Request 628 - Human Resources \, ; I " \ AGENCY NAME and ADDRESS Aty of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive HR and Risk Mgmt. Dept. Miami Beach, Fl. 33139 RECORDS DISPOSITION DOCUMENT NO. {,;)..rg PAGE OF 2. AGENCY CONTACT (Name and Telephone Number) Mayra D. Buttacavoli Director of HR/Risk Mgmt PAGES (305) 673 - 7000 Ext. 6481 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (specify only one). ~ a. Destruction 0 b. Microfilming and Destruction D c. Other 4. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully justified, and that further retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. "Qa?~ L-- )),;el!?d~ &,',;.].5'0~ ~ rjvp p- /i/!1"t.--p~ !c,v:' rr- ~. 'z.:, 'I Date f. g. a. b. c. d. e. Volume Disposition Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In Action and Dates Cubic Date No. No. Feet Completed After Authorization GS1- 24 Employment Application and Selection 2yrs 2000-2004 8.5 Destroy SL Records )1- 66 Personnel Records: 3yrs 2003 .25 Destroy roT OPSN olunteer/Intern/Temporary ) Employment GS1- Grievance Files 3yrs 2000-2002 .25 Destroy SL 110 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: Disposal for the above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown in column g. Signature Date Name and Title Witness I 1!' l' it i i /' ) ) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE GENERAL SCHEDULE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GS1-L agency's Personnel Office prior to destruction in case they want to review the records). See also "DRUG TEST CASE FILES," "EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION RECORDS," and other "PERSONNEL RECORDS." RETENT'ON: a) Record copy. 25 years after separation or termination of employment b) Duplicates. 1 year after termination of employment PERSONNEL RECORDS: NON-FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM Itemll182 This record series consists of an application for employment, resume, personnel action reports, directly related correspondence, oath of loyalty, fingerprints, medical examination reports, performance evaluation reports, worke(s compensation reports, and other related materiais that do not come under the Florida Retirement system (FRS). (Note: ContaCt your agency's Personnel Office prior to destruction in case they want to review the records). See also "DRUG TEST CASE FILES: "EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION RECORDS," and other "PERSONNEL RECORDS." RETENTION: a) Record copy. 50 years after termination of employment. . ~ DUPlicat~.:J~~rafl8l..l8~~nt....---~ .--- -- .,' .-.-- ] PERSONNEL RECORDS: OPSI VOLUNTEERSI TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT 1tem1188';/ This record series consists of all information relating to each O.P.S., volunteer or temporary employee within an agency. Also, records may include an employment application and/or resume, personnel action forms and any correspondence relating to that individual. Volunleer employment may include, but afe not limited to, name, address, and schedule of ! volunteer; training records; and emergency contact information. Temporary employment may include personnel from a / local employment agency. See also "EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION RECORDS," and/or other "PERSONNEL RECORDS." ----- ~~~;:~O~~TiivldeirapPITcaweaudiiShave t;;;~;",~~;;d~...'" ) b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost. .--.--- . P ftt!(.OROS. SeHEOtlLes- Ite~ 288 This record series consists of any scheduling documentation for shift or part time employees. These records may include hoUrs scheduled to work, the switching of hoUrs with another employee, the location or route of work assignment, and anticipated starting and ending times. RETENTION: . a) Record COpy. 1 fiscal year provided applicable audlls have been reteased. b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost. PETTY CASH DOCUMENTATION RECORDS ltemll 202 This record series consists of receipts, bills and monthly balanceS indicating amount needed for replenishing this revolving account. See also "ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECORDS: and/or "ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE RECORDS." RETENT'ON: a) Record copy, 3 fiscal years. b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost. POSITION DESCRIPTION RECORDS """'" 31 . This record series consists of specifically assigned duties and responsibilities for a particular position, which may Inclu&, but are not limited to, the identification of percentage breakdown of duties, job summary, essential job duties. job standaros, salary or pay range, education and experience requirements, required licenses/certificates, essenlial skills and qualifications, essential physical skilis and/or working conditions. RETENTION: a) Record COpy. 2 years after superseded provided applicable audits have been released. b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost. POSTAGE RECORDS IIemll133 This record series consists of a detalied Iisting/report showing the amount of postage used, dates used, unused balance and purpose. It also includes poslage meter books and daily balance sheets. The carbon copies from a Unlled Parcel Serlice, Federai Express Serlice or other type express mail package sent by one agency to another agency, or the public, would also fit within this series See also ..MAIL: REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED RECEIPTS: "MAIL: UNDELIVERABLE FIRST CLASS," andlor "MAILING LISTS." RETENTION: a) Record copy. 3 fiscal years provided applicable audits have been released b) Duplicates Retain until obsolete, superseded or adminlstralive value is lost. 7/0t 26 RU6-14-2007(TUE) 15:37 100 (FAX)305 417 18al P. 002/004 'r' .....~I,::;-J~~lItI1<t111Eft.'P.<I...."'IfaIl.I-II"I._...,_. !I.'EI."I!1'''''''''~''''''''''''r.' ",'" '" .. . :t,;/.:\Il~_:'lh' ~::t:/llCIm-W=:.:':" 'Il!:':"'f-'"!:':.i!Ii:i"I,!"I.,~. . I" ~" ,u . : , ',,'!l ,:.~:.". ~ .,", "'''f'',I;',.;:~ ~,'~: "J~ " ,..' ;: ~~..: '.; , " .;: ~,:, .,,: ':"'j ~ ." lljl11, ." i,~m; ~~ I . ~' :'O::.:'~ '. . . ~l'ltI"lIr.r ~, . ~I I.:tl~:.s -.. ;' ;.~,:.~ ~ !:ll.'.'ll~..:"'~~~ . '.,,' " I ~~ Ii' "&;ri . . 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BfJyl~4 Date 5195 NW 77th Avenue · MiamI. Florida 33166 " (305) 47'1..7386 · Fax (305) 477..1841 ''http://www.lntdd.com AU6-09-2007(THU) 16: 15 IDo (FAX)305 477 1841 P. 002/003 r...".:".~::,-~.!:~~..t!'rl:."~fr:-r~~'IWNl!l'II~J!IIIi~'I=l'-:"'W~~:a'''J.I'l:'.~' ,'fr. 'IJ~", .:",,, ......":;....:I'~~..I" ." '..'.': "",~" .:."::- ':~ 1I&Ir.......;:.... ..,'......... .... '''' ..:....,'" ,!."J tRN'.-rr'", . , . fl'l!I.. I.... ~:"'li~' ~,..~,." ._1 h:I,; '1f'-....1If..,'..."J'!dI1l...*";,.I:,,~.I!lQlf~.L,i1 ' I, '''.'I..r''l'' ",~ ~A~lfit,II!',.....hIIt'."_Ol.I\"'1 . r,A\I. Iif:\t ,. . I .. ~ ,~. .II"~' .,~ il'1.lfRKl;. .:!,., .;.. . "l"" ',;,.~.,." '~';' .':: ".. :.:" .~.~(,:.....-......., .:rJ:' ~t , r ::' ~ ~ ... :.~ ' .0 I "I.. "0' ....._, .'t..",.:~ ~ dt-'" illIrtJ:B.ij!'':I,.:;i#.I~.' ., "al' mt 'm=IJ"f~~'M"'" .....:.... 1 ". " f'" I ""~'~i,..... '.; .:. .:;t~.1I.1,r:I.'4~.~;.......1 .' t"'..1 ~!~~. ,I',,;,.;, . : ..' D . f ~'-'~'t.~m'. ...... .""j" h:... "m. '6'" ,":.~;.,';': :;.,.....~.~ ::~. ,1":..' .. .. .' , " . . '. .... I I tl. I II ' :. l ~ ~ ,~ ~!II"""I.,.I1:1. ,~i ~. .t.. .....,. i . . . ~~.I): 1f"I'!" . 11. .... ., .;;>I:_..1ft! '" ,,_.....~:J;i... ....-,._.. .._...._ B~. ...._~_.. S...~."...i((9.JN!." I . '., TO: PROM: City ofMhlmi Beach. International 'Data Oepobitory Middy hislar-4 y ~..~ SA-01 . SilYia Calderon 1245' MieBilflftftft",ve. t':~)Q covers1l(,W~1:!- S195N. W. 77tJi Avenue: Miami Bcacb, FL33139 K-t?- il~. Miami, FL33166 APPROVAL FOR RECORDS TO BE DISPOSED OF: RECORD DESCRIPTION I.m Bo)C~ - Pleusc see work order #258025 Total # of Boxe3: 8 7~/~ 8110 'Or ^:"OV.d~;afJlhll~) _D u.. CC"TDL TItle _UU'1~C\...(). ~o~~ Print Nnme ~O-1- Da,e CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION THE ABOVE RECORDS WERE DESTROYED ON: METHOD OF DESTRUCTION: SHREDDING Internatlonnl Dutu DCpD.itory Title 'ODte 5195 NW 77th Avenue · Miami. Florida 33168 · (305) 477.730a · Fax (905) 477-1841 . http://www.lntdd.C::Qm