Office Account Report DS-DE 48OFFICE ACCOUNT REPORT (Section 106.141, F.S.) (PLEASE TYPE) Name Office to Which Elected Address City State Zp Code Name of Bank Address City State Zip Code This report contains pages of Deposits and Disbursements, upon which I have written my initials covering the period of through Balance on hand at beginning of reporting period Deposits during reporting period Disbursements during reporting period Balance on hand at end of reporting period I, S s is complete, true and correct. X certify that this report Signature of Elected Official OS-DE 48 (Rev. 9/95) OFFICE ACCOUNT DISBURSEMENT OR DEPOSIT INFORMATION (PLEASE TYPE) AMOUNT DATE NAME AND ADDRESS PURPOSE Disbursement Deposit ~. ELECTED OFFICIAL'S INITIALS TOTAL TOTAL DS-DE 48A (Rev. 9/95)