Jonah Wolfson candidate letter~ ~ ~ € ~,~ ~` ~~~ x~ -~~} Y-F sad s`~ti~.taa`. ~s~.~~:. ~ :~- ~ . - ~:. :.. ~: ::-~ ..: '..- .`.., ._ . _,_:, ~. . -_-. _ - .. ..., ,_ ~.. - .. - _) ... ,1 .., ... .. .. ~7 ~'l,'l.C.'ri E.iCr ~. V. 0~~,.i ~C~f ~cf3C?11.1~~F, :~€', SS~tG;T"(k`~~r ~` ~. ~iJC ~ t,~t;~ ~-.''€t~f ;fif'.f?Z ~ Cff~G~ ~i~tl{IBGt ~aG'(1 Co~lLjidt~2,i~ ~y t~'~~ErF;Onc ~ ~e"f. cil`iafE, fJ~ the ;;andi~~tz Pr~s~~Etatior, ti-ia#~~. and r~~u~5±°~ you res~rv~ !~"lcanday, ~ctsal~er 1 ~r Tuesday, C~~r~~ier ? d~~~r:ding on your sc!~aedu~ed rehe~zr5~l date. This is ~~,i's' neae~sary Ef you are plarrni~;~ a~~ ~arisri~ati~-~9 and ~,`~nring ~~~ ustr?g thR City's te[eprc~m~t~r. [,1 aciiaiti~n. ~dn~~tia~r, ~cto~er 3 has ~eur, r~s~rv~e! ficEr the li~~'"° taping a~ the ~~~ididate r~r~se~^i~tir~n ~'~!rsua«t to ~~sai:~tican Ufa. 243'7-613, tie Maarri E~aah City C~n~n~issE~c~ ~uthariz~d the C~r~~#ic3ate ~r~s~^tatiMr~ t~ ~ vi~~ota~ect aid b~~oa;~cast an {~~c~T'~~~ Chann~i '7 ~ttueh~~~t ~~~.' is t~~ uandidat~ ~'r~s~E~tattsan C~#idlin~s. ~t~a~~ r~~r~a~r ~~€~ gcai~elir~es s~arefully ar~d st~o~.€icf you l1a~e arty questions, ~l~as~ cal! m~ irnme~iiately_ Tl~e 4:arMdit3at~ ~~~arsa! arpc! Presen~a~ic~r;, tunes ~r~ 6iste~ €sc~ J~tt~chrrerst "~-" _ ~:l~sE~ ctae~k thy: ~ ro riate Eacs•x si n ar~d date where i~~~~icatecl ar~d Fes( mail. ert~ail ar ~Sar'~l ~ieli~~er try t!-ie 4~i Glerlc's 4:3f18~~ n~ later tt€ar~ nE~a ~~ tetkaer 2~' . '~` yC"~ii `38~::< ~tirthcE' ;r7~~Y'fTlati~rE t7r aSSl~t~, ~C~- l3i~r~~c C~~? fl~s`: h?S'str~t~E t~s iaf`tiaCt il`i+ ;3ifl~e'rt~'i~`. ~'0~7~:f i ~ ~ar~ h~~ 45f~1 'vi~r!~. j locate it aaE~ ire sntereste~ ij, ;4;sin~s the City's tei,~prcrr€~SEer, y~Ea ;~~ESt ps~vtrie y~#.ar ~;rvs'i telepsampter ~~aeratcr ~~~d drir,g your scri~at, in text ~ars-naf. ~n a CD. G~,~Q ar rnema~.~ sti~:lc or; ta~ath yaur rehe~rsa! ray are the day E~~ "five 5hu~ting. --,~ ~ ~c~r~ffrrra rr~~ aene~~rt~~, arpe# fLL e ustnc~ Otte Cecy's Tele~rc~rrt~ter ~~s.~ursies ~tter~dar~ce .each a'~ys} -- 1 ~4~ffrrn ,rray atcesadarsce, a~aa` wi11 N4~T ~e ~s:~in~ t~se 4.~sty'~ Te6~~ar~rrapter ~__ f Ee~ritl 4~~ tae {~r~serttin~ '~ ` y-~~ --_.--- - .~nCtuc~~ ~i~n~ture ~f ., iv~la-tyGf ~'a`s'I't~ Lxes'~PTT~I c~nJ'"" !'R'j~Ri~3~'~~ CT stE' CEty C4•I1 it ~Ii.~7~EV r' ,1~r~~ ~ar,3al~z. C€ty iv~ar,agcr i~ild~ Fern~E~de?. A~sist~3;t C;t~,, Manages ~8i~'