'fiettg pigs ,~o auTt fit.za~saM ptgsaao3g auk 3o uot~oas~za~ut auk ~u-~aq ~uxod pigs `~utod g off. 'asst so a,zou~ '~ae~ (fi~,~Y,~) Oq ,~o aoug~s-~p g fettg Ptgs 3o surf fit~za~saM p-~gsaao,~g auk. ~uotg fitaau~.nos aouau~ :gpt.zot,~ 'fi~uno0 epgQ `~sg~ ~~ e~ug~ 'u~noS ~g dtusuMOs '~ uot~oeS 3o surf fitaau~..zou auk s~oas~ze~ut fit,zeu~.~zou pepua~.xe `gpt.zot,~ 'fi~uno0 apgQ 3o sp,zooeg ottgnd auk 30 `29t a:~gd ~g `~i Moog ~gtd ut Pap~zooa.z `3oaaau~ ~gtd auk o~ ~utpaooog `Z~ I~OISIt1Idgl1S d'FIIAd 'I~Q SUS'IK `5t Pug ~t `fit `fit `tt s~iootg 3o fitaa~saM autfit 'fiaTtg x.003 (fi~uaM~) 0~ g ,~o surf fit,za~saM auk. a~zeuM ~utod g ~g ut~ag I '~~ M-O ~ `gptaot,~ 'fi~uno0 epgQ ut a~gn~ts fi~aedo,zd pegt~zosep ~utMOtto3 auk `sasod.md ~tgMapts pug ~aea~s ao~ 'uot~g~zod.zo0 tgdtotunt~ gpT,zot,~ g `uogag -~uzgtNi 3o fi~t0 auk o~ `a~go-~pap figa.zaq saop pug `pa~got'PeP sgu `paataoa,z antge ~zo,~ `gpt.zot~ `aut~sn~ny • ~.S ~o doustg sg `fiatang •d udasor pua,zaaah ~.sor~ sus `pau~tsaapun auk. ~gus fi+-6Z `P~~ .zago~o0 ~SZNgS~:z~d ~S~RS .fig ~gU~ ZZ~ MONx ~EiT~ob~ G~~~,~ooe soon ~4~5 ~ao~~~~~ Electing to the right at an angle of ninety-one degrees and twenty-seven minutes (910 27') from the aforesaid westerly line of said alley for a distance of forty-one and seventy-five one-hundredths (41.75) feet to the point of beginning; thence continue westerly fora distance of sixty and thirty one-hun- dredths (60.30) feet to a point; thence northeasterly along a line deflecting to the right at an angle of one hundred t wenty-three degrees, fifty-nine minutes and twenty seconds (123 59' 20") for a distance of one hundred twenty-four and twenty one-hundredths (124.20) feet to a point, said point being the inter- section of the last described line with a line paral- lel to and thirty and no one-hundredths (30.00) feet westerly of the westerly line of said alley; thence northerly along aforesaid line parallel to and thirty and no one-hundredths (30.00) feet westerly of the westerly line of said alley for a distance of sixty- eight and sixty-nine one-hundredths (68.69) feet to a point, said point being the intersection of the aforesaid line parallel to and thirty and no one- hundredths (30.00) feet westerly of the westerly line of said alley and a line parallel to and ninety-one and no one-hundredths (91.00) feet southerly from the southerly line (extended westerly) of Nasturtium Street (now 87th Terrace) as per said plat of Altos Del Mar Subdivision {~2; thence easterly along the aforesaid line parallel to and ninety-one and no one-hundredths (91.00) feet southerly from the southerly line (extended westerly) of Nasturtium Street (now 87th Terrace) a distance of thirty (30) feet, more or less, to the westerly line of said alley; thence southerly along the westerly line of said alley a distance of one hun- dred