Request 622 - City Clerk/Special Master RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. 622 1. AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) LISA MARTINEZ (305) 673 - 7000 Ext. 6578 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). ~ a. Destruction D b. Microfilming and Destruction D c. Other 4. f. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In No. No. Dates Cubic Feet GS1'" 236 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE 5 YRS 01/01/01 TO 12/31/01 /d.O !Tra0. SL FILES (Building, Code, Fire, and Administrative Hearings) 11- 25 COURT RECORDINGS (AUDIO/VISUAL) 5 YRS 01/01/01 TO 12/31/01 ,S- 1);;'-1/07 rlWS 25-A WITHOUT TRANSCRIPT 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Date 7. DISPOSA ERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been dispose . n the m~e~9t>n the date shown in column. . . ~ /L/;/M I Signat e ate ~p i: 0/JJ, Witness )t dian/Records Management Liaison Officer