ACM RR#338811/16/200? 1:39 PM FROM: Fax TO: 913056737259 FASE: 001 OF G02
Attn: Mr. Robert Pazcher
Dept: City Clerk
Municipality: Miami Beach, FL
Phone No: (305)673-7000 Ext-6451
Fax No: (305)673-7254
Date: 11/16/2007
Subject: Request for Public Records
Dear Mr. Parcher:
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We are an auditing firm located in the Washington D. C. area. AMC is attorney-in-fact
for most of the major oil companies, numerous fast food chains, eighty-five percent of the
national builder-developers, and many of the national retail department stores, as well as
many telecoimnunications and cable companies. We also serve as contractors for several
national financial institutions, including the FDIC. Pursuant to the state public records
law, please consider this to be AMC's request for the public records described below.
AMC requests any financial spreadsheet, ledger or other record of the active cash and
cash-convertible sureties and escrow accounts maintained by local agencies for financial
osited with them by companies and persons to ensure
com etion of rivate-sector residential and commercial construction ro'ects in your
area. Please show only open accounts or t e cas an cas -convertible sureties, stale-
~atec~ checks, deposits, and other securities that have not been refunded to the payee.
Such sureties could have been taken in any or all of the forms of performance and
payment guarantees described on the following page, and are often recorded in ledger or
spreadsheet format within the agency that initially accepts same from developers and
builders. I do not seek records of non-negotiable third-party sureties (e.g., letters of
credit, bonds), the release of which will not restore money to AMC's clients' accounts.
The norm in the construction business is to deposit such sureties (whether they be work
deposits, performance bonds, payment guarantees, or similar securities) with municipal
agents when site and development plans are filed, and a record of each deposit (and,
where applicable, subsequent reductions and/or refunds of same) usually is prepazed by
the City recipient. Consequently, although the City's chief financial officer eventually
receives at least a general accounting of all of the sureties deposited with every City
agency, any City agency that accepts such construction sureties (e.g., Engineering, Public
Works) is likely to have a more detailed "infra-agency" financial accounting, which often
is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet that can be retrieved and passed along as an email
attachment. That being the case, you will probably find it helpful to distribute this
request to the local departments and agencies that typically require or record surety
deposits, such as Finance, Comptroller, Auditor, Public Vlorks, Transportation (or
Highway), Engineering, Community Development, Economic Development, Plaiuiing
12841 Fitzwater Drive ~ lvokesville • VA 20181-2734 • (703) 594-3100 ~ Fax (703) 594-2187
11/16/2007 1:39 PM FROM: Fax TO: 913056737259 PAGE: 002 OF 602
~° sset anagement ansu tams
and Zoning, Parks and Recreation, and Arborist. The surety deposits typically are
maintained within accounts, records and ledgers that local departments and agencies
might refer to as Escrows, Trusts, Security Deposits, Cash Bonds, and Performance and
Maintenance Bonds.
What follows is a list of some performance guarantees, escrows, sureties, and deposits
that typically n~ be required in your area, bt~t this listing might not describe all of the
types of securities your jurisdiction might require and hold:
1. Subdivision
2. Sidewalk/Curb
3. Landscaping
4. Conservation
5. Monuments
6. Winter Handling
7. Maintenance
8. Temporary Trailer
9. Grading/Paving
10. Lights
11. Signs'Temporary Signs
12. Wetlands Conservation
13. Demolition 19. Trees
14. Earth Moving 20. Seeding
15. Street Opening 21. Erosion
16. Right of Way 22. Tap Fees
17. Storm Sewer 23. Hydrant
18. Impact Fees 24. Driveway
The recordsAMC seeks should contain such specific identifiers as:
1. Deposit Date and Amount
2. Purpose of Deposit
3. Project Block & Lot Number
4. Project Tract Number
5. Escrow Account Number
6. Bond Account Number
7. Depositor Name and Address
8. Project Number and Address
9. Project Parcel Map Number
10. Project Permit Number
11. Bond Number
12. Check/Warrant Number
Please advise me by telephone, fax or email of your estimate of any costs associated with
your fulfillment of our records request prior to your incurring same. If you have
questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience.
Toll-free: (800) 336-1857
James A. Bledsoe
Asset Management Consultants
12841 Fitzwater Drive • Nokesville • VA 20181-2734 • (703) 594-3100 • Fax (703) 594-2187