DD 27 I~TC;~~~ ALL F=i1:u~~ ~ `I'FI~S~ Pl~S~JT3TS: That the undersigned, Tl~E' TTOSI' REVLR `'~;D Ju~,il~: ~ . ' ~tTrLI~:Z, as 1'.ishop of -St. Auustine, Florida, for value received, has dedicated, and does hereby dedi- cate, to the Cl'I'Y Gij' ~iIA `I ~~.LAC~, a :i:i lorida TiL~nicipal Corporation, for street and sidewalk purposes, the following; described property situate in Dade Covnty, +_lorida, to Vait: Founded on the easterly side by the westerly line of teat dedication from the T~sost reverend Joseph 1•--. Ilurley, as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, to the Cit~T of T~iarai Beach, recorc~ed in lleed .;gook 21~.~.5, paf;e 198, of the ~:ti?blic Records of Dade County, Florida; hotanded on the westerly side by aline parallel to and seven and one-half (7~~) feet ~•~rester- ly of the a'~~ove descr_4.bed easterly boundary; bounded on the northerly sine by the northerly line of Section 2, Totmsl~ip 53 South, l~an~re Z~2 East, Dade County, Florida; bounded on the southerly side by tiie southerly line, produced westerly, of T?asturtiurn Street (noi~r 87th rl~'errace) as said Section line and T7asturtiiar~ Street are shoVm on Plat of Altos del i'iar Subdivision vTo. 2, re- corded inllat ook ~~, page 162, of t~,~e l-ublic liecords of Dacie County, Ii'lorida. Al` D ~?oundeci on the northerly side by aline parallel to and 91.03 feet southerly of the westerly ~~rolon~;ation of the southerly line of Nastizrtiurl Street (now 87th ^lerrace) as said Street is shown on flat of Altos del gar Subdivision l~~o. 2, recorded in '1 at gook 1r, page 162, of the I='ublic records of Dade Co~.zn.ty, .i~lorida`; F'~ounded on the ~,~esterly side by a line described as follotrs : l_~e~;inn =nrr at a c~oint on t:~~e a~.~ove described ••+ortherly boundary 7.,r, feet westerly of and measured ai, ri ght anr;les to the 'iesterly line of that dec.°~ca- tion from the ~>ost T~everend Josep~z 1-. Turley, as :Bishop of St. Au"ustine, Florida, to the Citu.= of ~~Tiarai Beach, recorded in Deed Book 2L;_L.S, YJa~'-e 19F3, of the I~ublic records of Dade County, l~lorida; tn.ence run in a Sou- therly direction alone a line parallel to and 7.~ feet ~resterly of the as~ove mentioned i-~esterly line of dedi- cation a di_stance of 6~. ;3 feet to the point of curva- ture of a circular curve of 30 foot radius deflecting to the rir;ht; thence run Southerly and westerly along; t}ae arc of said circul~_N curve 1~'.=;6 feet to t1~e point of tan~renc~T of said curve, said point of ta.~~;ency ~~einr on aline _~~arallel to and 2.5 feet Tvortnwesterly of the T•; ortht~resterly ?~oundarnJ of the a~aove mentioned dedi- cation; thence r~zn in a Soutn.westerly direction alor_ said line ~~~arallel to a_nd 2. ~ feet ITorth~,Jesterly of the above ;:antioned Tortht.resterly line of dedication to the intersection with the ortherly line of Lot v, i~~ock 3, 'each hay Subdivision, as said Lot acid "loch are shown on Plat recorded in Flat 3ook .Z;, page 2~, of the Public records of Dade County, Florida. T~ounded on the Southerly side by the i~~ortn.erly line of saki Lot 8 . -~ - OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY -CITY HALL -MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA ~-, ~ ~? BOOK ~~ ~.- ~- - -L.-' rounded on the Easterly side by -the I~orthwesterl_y boundary of the move mentioned d edication. Aiv D ?'