Towing Permit Amendment 11
NO. 11
Beach Towing and/or Tremont Towing from here on referred to as Permittee shall provide
its own two-way radio or approved alternate equivalent communication system. In addition
it shall provide the Parking Department with a radio to communicate with its company. The
communication system shall be between the Permittee's base station and service trucks
utilized in providing towing service for the City.
The Permittee shall have available outside storage for a minimum of one hundred (100)
vehicles-. Said storage area will be enclosed in accordance with applicable zoning
requirements to assure maximum security for impounded vehicles. Permittee shall surround
the storage facility with a chain-link fence or solid wall type fence at least six (6) feet high.
The storage facility shall be sufficiently illuminated to reveal persons and vehicles at a
distance of at least ISO feet during night time. All vehicle keys shall be secured separately.
The Permittee shall provide a completely enclosed inside storage area (solid walls. roof and
access door) for at least five (5) vehicles. Said area will be secured from unauthorized
persons. The City shall designate temporary storage if necessary where towing is required
for special events. In the event all storage facilities of any Permittee are filled to capacity.
the Permittee shall NOT be relieved of responsibility to perform and is required to make such
arrangements for storage as will fulfill the requirements of the City. All storage space used
which is not listed in the original application must meet the requirements of the permit. No
storage space or area shall be used unless prior written approval is obtained from the Miami
Beach Police Department or Parking Department. Storage must be within the City limits of
Miami Beach for a minimum of seven (7) days, after which vehicles may be removed to a
facility, meeting the requirements of the contract, outside the City limits of Miami Beach but
within Dade County, Florida. Any vehicles with a "police hold" or vehicles which are
recovered stolen shall not be stored outside the city limits of Miami Beach. Permittee may
not charge an additional towing fee for removal of any vehicle from the city limits of Miami
Beach for storage. An owner claiming a vehicle stored outside the city limits of Miami
Beach shall be given the option of free transportation to its vehicle or having its vehicle
returned to the Permittee's Miami Beach storage facility without charge. Unless otherwise
instructed by the City Manager or its designee, all vehicles towed at the request of a parking
enforcement specialist or the police department are to be stored at the Permittee's storage
facility. No storage charges shall be applicable for any vehicles which, at the request of the
City Manager or its designee, are stored at a City facility. The Permittee shall have a
permanent on-premises offiee which shall be staffed on a 24-hour basis by at least one
employee or security guard. Permittee shall provide security on the premises in the form of
one or more of the following: night watchman or dispatcher, dog, cameras, or security guard
Vehicles impounded with an evidence hold, investigative hold order, confiscations hold, or
other "police hold" pursuant to Miami Beach Police Department instructions, may be stored
for a period of up to five (5) working days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and City of Miami
Beach observed legal holidays, at no charge for regular storage for the first five (5) days or
until the "police hold" is released, whichever occurs first. After that time, if the vehicle
needs to be held (police hold) for a longer period of time, the Miami Beach Police
Department may have the vehicle removed by the Permittee to a city storage facility (City
of Miami Beach Police Department), without charge to the City.
After the first five (5) days (excluding holidays and weekends) of storage are exhausted, the
Miami Beach Police Department shall provide the Permittee written notification to continue
the hold and either remove the vehicle or retain the vehicle at the Permittee lot. If the
Permittee does not receive that written notification to continue the hold, the Permittee may
release the vehicle to the owner/lienholder in accordance with FS 713.78. The Permittee
shall notify the Miami Beach Police Department of an impending release of a vehicle with
a police hold prior to releasing the vehicle to the owner. If the Miami Beach Police
Department has the vehicle removed from the Permittee's lot. and the vehicle is subsequently
released to the owner, the owner will be responsible for the initial tow and storage for the
number of days the vehicle remained at the Permittee's lot. This will not include the tow to
or from the City storage facility. However, if the Miami Beach Police Department chooses
to have the vehicle remain at the Permittee's lot. the Miami Beach Police Department shall
be responsible for any storage charges incurred after the initial five (5) days (excluding
holidays and weekends). The towing and storage rates charged to an owner/lienholder shall
not exceed the rates that would be charged to the Miami Beach Police Department. When
the Miami Beach Police Department orders a vehicle involved in a criminal investigation to
be towed to the police station, or a location other than the Permittee's lot, the towed vehicle
may be released from such location to the ownerllienholder upon approval by a police
supervisor. Under this procedure, the Miami Beach Police Department agrees to pay for such
tows so ordered.
