LTC sampleRF~:Ff VFQ m MIAMIBEACH pFFICE C)F THE CITY MANAGER Nfl. LTC # 229-2087 2007 0Ci' 22 Ate f0~ 48 CITY CLEf~;;'S OFFICE LETTER TO COMM1SSlON Tp: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: Qctaber 19, 2007 SUBJECT: Specia12009 Election Ballot Issues Deadlines - REVISED Qn July 13, 2007, via LTC 166-2007 (see attachment "A"), the City Commission was advised of the deadline dates to place items} on the 2008 election ballots (January 29, August 26, and November a>. On October 17, 2007, the City Clerk was notified by the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections that the deadline dates for the 2008 elections were being revised (See attachment "B"). Please Hate that pursuant to the Miami-Dade Elections Department the deadline to rescind a resolution placing a ballot question an the January 29, 2008 elections is November 20 .(See attachment "C"). JMG R/Ih G: Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager Robert Middaugh, Assistant Gity Manager Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager Patricia Walker, Financial Chief Officer Dolores Mejia, Specie! Pra~ects Administrator, Jose Smith, City Attorney. Jean Qlin, Deputy City Attorney.. F:\GLER\CLER\FCIRMSIRevised 20Q8 Electicr~rs Ballet Issues Deadlines.[tc..dcsc /~TT~C N ~u~N"~ " ~~~ ?~ MIAMIBEACH OffICE Of THE CITY MANAGER NO. t.TC # ibb-20fl7 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager .~ DATE: July 13, 2007 SusaECT: DEADLINE DATES TO PLAGE AN ITEM{S} ON THE 2008 ELECTION BALLOTS 2448 ELECTIONS BALLOT ISSUES DEADLINES eo~m cwEaTar~s, ~. ~ ~ ~ , ,._: ~~ , . LtIT : ~ s ~,~, ! , 370 THE ~ ~ ~~ . ~~- + DNdilm fA Rseolutlon or L ~ _. oitlEt ~ ~_- ;, . _ pRESIDENTFAL t~CE p~ Between No later than No lamer than Odotror j ar~d ~ ~ November 30, 2007 Norromber 30, 2007 Pay 2007 J 29 2008 Passed t3etNeeen No tats than Jane 27, 2008 No later than Juno 27, 2008 EtJEC710N r4prB 28 and June 2T, 2008 Au ust28 2008 t3ENERAL ~~ Bahaosn No later than September 5.2408 No later than September 5, 2008 ~ July T and September 5, 2008 November 4 2008 1~'~~ JMGtREP ~ C: Hilda Femandea, Assistant City Manager ~ Tim Nemstreet, Assistant City Manager ~ `~ Ramiro Inguanzo, Chief of Staff -'*'- --- ' rTl Dolores Mejia, Specie! Pro~Cts Administrator ~ Q Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager v'~ s• C ' Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney o ~ i f7 Jose smith, city Attorney T+ ~ C7 Patricia Walker, Chief Financial Officer ,~; w F:~LERVClERrFORMS12008 Election dsadNrros t.kc.doc REVISED SPECIAL ELECTIONS 2008 BALLOT ISSUES DEADLINES If a municipality wishes to conduct a special election along with one of the countywide elections listed below, a Resolution or Ordinance to call a Special Election must be_passed no less than 60 no more than 120 days prior to the date of the election. However, in order to meet the new State mandated deadlines to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters, the deadline to submit aresolution/ordinance to the Elections Department must follow the revised dates listed below. Please notify the Supervisor of Elections for approval prior to passing a resolution or ordinance calling for a special election. The following schedule deadlines must be followed: :.CHARTER AMENDMENTS DEADLINE TO SUBMIT BOND QUESTIONS, RESOLUTION! Z00$ STRAW BALLOT QUESTIONS, QRDINANCE TO THE ELECTIONS OT~R PRt?POSAI:,S, OR SPECIAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE* ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT dose to ass Resotutfnn or Orditna~ace PRESIDENTIAL No later than No later than PREFERENCE PRIMARY November 6, 2007 November 6, 2007 Janu 29, 2008 PRIMARY ELECTION *No later than June 20, 2008 No later than June 20, 2008 Au st 2b, 2008 GENERAL ELECTION *No later than August 22, 2008 No later than August 22, 2008 November 4, 2008 * For candidate elections, qualifying dates must not exceed the tune 20 2008 and August 22, 2008 deadlines as listed above. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Zeida Reyes, Elections Coordination Manager, at 305-499-8405 or a-mail zeidar(a~miamidade.aov zR: tortaro~ Page 1 of 2 20018 Ballot Issues Deadlines Schedule -REVISED ~ l T~ C ~ rn~ r t ~ ~ ~/ Percher, Robert From. Sota, Lester {Elections) {SOLAL(c~miamidade.gav] Ssnt: Thursday, October i$, 2007 6.07 PM Ta: Percher, Robert; Reyes, Zelda {Elections) Subject: RE: 2008 Ballot {sues Deadlines Schedule -REVISED Yes, that is correct. November 20~' is the last day for anything to be done. Lester Sola Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade County Elections Department 2700 NW 87 AVE Miami, FL 33172 305-499-8509 (office) 305-499-8501 (fax) www.miamidade.ctovielections "Delivering Excellence Every Day" "Con Excelencia, Dia Tras Dia" "Live Bon Kalize Sevis Chalc Jau" Miami-Dade County is a public entity subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes concerning public records. E-mail messages are covered under such laws and thus subject to disclosure. From: Percher, Robert [mallto:RobertParcher@miamibeachfl.gov] Serrt: Thursday, Cktober 18, 2007 8:19 AM To: Reyes, Zeida (Elections}; Sofa, Lester (Elections} subject: RE: 2008 Ballot Issues Deadlines Schedule -REVISED Lester, regarding the revised deadline dates can you confrm that Nov 20 is still the last date to pass a resolution canceling a Social Election on January 29, which remaves the question from the ballot. Thanks Bab MIAMIBEACH Robert Karcher, City Clerk CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1700 Convention Center Qrive, M9iami Besch, FL 33133 Tet: 305-673-7411 P Fax: 305-673-7254 / vmw miamitx,~S~f{.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 10/I9/2007