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011-2007 ILEV/Hybrid Vehicle Pilot Parking Program
m MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM No. 011-2007 TO: Richard L. Steinberg, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~f''-.1 Mc~~~ " DATE: August 31, 2007 SUBJECT: ILEV/HYBRID VEHICLE PILOT PARKING PROGRAM At your suggestion, the Administration has reviewed a program that would provide parking incentives for owners of environmentally friendly vehicles. The review shows that several incentives are feasible and would require an amendment to the City's Parking Rate Ordinance (CMB Ordinance No. 2000-3267). Upon approval of the amendment, the Administration would implement a six month pilot program offering incentives to ILEV (Inherently Low Emissions Vehicles) and hybrid vehicle users to judge the effectiveness of a program. For the pilot program the City will use a list maintained by the Flordia Department of Highway Safety and Motor vehicles. The State maintains a list of vehicles that qualify as Inherently Low Emission Vehicles (ILEV). The significance of the ILEV list. is that beyond hybrid vehicles, the State recognizes other environmentally friendly vehicles such as compressed natural gas powered. The State of Florida recognizes these vehicles and issues them a registration and decal at cost of $5.65 enabling them to utilize HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes regardless of the number of passengers in the vehicle as an incentive for ILEV/hybrid vehicle use. The City's pilot program will use the State ILEV list to serve as a qualifer for participation in the program. Incentives to be offered to qualified and registered vehicles owners include: • Monthly parking permit holders for all facilities will be afforded atwenty-five percent (25%) discount on the monthly rate, reducing the fee from $720 to $540, equating to a $180.00 annual savings. • Residential permit holders in all designated zones shall receive atwenty-five percent (25%) savings on either their annual or semi-annual residential permit, equating to a savings of $12.50 to $62.50, contingent upon the zone. • A limited number of citywide on-street parking decals (500) honored at on-street metered spaces only would be available only to state registered ILEV vehicles. The cost of the Hybrid Citywide Decal would be $500.00 per year. For a daily use period of 15 hours (9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Midnight), this equates to an hourly parking rate of $0.09 per hour, a 91 discount from the $1.00 per hour rate. • 17th Street Municipal Parking Garage -The 17th Street garage will be used in the pilot program and if continued, the program will be expanded to other garages. In the 17th Street garage, one percent (1%) of the parking spaces shall be identified as "Hybrid Vehicle Parking Only" for use by recognized ILEV/hybrid vehicles. These parking spaces will be located in the most convenient parking spaces in the facility with onl~r disabled parking spaces being in more convenient and accessible locations. The 17 Street Municipal Parking Garage has 1,460 spaces; therefore, one percent or 15 parking spaces will be designated as "Hybrid Vehicle Parking Only"." Note: *ILEV/Hybrid vehicle spaces will be progressively enforced to ensure compliance; however, during major events, the ILEV/Hybrid Vehicle Program may be temporarily discontinued for those specific event dates in order to ensure maximum utilization of all parking spaces. At the time of a permit purchase, the Parking Department will qualify a vehicle from the State ILEV list and apply the appropriate program incentive or permit discount. By dealing with incentives in this fashion, the City will not need to issue a variety of decals for the various permits and enforcement will be simplified. If a permit holder has a State decal it will be recognized at the reserved parking spaces. If a permit holder qualifies and does not have a State ILEV decal, the City will also issue a decal to indicate a qualifying vehicle. Expansion and/or additional incentives may be introduced once the pilot program is evaluated for its effectiveness. Also, Hybrid Vehicle Parking Only may also be expanded to additional parking garages upon completion of the pilot program. In the long term, if the program is continued, the number of hybrid vehicles will be monitored to determine the overall percentage of hybrids in the City to gauge when the program has achieved its goal and when it might be appropriate to decrease or suspend all or part of the program. JM F F:\ping\$ALL\Saul\HybridPilotParkingProgram Itc(3).doc ~ o n f~*1 i~n r 't? ~ 1 ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ O 'Tl ..r.t ! ~? ~ .C' ar~oaooaoaaooaa©ooaogotanczoac~aaQ ~~~~~~~~~t~oc~c~o°ca~~ac~lr~t~tr€r~~(~OCtrQG mmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmm~nmmmcaaam}usmmmra S Z 2 S S T S S 2 T= S S X rS ~~ 2~ S Z=~~ T=~~~~ GL [i. 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