~ouncled on -the westerly side 'ray tl~e easterly line of that dedication front The Most Reverend Josey,l~ ~. Hurley, as _~'ishop of St. Au~u.stine, loridu., to the Cit~T of 'iami Beach, recorded in :aced look 2%}.!~_,~~', page 1Sf;~, of the i=tit'clic llecords of Dade County, Florida.; bounded on the easterly side by aline parallel to and two aiicz one-liar' (2-1/2) feet eas- terly of the above descril~~ed westerly boundary, said tt;ro and one-half (2-1/2) feet '.~ein~ measured at right angles to the auove described westerly bo<<n- dar-,~; bounded on the northerly side by the southerly line produced westerly of marigold Street (now u7th Street) ; as said ;street is s ~ZOwn on the Plat of Altos del llar Subdivision ?'o. 2, recorded in Plat rook 1.;., page 162, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; bounded on the southerly side by the northerly line of Lot 1, ':',lock 7, Beach Pay Sub- division, as said Lot and Bloch are shown. on a Flat recorded in Flat Pook 1~_4, pa~-,~e 2~;, of t':_e ~~ublic Records of Dade County, .~~'lori da. ~'ROVIDED, HO~RTG~VI~It, t~iat shou7sl t',ze use of said property for street and si dewall, purposes be discontinued or slzould s aid property be abandoned by said City, t-_en and in t?~.at event, same shallrevert to `I'he T„±ost t~everend Joseph 1'. Ilurley, as ~jishop of St. Augustine, Florida, his successors and assi_mns, in fee simple. TI'T I~1I`irvE'SS tti'~?LI~~CF, the undersigned, The ?~?ost Reverend Joseph r. Hurley, as Bishop of St. Au!~,ustine, ~a'lorida, has hereunto set his hand and seal -tl~-may ~ ~ ,30~ Sinned, sealed and ~ (Seal ) delivered in the presence ~.s 13i ol~ f St. u<rustine, ~ oridU of -2- OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY -CITY HALL -MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA . _ r ( ~- 600K ~~ ~ P~1G~ ~G - Sl'A`~'E C}F FLOR=LLA: T rtER~:Y C~~,'Ri'IFY that on this day ~:~ersonallJ appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowled~;r,~.ents, `~.':i~"~ ''~~OST R~VL~TTD JC)SEL`EI ;~. HZ~RL~-`Y, a_s P.ishop of St. Augustine, ~H'lorida, to rte well known to be the ~~erson described in and who executed the fore~oin~; instrument and acEn7.owled~ed before me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. ~/ ?jai ~'~~r1SS zny hand and official seal at ~ , County of ~'i~' _. ~~-.~nd State of Florida t.~i 1J ~ s ...~ char of h. L. 1°52. 4'~i ~ a - f"'.a n ~` a + ~ ~1 / ~~ ~- Notary ~ ublie, State Florida at ~ .. ~' ~ _, State of Florida at large ~~''~~ }" ~~ ~={:Ot2'`~.SS10n ex~zires : g Nay co;~ri ~ror. expires Nov. 7, 1955. rf~, ~~ ~ 7 I / ~ ~ Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y. ~~rat~r;~, This dedication is here'oy accepted for ~.d in aehalf of the City of ' `i ami beach, Florida, on "this _2~rd_ day of July , A. L. l~)52. __ - V ._ yy Attestl _ k} S ~ t ~- lerk ,~: ~.~ ,~ ,~ a ~- Mate of Florida, County of pads. This instrument was d for record the__/~- da X952 ---------- at.~ ~a Y __._...~, - --------- - M. and duly recorded in_-__-.~ • ~~~ Boo --~- _ =-~--- __on Page_~~ 7File No. BS ~~a~ yC E. B. LEA7H.gRt,~tAN Clerk Circuit Court By~,, ~ :D.C OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY -CITY HALL -MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA