R5H 9/20/2001City of Miami Beach Folio Version 239 - City Clerk's Office September 20, 2001 /REGULAR AGENDA / R5 -Ordinances 3:06:11 p.m. R5H An Ordinance Amending Chapter 138 Of The Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Signs" By Amending Section 138-74 Thereof Entitled "Display Of Signs Or Advertisement On Parked Vehicles Prohibited" By Expanding The Prohibition Of Advertisement On Vehicles To Prohibit Advertising Vehicles Operating In Or Upon The Following Streets And Highways Under The City's Jurisdiction: All Of Ocean Drive And The Residential Area Bounded By And Including 6th Street On The South, North Lincoln Lane On The North, Lenox Avenue On The West, And Drexel Avenue And Pennsylvania Avenue On The East; Providing For Exemptions; Providing For Penalties; And Providing For Codification, Repealer, Severability, And An Effective Date. First Reading. (Planning Department) ACTION: Ordinance approved on first reading. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Mayor Kasdin; Ballot vote: 6-0; Garcia; Absent: Vice-Mayor Bower. Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for October 17, 2001. R. Parcher to notice. Lilia Cardillo to place on the agenda. Jorge Gomez to handle. City Clerk's Note: 11:30 a.m. Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Date printed: 08/20/2007 Time printed: 10:42:26 AM Source Database: C:\Data\folio4.2\Clerk239.nfo City of Miami Beach -City Clerk's Office Folio Version 239 October 17, 2001 /REGULAR AGENDA / R5 -Ordinances 12:52:35 am. R5F An Ordinance Amending Chapter 138 Of The Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Signs" By Amending Section 138-74 Thereof Entitled "Display Of Signs Or Advertisement On Parked Vehicles Prohibited" By Expanding The Prohibition Of Advertisement On Vehicles To Prohibit Advertising Vehicles Operating In Or Upon The Following Streets And Highways Under The City's Jurisdiction: All Of Ocean Drive And The Residential Area Bounded By And Including 6th Street On The South, North Lincoln Lane On The North, Lenox Avenue On The West, And Drexel Avenue And Pennsylvania Avenue On The East; Providing For Exemptions; Providing For Penalties; And Providing For Codification, Repealer, Severability, And An Effective Date. 11:30 A.M. Second Reading, Public Hearing. (Planning Department) (First Reading On September 20, 2001) ACTION: Public Hearing held. Ordinance Number 2001-3327 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner iebman ;seconded by Vice-Mayor Bower; Ballot vote: 7-0. R. Parcher to transmit to Municipal Code Corporation. Chief De Lucca to handle. City Clerk's Note: Roaming /roving Billboards Ordinance Handouts: 1. Notice of Ad in Miami Herald Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Date printed: 08/20/2007 Time printed: 10:42:14 AM Source Database: C:\Data\folio4.2\Clerk239.nfo CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 h ttp:\\ci.mi ami-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Neisen Kasdin and DATE: October 17, 2001 Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzale City Manager SECOND READING suB.lECT: Ordinance -Roaming Billboards AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 138 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "SIGNS" BY AMENDING SECTION 138-74 THEREOF ENTITLED "DISPLAY OF SIGNS OR ADVERTISEMENT ON PARKED VEHICLES PROHIBITED" BY EXPANDING THE PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISEMENT ON VEHICLES TO PROHIBIT ADVERTISING VEHICLES OPERATING IN OR UPON THE FOLLOWING STREETS AND HIGHWAYS UNDER THE CITY'S JURISDICTION: ALL OF OCEAN DRIVE AND THE RESIDENTIAL AREA BOUNDED BY AND INCLUDING 6TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, NORTH LINCOLN LANE ON THE NORTH, LENOX AVENUE ON THE WEST, AND DREXEL AVENUE AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE ON THE EAST; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Ordinance ANALYSIS An Ordinance amending the Land Development Regulations (LDR's) of the City Code to prohibit roaming advertisements on vehicles was referred to the Planning Board by the City Commission on July 12, 2000. The draft Ordinance was prepared by the staff of the City Attorney's Office for review by the Planning Board at its August 22, 2000 meeting. Review by City Advisory Boards The Transportation and Parking Committee discussed the original ordinance at its August 7, 2000 meeting. The Committee voted to urge the City Commission to enact legislation AGENDA ITEM DATE I~'~7~~ T:\AGENDA\200I~SEP2001\REGULAR\1471 CCME. WPD 346 Commission Memorandum September 20, 2001 Ordinance -Roaming Billboards Page 2 to restrict and regulate these types of vehicles within the South Beach Transportation Concurrency Management Area. The Planning Board discussed the proposed amending Ordinance at its August 22, 2000 meeting, and