thirty-three and fort y- one-hundredths (133.40} feet to a point, said point being the intersection of the westerly line of said alley and the southerly line (extended westerly) of Marigold Street ( now 87th Street ) as per said plat of Altos Del Mar Subdivision }~2; thence westerly along aforesaid southerly line ( extended westerly) of Marigold Street (now 87th Street) a distance of f our- teen and ninety-seven one-hundredths (14.97) feet to a point; thence southwesterly along a line deflecting to the left at an an~le of fifty-six degrees, no minutes and forty seconds (56 0~ 40") for a distance of forty-six and seventeen one-hundredths (46.17) feet to the point of beginning, containing one hundred seventy-six one- thousandths (0.176) acres, more or less. PROVIDES?, HOWEVr;R, that should the use of said property for street and sidewalk purposes be discontinued or should said pro- perty be abandoned by said City, then and in that event, same shall revart to The Tsiost Reverend Joseph P. Hurley, as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, his successors and assigns, in fee simple. IN WITNESS VVHERFOF, the undersigned, The ~~Iost Reverend. Joseph P. Hurley, as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, has hereunto -2- ~ ~ ~~~ x~aT~ ~~ ~ ..~ ~ ~,~ •,~ ,. ~,, .z e °ul~,oy ~ ~ ~ :~; ;• _.. i •~~ , `x 'N #d "dJ RiomS uo~uaw F / tjb L ~agC~~Q ,TtO 1~LT~ ii~}, ~ k k`-1 u~ ~M~g~'~~G ~ ~°'e4~~ d Q PaP~o9 '1 'Sb6i 'TZ 'noN sa~idxa umssiwwoa dyy Lj~Eag TUIBIjnj 3U f~ ~.~ auk ~0 3TaLIaq LI'~ pu~3 ~a8,e„p .~~,~,~, ,~~ ~,o,s ..:~,~~no F,~;~N ~ ,zoo pa~daoog ~ga,zau sT uoT~goTpap s~uy a.~a ~ Z /i ~~ gpT~oT~ 3 o a g~S ~ oT ~g ~.oN L ~ t~'~~~ ~a f 7 ib,~ _ W ' fi ~r6T ' r? ' F~ - • ~ ~-qa ~ o..~ 30 1~gp p~~ sTU~ `gp'~~ot~ 3o a~g~S pug apBQ ~o ~~~no~"°~°;..°~~ `uot~ag T~g~Y~ ~B Tgas TgToT33o Pug pugu Buz SS~NJ~I~,4 •passa.zdxa uTaaeu~ sasod.znd auk ao3 ~TT.zg~.unTon pug ~Teaa3 arz~s eu~. pa~noexe eu ~gu~ a~u a,zo~ -aq pa~paTanouxog pug ~.uavm,z~.suT ~uTo~a~zo,~ auk. pa~.noaxa ouM puB uT pegT.zosap uos,zad auk aq off. uMOU~ TTann atu o~ `gpl,zoT~ 'auT~.sn~ny •~g ,~o dousTg sg `~~'INl1H 'd Hd~SOI' QN~H~113~3 SS01K ~SV`s~.uauz~paTnnou ,zoo ~.ua~g sg `~~z.zgg uigTTTT~,g pua.zanaH ~u~T~ auk -tog a~tg~. pug su~.go .za~sTuTtupg o~ paz-~,zou~ng lTnp aaol3~o us 'aur a.zo,~aq pa.zgaddg ~TTguosaad .~gp s-~u~ uo ~gu~ A~~IS~i~~ ~g~~I~H I ~Q~1Q ~0 ~ZNl10~ ~QI23tYI3 d~ ~ZdsS ,.. _ _.~. ~~`CI ~ ~~ j~A~ /~/~T~~6Z ~+~ imay~ ~uqg ~Ke.y I!~~ Nvwva.~r-~-~v~~7~ •g •~ t ~~r ...t. ui (~p~u~a~ s~np puB ....._..~.:.. ~~ 'j' }o ~~...5`....843 p~o:>e~ rod pant ~~~~, ~~~a~i~nr~sui ~~,~! :3o aouasead auk. uz pa,zanTTap 'eFep ya ~f~uno~ ~eNl~"I~ ~' u~~~~`: pug paTges ~pau~TS gp~~ot~3 `au-~~sn~n~ • ~g 3o douslg se r~-~c ~G •ua~.~T,zen anogg .zge~ pug ~gp auk Tgas pug pugu sTU ~.as ~ jJY4 ~~~C~ii~n 1 ~~(~C~ "