voted 4-3 to recommend approval. The Planning Board affirmed that the Ordinance should only apply to "advertising vehicles," and not apply to regular delivery trucks that happened to have signs painted on their exteriors. On November 29, 2000, the City Commission did not pass the Roaming Billboards ordinance (vote: 4-3 -five votes in favor required for passage). On September 5, 2001, the City Commission discussed the ordinance and requested that it be brought back for consideration at a public hearing. The Commission also discussed the possibility of amending the areas affected by the ordinance. Recently, there has been a marked increase of vehicles hauling trailers carrying large billboards or advertising signs on the roadways of the more crowded sections of the City. These "advertising vehicles", which often consist of nothing more than a large, brightly painted general advertising sign, present a problem in that they have the potential for creating additional traffic on the City's already crowded roadways, without fulfilling any transportation purpose other than to display general advertising. Currently, the City Code prohibits the display of signs or advertisement on parked vehicles, with certain exceptions. The exceptions are primarily for vehicles displaying identification of a firm or its principal products operating during the normal hours of business or parked at the owner's residence, or displaying political advertising signs for elections. This proposed Ordinance would extend this prohibition to moving "advertising vehicles" as described above. It would prohibit signs attached to or placed on an advertising vehicle in or upon any roadway in certain specified areas within the City in which the public has the right of travel. For purposes of this Ordinance, an advertising vehicle is defined as any wheeled conveyance designed or used for the primary purpose of displaying advertisements. Exemptions to this provision would be made for buses and taxicabs and for any vehicle which displays an advertisement or business notice of its owner, so long as such vehicle is engaged in the usual business or regular work of the owner, and not used merely, mainly or primarily to display advertisements. Political advertising is also exempted from the provisions of the ordinance, on constitutional grounds. Enforcement Enforcement of this ordinance will be the responsibility of the Code Compliance T: WGENDA~20011SEP2001~REGULAR11471 CCME. WPD 347 Commission Memorandum September 20, 2001 Ordinance -Roaming Billboards Page 3 Department, subject to the provisions of Chapter 30, Article III of the City Code. The penalties would fall under the provisions of Section 1-14, which provide for a fine not exceeding $500.00 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The proposed amendment which is before the Commission today would establish additional regulations upon the placement of signs or advertisements on vehicles in the Flamingo Park neighborhood and Ocean Drive, and is in the best interest of traffic regulation and aesthetic improvement. Based on the foregoing analysis, the Administration recommends that the Commission approve, on first reading, the proposed amending Ordinance to Section 138-74 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. Should the Commission decide, in the alternative, that the ordinance should apply only to Ocean Drive, the Commission may vote on amendments to the ordinance to achieve this purpose. Commission Action On September 20, 2001, the City Commission approved, on first reading, the Ordinance as proposed. J M G\C1GIC\,l~G\M L T: WGHNDA\20011SHP2001\RHGIJLAR\1471 CCME. WPD 348 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 138 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE ENTITLED "SIGNS" BY AMENDING SECTION 138- 74 THEREOF ENTITLED "DISPLAY OF SIGNS OR ADVERTISEMENT ON PARKED VEHICLES PROHIBITED" BY EXPANDING THE PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISEMENT ON VEHICLES TO PROHIBIT ADVERTISING VEHICLES OPERATING IN OR UPON THE FOLLOWING STREETS AND HIGHWAYS UNDER THE CITY'S JURISDICTION: ALL OF OCEAN DRIVE AND THE RESIDENTIAL AREA BOUNDED BY AND INCLUDING 6TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, NORTH LINCOLN LANE ON THE NORTH, LENOX AVENUE ON THE WEST, AND DREXEL AVENUE AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE ON THE EAST; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida find that it is in the best interest of traffic regulation and safety, and aesthetic improvement within the City to establish additional regulations and penalties regarding the placement of signs or advertisements on vehicles. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 138-74 OF THE CITY ODE. That Chapter 138, Section 138-74 entitled "Display of signs or advertisement on parked vehicles prohibited" of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 138-74. Display of signs or advertisement on-pztr~ke~ vehicles prohibited; exemptions; penalties. .~ Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle (including trailers) that is parked on public or private property shall be prohibited. This prohibition, however, does not apply in the following cases: 349 Identification of a firm or its principal products on a vehicle operating during the normal hours of business or parked at the owner's residence; provided, however, that no such vehicle shall be parked on public or private property with signs attached or placed on such vehicle for the purpose of advertising a business or firm or calling attention at the location of a business or firm. 2. Vehicles carrying advertising signs dealing with the candidacy of individuals for elected office. This exemption, however, shall cease seven days after the date of the election in which the person was finally voted upon. Vehicles carrying advertising signs, advertising propositions to be submitted and voted upon by the people. This exemption, however, shall cease seven days after the date of the election in which the proposition advertised was finally voted upon. 4. Vehicles which require governmental identification, markings or insignias of a local, state or federal government agency. 5. Signs that are authorized under Chapter 10-4(b) and 8A-276 of the Code of 'ami-Dade County. 6. All other signs on vehicles advertising a business or firm shall be removed or covered when the vehicle is parked on public or private property. 7. All allowable signs on vehicles which are removable are to be removed during nonbusiness hours. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an advertisi~ vehicle in or upon the followine streets and highways under the City jurisdiction• all of Ocean Drive and the residential area bounded by and including 6th Street on the south, North Lincoln Lane on the north Lenox Avenue on the west, and Drexel Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue on the east An advertising vehicle is any wheeled conveyance designed or used for the primar~nurpose of dishlaving advertisements. Advertisine vehicles shall not include or attach any trailers or haul any other vehicle or trailer. 1. This section shall not apply to: a. Any vehicle which displays an advertisement or busine notice of its owner. so long as such vehicle i engaged in the usual business or reeular work of the owner. and not used merely, mainlyprimarily to display advertisements; 2 350 b. Mass transit. public transportation (including, but not limited to, buses and the Electrowave~; ~. Taxicabs; or d. Anv vehicle exempted under Section 138-741a) above. j~ Penalties. A violation of the provisions of subsection (a) shall be subject to the enforcement procedures and fines set forth in Chapter 30, Article III of this Code A violation of the provisions of subsection (b) shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1-14 of thi Code. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERASILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION= It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. 351 PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 2001 ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F:WTTO\TURMORDINANC\ADVERVEH.R V8 9/12/01 4 _ ) Z- ity Attorney ~.. Date 352 cy --------- - r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that public hearinys will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, m Fbrida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on ° Wednesday, October 17, 2001, at the tunes Ilsted bebw, to consider the adoption of the following ordinances: V at 10:35 a.m.: ~ ' O y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIPANCE N0. 789. THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE, FOR THE GROUP I CLASSIFICATION, BEING THE 4 CLASSIFICATIONS COVERED BY THE MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFSCME LOCAL N0. 1554, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMEM; O ~ RETROACTIVELY INCREASING UN THE FIRST PAY PERIOD STARTING APflIL 23, 2001 THE MINIMUM OF THE RANGES BY APPROXIMATELY 14.6% AND THE ~ MAXIMUM OF THE RANGES BY 4% TO REFLECT THE CURRENT CLASSIFICATION AND PAY SYSTEM: INCREASING THE SALARY OF EACH EMPLOYEE, z RETROACTIVELY BY 4%EFFECTIVE WITH THE FIFlST PAY PERIOD STARTING ON OR BEFORE APRIL 23, 2001; BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES SHALL RECENE AN t'-" ACROSS THE BOARD INCREASE OF FOUR PERCEM (4%J WITH THE FIRST PAY PERIOD STARTING ON OR BEFORE APRIL 22, 2002, AND A f-0UR PERCEM (4%) V INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND THE MAXIMUM OF THE RANGES; AND AN ACROSS TI{E BOARD INCREASE OF FOUR PERCENT (4%) WITH THE FIRST PAY ~ PERIOD STARTING ON OR DEFORE APFlIL 30, 2003, AND A FOUR PERCEM (4%) INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND THE MAXIMUM OF THE RANGES; PROVIDING ~ FOR A REPEALER; SEVERABILCTY;000IFICATIONRND EFFECTIVE DATES. x Inquiries may be directed to the Human Resources Department at (305) 67&7524. . d at 10;40 a.m.: N AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III, OFTHE MIAMI BEACH CfTY CODE, EMITLED °AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES';AMENDING DIVISION 20. SECTION 2190.127 THEREIN, WHICtt ESTADUSHEOTHE MEMBERSHIP AND PURPOSE OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OVERffiGHT COMMITTEE; SAID m AMENDMEM CHANGING THE MEMBER FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE MEMDER FROM THE CITY'S HISTORIC g PRESERVATION BOARD, RESPECTIVELY, FROM NON-VOTING MEMBERS, TO VOTING MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; REPEALER; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquires may be directed to the Legal Oeparlrrrent al (305) 673-7470 at 10:45 a.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMF"NDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLOflIUA, AMENDING CHAPTER 118, "ADMINISTRATIVE AND REVIEW PROCEDURES," ARTICLE VIt,'1)IVISION OF LANDILOT SPLIT,' BV AMENDING SECTION 118321 'PFIOCEDUAE; BY EUMINATING THE REVIEW BY TI{E PLANNING DIRECTOR AND REQUIRING ALL REQUESTS FOR DIVISION OF LAND TO BE REVIEWED BY THE PLANNING BOARD; BY AMENDING SECTION I IB-323'APPEAL PROCEDURES; BY EUMINATING THE APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF TFIE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO THE PLANNING BOARD, AND DY CLARIFYING REVOCATION PROCEDURES; BY AMENDING "APPENDIX A, FEE SCHEDULE • AATICLEVII, DIVISION OF LANDA.OT SPLIT' BV ADJUSTINGTHE FEES PEITFINEM TO THESE PHOGEUUHES;PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION INTHE (:ODE OF THE CRY OF MIAMI DEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;AND AN EF-FECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed l0 8te Planning Departmental (305) 673.7550. at 10:50 a.m.: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CITY CODE, INCLUDING THE LAND OEVEL01'MENT REGl1LATI0NS. CONCERNING ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, AND INVOLVEMEM INTHE SELECTION OF PUBLIC AAT BY THE DESIGN REVIEW ANDTHE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARDS: AMENDING CHAPTER 82, ARTICLE VII, ART IN PUBLIC PLACES, DIVISION 1, SECTION 82.537, DEFWITIONS, TO ADD TWO MEMBERS OF 1FIE DESIGN REVIEW OFl HISTORIC PRESERVATION DOAADS TO THE PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, DEPENDING UPON THE LOCATION OF THE PROJECT ANU l l IE FlESPECTIVE BOARD'S JURISDICTION; AMENDINGSECTION 82-6121n PROVIDE THAT INTHE ABSENCE OF A PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THAT THE DESIGNATED DESIGNS REVIEW OR HISTORIC PAESERVAl10N BOARD MEMBERS SHALL SERVE AS SUCH COMMRTEE TO ADVISE THE AFTT IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE; AMENDING SECTIONS 11&71(2) AND 118-102(3)70 PROVIDE THAT THE JURISDICTION OFTFiE DESIGN REVIEW ANO HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARDS SHALL BE ADVISORY TO TFIE ART AND PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE ONTHE SELECTION OF WORKS OF ART, AND TO PFXWIDE TfiAT SUCH ADVICE BE PRUVIUED PRIOR TO THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; SEVERA6ILITV; REPEALER AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to Ure Arls. Cultural and Entertainment Doparhnent at (305) 673-75i 7. nl 10:55 a.rn.; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHMTER 138, "SIGNS' OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 130-8, SIGNS LOCATED ON THE UNDERSIDE OF AWNINGS OR CANOPIES;" TO CLARIFY THE REOUIREMEMS FOR AWNING SIGNS; AMENDING SEG. 138-10, 'SIGNS FOR LEGAL NONCONFORMING USES AND LEGAL NONCONFORMING SIGNS" TO INCLUDE PROVISIONS FOR RESTORATION AND AEPLACEMEM OF HISTORIC SIGNS: AMENDING SEC. 138-72,'PENNANTS, BANNERS, STREAMERS, FLAGS AND FLAGPOLES', TO INCLUDE PROVISIONS TO ALLOW REPLACEMENT OF HISTORIC FLAGS; AMENDING SEC. 136-139, "MAJOR CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS TEMPORARY BANNER' TO INCLUDE PROVISIONS FOR ALL CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS; PRW IOING FOA INCLUSION IN THE CWE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALER; SEVERABIUTY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. al 11:30 e.m.: AW ORDINANCE AMF.NUING GRAPIER 136 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE EMITLED °SIGNS" BY AMENDING SECTION 138-74 THEREOF ENTITLED 915PLAY OF SIGNS OH ADVERTISEMENT ON PARKED VEHICLES PROHIBITED" BY EXPANDING THE PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISEMENT ON VEHICLES 70 PflOH18R ADVERTISING VEHICLES OPERATING IN UR UPON THE FOLLOWING STREETS AND HIGHWAYS UNDER THE CITY'S JURISDICTION: ALL OF OCEAN DRIVE AND THE RESIDENTIAL AREA BOUNDED BY ANU INCLUDING 6TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, NORTH LINCOLN LANE ON THE NORTH, LENOX AVENUE ON THE WEST. ANO DREXEL AVENUE AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE ON THE EAST; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS; PRWIDING FOR PENALTIES: AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERADILI7Y; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. at 5:01 p.m.: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FMUAE LAND USE MAP OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY FORTHE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE "ALASKA' PARCEL. A PARCEL OF UNPLATTED LANDDF APPROXIMATELY 3.4 ACRES, LOCATED NORTHWEST OF SOUT}i POIME PARK, FROM THE CURRENT Mfl, MARINE RECREATIONAL, TO THE PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY CPS3, COMMERCIAI- INTENSIVE MIXED USE; DIRECTING TRANSMITTALS OF THIS ORDWANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMEMS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVEFTA&LI'TY; INCLUSION INTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. at 5:01 p.rn.: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP, REFERENCED IN SECTION 142-72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF A11AMI BEACH, FLOITIQA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE'A(ASKA' PARCEL, A PARCEL OF UNPLATfED LAND OF APPROXIMATELY 3.4 ACRES, LOCATED NORTHWEST OF SOUTH POINTE PARK, FFlOM THE CURREM MR, MAFlWE RECREATIONAL, TOTHE PROPOSED ZQNING CLASSIFICATION CPS-3 COMMERCIAL INTENSIVE MIXED USE, THEREBY If•1CREASING THE FLOOn AREA RATIO (FAR) FROM 0.25 AS PERMITTED INTHE MR ZONING DISTRICT, TO 2.50 FAR AS PERMITTED INTHE CPS-3 ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER;SEVEHABILITY;INCLUSION;ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Plaru~ing Department et (305) 673-7550. a1 5:25 p.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LANG DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF 1'HE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 142, 'ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS; BY AMENDING DIVISION 11 9~1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT; DY AMENDING SECTION 142.481 'PURPOSE," BY INCLUDING OFFICES: SECTION 142-A02, 8Y AMENDING SECTION 142481(2), "ACCESSORY USES; BY ELIMINATING ACCESSORY OUTDOOR BAR COUMERS AS AN ACCESSORY USE II•! THE I-I DISTRICT; BY AMENDING SECTION 142-005 "PROHIBAED USES; TO INCLUDE BARS, DANCE HALLS OR ENTERTAINMEM ESTABLISHMENTS NOT ALSO OPERATING AS RESTAURANTS AS PROHIBITED USES IN THE I-1 DISTRICT; BY AMENDING DIVISION 5. 'CO-2 COMMERCIAL, MEDIUM INTENSITY DISTRICT"SECTION 142302 "MAIN PERMIRED USES" BY CREATING AN OVERLAY DISTRICT IN THE PURDY AVENUEIDADE 8011LEVARD AREA PROHIBRING BARS, DANCE HALLS OR ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMEMS NOT ALSO OPERATING AS RESTAUITAMS: PROVIDNG FOR INCLUSION INTHE CCOE OFTHE CITY OF MIAMI DEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALEFl; SEVERABIUTY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to II ie Planniny Department at (305) 673-7550. M.L ItJTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear al this meePo>g, or he rapresented try an agent, or to express gteir views in waling addresses to the Gty Commission, do the City Clerk, 1700 Corrvernbn Center Drive. 1 sl Fkor, Ciry Nall, Miami Beach, Fbrida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are avaNaNe br public inspection during normal bushess hours in the CAy Clerk's Ollice, 1700 Cawenlbn Center Drive. 1s1 Floor. Ciry Hall, Miami Beadt, Fbrida 33139. This meohg maybe conlirtued and under such dreurnslances arJkTbnal legal rotice nooks lot be provided. , Fbbert E. Farther, City Clerk City d Miarrd Beach Pursuant !o Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the Ciry herehy edvisea the putAic that: II a person decides to appeal arty decision made by the Ciry Canmission vntll rasped to any master considered et its meeting or its headig, such person mrisF ensure Thal a verbatim record of the proceedngs is made, which record krdudes the testimony and evidence upm which Ste appeal is to be based. This nonce does rof coretihae consent by the Cily kx the InUOductlon or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it aulltaize challenges or appeals rtes otherwise alk»ved try krw. In accordance w0h the Americans wiUt Uisabdilies Add 1990, persons needng special eccormtodalion to particpate in this praeeding should toMacl the City Clerk's office na letter tltan lour days Aria b II>e proceecRng, Ie~Xtone (305) 6737411 for assistance; it hearing impaired, lefepflone the Fbride Relay Service numbers, (800) 955.8771 (TDD) or (800) 95587701VOICE), Icr assislanee. ~ . - _ ' ~ ~ ~ v o e z ~ r , , Ad449