All Police Holds must include the following:
I. Name and agency of the Law Enforcement Agency.
2. Date and time the hold is placed on the vehicle.
3. A general description of the vehicle, including color, make,
model, body style and year, VIN, registration plate with state
and year. and validation sticker number with state and year.
4. The specific reason for placing the hold.
S. The condition of the vehicle.
6. The location where the vehicle is being held.
7. The name, address and phone number of the tow company storage
facility .
:tL In cases where a vehicle has a " oolice hold" pursuant to a violation of section 106-3 I 3 of
the Code of the City of Miami Beach- the Vehicle Imooundment Ordinance- Pennittee a~s
to reduce removal. towing and storal!e charl!es when ordered bv the City's snecial master in
cases where the special master finds that the City did not establish nrobable cause at the
preliminary or final hearing: and/or when the soecial master detennines the existence of a
meritorious defense or financial hardshio. In anv case. Pennittee shall receive a minimum
of $20 00 for each vehicle removed nursuant to this violation. In accordance with paral!ranh
2.1. after the first five davs of stora~e. or sooner ( excludinl! Saturdavs Sundavs and
observed lel!a1 holidavs). all vehicles imnounded for a violation of the Vehicle Impoundment
Ordinance shall also be removed by Permittee to the Police Department without charl!e.
The Permittee shall provide storage for impounded vehicles in the outside enclosed area
unless specific written instructions are given for inside storage by the impounding officer,
or vehicle owner. If so required for proper processing for investigative purposes, the
Permittee shall move the vehicles to a designated area within the City of Miami Beach for
processing prior to storage. at no additional charge to the City of Miami Beach or to the
vehicle owner. In any such instance, the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Police
Department shall not be held responsible for making sure that arrangements have been made
for towing and storage prior to release of an impounded vehicle by the City or the Police
Department. All such vehicles shall be first returned to the Permittee's property, and then
only the fee for the original tow shall be charged.
FS 713.78 (7) iC requires that when the Miami Beach Police Department requests a vehicle
to be removed from an accident scene, street, or highway. the department shall conduct an
inventory and prepare a written record of all personal property found in the vehicle before
the vehicle is removed by the Permittee. The Permittee shall assume total responsibility
to ensure that an impounded vehicle shall remain in the same condition and retain the same
equipment at time ofrelease that it had at the time it was impounded. The Permittee shall
also assume responsibility for any article(s) of value left in the vehicle and listed on the
Vehicle Storage Receipt. The Permittee shall replace any equipment andlor article upon
verification of the loss by the designated investigative agency representing the City ofMiarni
Beach. If. at the option of the officer at the scene, the vehicle requires special weather
protection, it will so note it on the Vehicle Storage Receipt. and the Permittee shall be
required to cover the vehicle completely with a weatherproof material and shall be allowed
to charge the sum of fifty cents ($.50) per day for this service.
The Permittee shall not change the type of storage (inside and/or outside) or storage location
without written approval of the Miami Beach Police Department PEP (pelice r:.ilkliee
p[OI'~rly) WJ:.[. (Pronertv Mana~ement Unit) Supervisor or authorized its designee prior
to any such change.
All requests for tow service and removal of traffic hazards shall be made by a parking
enforcement specialist or through the Miami Beach Police Department. When more than one
permit is in effect, the dispatching unit of either the Parking Department or the Police
Department will assign each tow to Permittee on a rotating basis, alternating every tow. The
Miami Beach Police Department reserves the right to cancel a request for services of a
participating Permittee at any time including up to the time of hookup. The Permittee agrees
that the mere response to a service call scene without other action does not constitute a
service for which charges are applicable. Except in situations where a vehicle has a "police
hold" per paragraph 2.1, if the registered owner or other legally authorized person in control
of the vehicle arrives at the scene prior to the removal or towing of the vehicle. the vehicle
shall be disconnected from the towing or removal apparatus, and that person shall be allowed
to remove the vehicle without interference upon payment of a reasonable service fee of not
more than one half of the posted rate for such towing service for which a receipt shall be
given, unless that person refuses to remove the vehicle which is otherwise illegally or
unlawfully parked. In those situations where immediate removal of a legally parked vehicle
is necessary in the interest of public safety due to a fire, storm, flood, crime scene, or other
emergency reason and upon authorization of a commanding officer or supervisor of the
Miami Beach Police Department. the Permittee shall remove said vehicle to the nearest
public parking area available at no cost to the City or to the owner of the vehicle. If a request
for a tow which involves the removal of a vehicle or boat which is located under water is
made by the Miami Beach Police Department, the tow company shall provide underwater
divers t-o handle the hook-up of such vehicle or boat.
The Permittee shall respond to requests for Police or Parking Department service through
Miami Beach Police Department Communications Bureau within a reasonable period of
time. The Permittee shall respond within twenty (20) minutes of receipt of request for service
or notify the Police Communications Bureau of the estimated time of delay and the reasons
thereof. In the event of delay the parking enforcement specialist or the Miami Beach Police
Department retains the right to cancel such a request for service and to use the services of
another Permittee.
The Permittee shall make available on a 24-hour. 7-day a week basis attendants and
equipment for the immediate response to calls for service from a parking enforcement
specialist or from the police department. In addition, the Permittee shall make available
adequate personnel to staff its facility 24.hours, 7-days a week for the purpose of dispatching
calls and releasing towed vehicles to owners.
After arrival at a scene, the tow truck operator shall remove any hazards or debris from the
street and impound such vehicles as requested by the parking enforcement specialist or"police
officer. It is the duty of the parking enforcement specialist or the police officer on duty to
determine when a vehicle should be impounded, and the tow truck operator shall abide by
its decision.
The parking enforcement specialist or police officer on the scene will be responsible for
obtaining the information required for the Vehicle Storage Receipt. The wrecker driver shall
not remove a vehicle from the scene without a copy of the Storage Receipt. The Permittee
shall be responsible for notifying the registered owner or its agent, and any lienholder, via
certified mail, return receipt requested of the whereabouts of the vehicle within 24 hours of
impoundment if all necessary information has been supplied on the Vehicle Storage Receipt.
If, at the time of impounding, the name and address of the registered owner and lienholder,
if any is not available. it shall be the responsibility ofthe Parking Department or the Police
Department to provide this information to the permittee upon request. The Permittee shall
obtain such information from the Parking Department or from the Police Department within
five (5) days from the date of storage and shall notify the registered owner or its agent, and
any lienholder, of the location of the vehicle within seven (7) days, excluding Saturday and
Sunday, from the date of storage. Notice shall be by certified mail, return receipt requested
and shall be complete upon mailing. Telephone notice shall also be given when possible.
If the state of registration is unknown. the Permittee shall make a good faith best effort in so
notifying the owner and any lienholder, and such notice shall be given within a reasonable
period oftime from the date of storage. "Good faith best effort" means the following checks
have been performed by the Permittee to establish prior state of registration and for title:
1. Check of vehicle for any type of tag, tag record, temporary tag, or regular tag.
2. Check of law enforcement report for tag number, if the vehicle was towed at the
request of a law enforcement officer.
3. Check of trip sheet or tow ticket of tow truck operator to see if a tag was on vehicle
lit beginning oftow, if private tow.
4. If there is no address of the owner on the impound report, check of law enforcement
report to see if an out-of-state address is indicated from driver license information.
5. Check of vehicle for inspection sticker or other stickers and decals that may indicate
a state of possible registration.
6. Check of the interior of the vehicle for any papers that may be in the glove box,
trunk, or other areas for a state of registration.
The Permittee shall maintain a separate log of vehicles in which the owner or lienholder
cannot be determined at place of business listing date, time and method of notification.
location towed from. and total towing and storage charges.
Permittee agrees to allow the registered owner of an impounded vehicle or the registered
owner's agent or insurance representative, upon proper identification, to view said vehicle
on the premises of Permittee. Permittee shall allow every vehicle owner or authorized
representative to inspect the towed vehicle within a reasonable time upon hislher arrival at
the storage facility and before payment of any charges. The vehicles owner or authorized
representative shall be permitted to remove from the vehicle any and all personal possessions
not affixed to the vehicle, including but not limited to telephones, tapes, tools, etc., and
Permittee shall assist any vehicle's owner/agent in doing so. Vehicle owner/authorized
representative shall acknowledge receipt of such property on a form provided by Permittee.
The Permittee shall directly release any vehicle to its owner or custodian upon payment of
appropriate fees due within thirty (30) minutes of payment. The Pennittee shall directly
release any vehicle which has not been marked "police hold", provided the proper proof of
identification and ownership is presented. Any vehicle towed, which is marked "police hold"
must be released in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 2.] Permittee shall
release any vehicle towed at the request of the Police Department P .E.P. (pelicc C. ilkllee
PrGpw}) P.M.U. (Pro9ertv Management Unit) Supervisor or its designee only to the person
whose name appears on the title or registration certificate as the registered owner of the
vehicle, or to the authorized agent of such person. Persons who make application for the
release of such a vehicle shall be required to produce proof of ownership by presentation of
a title or registration and photo identification, and where applicable, proof of agency. A
photocopy of the identification used for the release shall be attached to the yellow copy of
the vehicle storage receipt. This information shall be clearly legible. All motor vehicles
which have not been claimed must be disposed of according to state and county laws. The
Permittee will be required within three (3) days after a sale. or if a title is surrendered for
payment, to submit a detailed listing of the vehicle identification number of the vehicle, tow
receipt number. police case number, year, make, model of vehicle, monies' received,
purchaser's name, address and local telephone number. In the event that the vehicle is
"junked" the permittee shall provide the Miami Beach Police Department with a copy of the
certificateof destruction as required by state law. This copy shall be attached to the yellow
copy of the vehicle storage receipt. In the release section of the vehicle storage receipt,
information shall be recorded as to the name, address and telephone number of the person
or company that takes possession. In the case that the registered owner of the vehicle
relinquishes all claims to the vehicle and transfers ownership of the vehicle to the Permittee,
the Permittee may not charge a fee for services rendered.
12.1 All vehicles slated for auction must first be approved by the City Manager or its designee.
12.2 When abandoned/unclaimed vehicles are auctioned by the Permittee, the City has the right
to bid on such vehicles. In cases where abandoned/unclaimed vehicles are auctioned by the
Permittee, the City has a right to bid on such vehicles and may obtain title to any such
vehicle. provided there are no other bidders, upon payment of the towing and storage
charges. The City shall designate a representative of the Miami Beach Police Department
to track the auctions of abandoned! unclaimed vehicles and make the appropriate bidding.
Permittee shall notify the Miami Beach Police Department of all abandoned/ unclaimed
vehicles prior to auction.
12.3 The Permittee shall not charge the City of Miami Beach any towing and storage charges
associated with those abandoned/unclaimed vehicles of which the City chooses to take
ownership per subsection 12.2 above.
12.4 A police supervisor or parking enforcement supervisor may request the Permittee to release
a vehicle that has been engaged but not removed from the scene should the impoundment of
the vehicle be deemed improper. The release of the vehicle shall be authorized by the agent
of the city (police supervisor and/or parking enforcement supervisor) who, must sign in the
indicated section of the tow slip authorizing the release of the vehicle at the scene. The City
of Miami Beach Police or Parking Department shall pay the towing fees in an improper tow.
In instances where a vehicle has been improperly towed and such vehicle belongs to a
disabled operator. Permittee shall deliver said vehicle to the original scene of the tow or to
a location within the city and the City shall pay all applicable towing fees.
Ownership of required equipment as stated herein, is not required under this permit;
however. legally binding signed agreements covering leasing or cooperative use of required
equipment must be presented on demand of the City. Equipment leased or cooperatively
used must be made available to the Permittee on first priority and be so indicated in the
agreements to be filed with the Miami Beach Police Department. When the Permittee sub-
contracts, the Permittee is still responsible for meeting all of the requirements of these Rules
and Regulations. Each Permittee shall have available the following types of equipment:
All wreckers will be registered and shall have appropriate licenses to operate as wreckers.
The Contractor's towing license number shall be displayed on the front of the vehicle in
letters at least three (3) inches high. The company name (or name of Joint Venture) shaH be
displayed on the driver and passenger side of the vehicle in letters at least three (3) inches
high. The company's address (or address of Joint Venture) and telephone number shall be
displayed on the driver and passenger side of the vehicle in letters at least one (1) inch high.
All wreckers shall display a current decal issued by the City of Miami Beach. The Proposer
shall produce evidence of ownership or valid 1st party lease of the required number of Class
"A", Class "B", Class "C", and slide back car carriers. Each Pennittee shall maintain mobile
equipment between ~ its truck and base stations. All equipment shall be maintained in a
state ofreadiness for response as delineated in this Contract and be for the sole use of the
Contractor. The Proposer agrees to have no markings on either vehicles, buildings, or
correspondence that indicates or tends to indicate any official relationship between the
Contractor and the Miami Beach Police Department or Parking Department. Dade County,
or any government agency.
Wreckers shall meet the following minimum ratings:
(1) Class "A" Wrecker:
(a) Commercia\1y manufactured unit, with a rated capacity of not less than
10,000 poWlds, GVW
(b) Cab to axle dimension of not less than 56 inches
<0 Dual rear wheels
(d) Commercially manufactured boom with a minimum capacity of8,000 pounds
(e) Hydraulically operated winch(es) with a minimum total winching capacity
of 8.000 pO}lllds
(f) One hundred (100) feet of3/8 inch steel core cable per winch
(g) Wheel life with a retracted rating of not less than 3,500 pounds and an
extended rating of not less than 2,000 pounds
(h) Tow sling with a safe lift rating 00,500 pounds
(I) Two (2) 3/8 inch high test safety chains
(j) Dolly equipped
(k) One (I) motorcycle sling
(I) Four-way lug wrench
(m) One (I) pair of jumper cables
(2) Class "A" Slide Back Car Carrier:
(a) Commercially manufactured unit, with a rated capacity of not less than
10,000 pounds, GVW
(b) Cab to axle dimension of not less than 102 inches
C Dual rear wheels
(d) Seventeen (I 7) feet or longer hydraulically operated slide back or tilt bed
(e) Hydraulically operated winch(es) with a minimum total winching capacity
of 8,000 pounds
(f) Sixty five (65) feet of 3/8 inch steel core cable
(g) Two (2) tie down chains, each ten (10) feet in length
(h) Four-way lug wrench
(I) One (1) pair of jumper cables
(3) Class "B" Wrecker:
(a) Commercially manufactured unit. with a rated capacity of not less than
18.000 pounds, GVW
(b) Cab to axle dimension of not less than 84 inches
<0 Commercially manufactured hydraulic boom(s) with a minimum total
capacity of 16,000 pounds
(d) Hydraulically operated winch(es) with a minimum total winching capacity
of 16,000 pounds
(e) Two hundred (200) feet of Y, inch steel core cable per winch
(1) Under reach with a retracted rating of not less than 6.000 pounds and an
extended rating of not less than 4,000 pounds
(g) Tow sling with a safe lift rating of 8,500 pounds
(h) Two (2) 5/16 inch alloy safety chains
(1) Tow bar equipped
G) Two (2) snatch blocks, minimum 8,000 pound capacity each
(k) Two (2) scotch blocks
(I) Brake lock
(m) Six (6) to eight (8) feet of extra towing chain with hooks, minimum 4,000
pound capacity chain with hooks. minimum 4,000 pound capacity
(n) Four-way lug WTench
(0) One (1) pair of jumper cables
(4) Class "B" Slide Back Car Carrier:
(a) Commercially manufactured unit, with a rated capacity of not less than
20,000 pounds, GVW
(b) Cab to axle dimension of not less than 138 inches
<0 Dual rear wheels
(d) Twenty one (21) feet or longer hydraulically operated slide back or tilt bed
(e) Hydraulically operated winch with a minimum winching capacity of 8,000
(t) One hundred (100) feet ofJ/8 inch steel core cable
(g) Two (2) tie down chains, each ten (10) feet in length
(h) One (1) snatch block, minimum 8,000 pound capacity
"(1) Four-way lug wrench
G) One (I) pair of jumper cables
(k) Commercial Nonrestricted license plate
(5) Class "C" Wrecker:
(a) Commercially manufactured unit, with a rated capacity of not less than
36,000 pounds, GVW
(b) Cab to axle dimension of not less than 144 inches
CO Commercially manufactured boom(s) with a minimum total capacity of
50,000 pounds
(d) Winch(es) with a minimum total winching capacity of 50,000 pounds
(e) Two hundred (200) feet of 5/8 inch steel core cable per winch
(f) Under reach with a retracted rating of not less than 25,000 pounds and an
extended rating of not less than 12.000 pounds
(g) Rear support jacks or outriggers
(h) Tow sling with a safe lift rating of 12.000 pounds
(1) Two (2) 'I, inch aHoy safety chains
G) Tow bar equipped
(k) External air hookup and hoses to supply air to disabled vehicles
(I) Two (2) snatch blocks, minimum 24,000 pound capacity each
(m) Two (2) scotch blocks
(n) Spring brake - air lock
(0) Six (6) 10 eight (8) feet of extra towing chain with hooks, minimum 4,000 pound
Where two (2) Class "C" wreckers are required. at least one (1) shall be under reach
(1) Two-way radio
(2) Proper safety lights
(3) Amber rotation dome light
(4) Two (2) flood lights to rear
(5) Sand (50 pounds minimum)
(6) Heavy duty sweeping broom (24" wide)
(7) Two (2) safety cones (day-glow orange. 3 feet high)
(8) One set of three (3) reflectors
(9) Six (6) thirty minute flares
(10) Flat shovel
(11) Axe
(12) Fire extinguisher 5 lb. dry chemical Underwriter approved'
(13) First aid kit - minimum 16 units
The Permittee shall maintain, at its place of business, a me which will contain the following
legible records:
14.1 A Vehicle Storage Receipt (yellow and goldenrod copies) of each impounded vehicle on its
premises, proof of ownership notification and invoice of charges for all vehicles released.
Once the release occurs, the yellow copy is to be returned to the requesting department with
appropriate information including name, address and telephone number of the individual to
whom each vehicle was released. This information must appear legibly on both the yellow
and goldenrod copies. The golden rod copy will continue to be retained by permittee. These
files will be maintained sequentially according to the police case number or Parking
Department number.
14.2 A log of all calls for service by the Police Department and Parking Department on a weekly
14.3 An ImpoundINotification Log indicating date. time and method of notification to the
registered owner of an impounded vehicle, as well as other requested information. as
specified in Section 10 "Impound Reports/Owner Notification."
14.4 A log indicating vehicles to be auctioned. date of auction, name and address of owner and
lienholder, and date contacted.
14.5 A log indicating vehicles sold at auction, date auction notice was published, proceeds of
auction and distribution of proceeds.
14.6 PARKING DEP ARTMENT: Sequentially Numbered Vehicle Storage Receipts for' each and
every vehicle towed by authority of a Parking Enforcement Specialist, indicating vehicle
description, date and time towed, location towed from and to. date and time released and
itemized charges and reason for impoundment (i.e. Citation Number or Scoff Law case
number). All files, records and logs shall be available for inspection and checking during
normal working hours by the Director of Parking, Chief of Police or designees. Permittee
shall make available adequate work space including, but not limited to, a chair and a table,
for City personnel inspecting records.
The Permittee shall conduct its business in an orderly, ethical and business-like manner at
all times, and shall use every means to obtain and keep the confidence of the motoring
public. All public contact shaH be in a courteous and orderly manner.
The Permittee shall not divulge any information with respect to a towed vehicle when such
vehicle has a "police hold" from the Miami Beach Police Department. Anyone wishing to
obtain information on a vehicle with a "police hold" shall be referred to the Miami Beach
Police Department.
Permittee agrees that any complaints received by the City Manager or its designee;
concerning a violation of the Administrative Rules and Regulations contained herein,
including but not limited to, misconduct on the part of the Permittee, such as excessive
charges. poor business practices, damage to vehicles, etc., shall be referred to the Office of
the Chief of Police or Director of Parking, depending on which City department originated
the tow, for investigation. The respective Department shali notify Permittee of any
complaints within five (5) business days from receipt of the complaint The Permittee shall
provide any additional explanation or information with respect to the particular complaint
within five (5) business days upon notification of the complaint. A written disposition of the
complaint will be forwarded to the Permittee and complainant upon completion of the
investigation. If there have been three or more substantiated complaints within ninety (90)
days filed with the City of Miami Beach, the Chief of Police or the Parking Director may
request-1he City Manager that Permittee's permit be suspended for a period of not more than
thirty (30) days with no reduction in the permit fee, reassigning such work as may have been
due the suspended Permittee to the remaining Permittee(s). in accordance with the
procedures in Miami Beach City Code Section 44-61.
A copy of each employee's Driver License shall also be kept on file by Permittee and made
available to authorized members of the Miami Beach Police Department.
The Permittee (owners of the company or the officers of the company, if a corporation) shall
be responsible, except as otherwise prohibited by law, for the acts of their employees while
on duty.
Divers must be SCUBA certified. For every diver, duty time shall be computed from the
time of arrival at the scene to the time the vehicle or property is rigged and hoisted to dry
Pre-permit inspection of the existing or proposed facilities will be made after the submission
of application. Applications shall be considered only from firms experienced in the towing
business, and who can produce evidence that they have an established and satisfactory record
of performance and have available the required equipment location, size and site and
organization sufficient to ensure that they can properly execute the services required:
19.1 To receive consideration, applicant must identify a base of operation and an auto pound
located.within the City of Miami Beach.
19.2 Applicant must have all necessary County and local licenses and permits as may be required
to operate the type of requisite business.
19.3 The applicant is presumed to be familiar with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that
may, in any way, affect the work. Ignorance on the part of the applicant will in no way
relieve it from responsibility_
20.1 Permittee shall provide standardized, printed, sequentially numbered, City designed invoice
forms listing the nature of the work performed by it. for the exclusive use of police tows or
Parking Department tows. An invoice shall be made for each and every vehicle towed.
20.2 Permittee shall keep on file for three (3) years copies of all paid invoices, together with
Vehicle Storage Receipts and any and all impound logs filed sequentially by police case
number or Parking Department sequentially numbered forms. These records shall be subject
to inspection by the Chief of Police, the Director of Parking or their representatives during
normal business hours.
20.3 Permittee must post a City-approved sign indicating charges authorized by the City. This
sign must include a statement about the accepted methods of payment and the number and
kinds of identification required. At a minimum, the sign must be in one-inch lettering, with
contrasting background, permanently and prominently posted in the area where the charges
are paid to the Permittee. The area(s) accessible to the public must be well lighted, with
provisions to accommodate seating for members of the public retrieving vehicles from the
20.4 Permittee shall comply with all written procedures as issued from time to time by the Parking
Department, jointly willi the_Police Department, which will facilitate the release of towed
and/or impounded vehicles to the owner.
20.S Permittee must maintain all storage (pound) and office facilities in a manner commensurate
with all applicable regulations, ordinances, rules and other laws governing the operation of
20.6 Permittee shall use such security measures as necessary to prevent theft. vandalism, stripping
and dismantling of parts from vehicles in all storage areas used under this permit.
The City of Miami Beach shall establish maximum rates for providing towing, removal and
storage services for wrecked or disabled vehicles removed from accident scenes, and non-
consensual removal of vehicles from public streets and public areas within the City of Miami
Beach. The Permittee shall not charge in excess of the maximum rates established by the
City of Miami Beach, as these may be altered, revised, increased or decreased from time to
The first eight (8) hours of storage shall be without charge. Thereafter the foIlowing storage
rates shall apply per day:
(1) Inside-Interior
(a) Motorcycles or Scooters
(b) Any vehicle less than 20
feet in length and 8 feet in width
10 Any vehicle over 20 feet in length
Motorcycles or Scooters
Any vehicle less than 20
feet in length and 8 feet in width
<0 Any vehicle over 20 feet in length
Boat and Trailer (Owner's Unit)
21.2 A.
(a) Unit under 20 feet in length
(b) Unit 21 feet to 35feet in length
<0 Unit over 35 feet in length
Tow Rate Class "A" Tow Truck and
Class" A" Car Carrier, including:
1. First 30 minutes at the scene
2. Unlocking door
3. Dropping/hooking up linkage
4. Wheel lift equipment
5. Use of Dolly
B. Class "B" Tow Truck including: $125.00
l. First 30 minutes at the scene
2. Unlocking door
3. Dropping/hooking up linkage
4. Under reach equipment
C. S:lass "C" Tow Truck including: $155.00
l. First 30 minutes at the scene
2. Unlocking door
3. Dropping/hooking up linkage
4. Removal of air dams, shafts or axles
5. Air hookup
6. Under reach equipment
D. Tow Rate Class "D" Tow Truck, including: $180.00
l. First 30 minutes at the scene
2. Unlocking door
3. Droppinglhooking up linkage
4. Removal of air dams, shafts or axles
5. Air hookup
6. Under reach equipment
Tow Rate Class "B" or "C" Car Carrier
1. First 30 minutes at the scene
2. Unlocking door
3. Dropping/hooking up linkage
F. Use of Contractor's Boat Trailer, any length,
including storage, per day:
1. Trailer up to 18 feet in length $ 50.00
2. Trailer 18 to 30 feet in length $ 75.00
3. Trailer over 30 feet in length $150.00
G. Special and additional charges
I. Extra labor or extra waiting time $16.50 per hour
after the first 30 minutes at the scene and prorated
after the 1st hour in 15 minute increments.
Mileage charges:
$3.00 per mile; maximum
of $21.00 per tow.
$15.00 maximum
Administrative fee
per tow.
Waiting time and extra labor: Cost of any waiting time or extra labor (i.e., "retrieving", special
handling) accomplished within thirty (30) minutes of arrival at the scene shall be included in the base
tow rate. If, and only if. such waiting time or extra labor consumes more than thirty (30) minutes,
an extra waiting time or extra labor charge per fifteen (15) minutes or any fraction thereof, may be
assessed by the Contractor commencing thirty (30) minutes after arrival at the scene. The Contractor
agrees that any extra waiting time or extra labor charge authorization should be made by the officer
on the scene, whenever possible. and so indicated in writing on the vehicle storage receipt.
No charges may be imposed other than those specified in the contract rate structure except as
follows: A maximum charge not exceeding $15.00 (not as an automatic "add-on", but only when
required to comply by Florida Statutes) may be imposed by the Contractor for administrative
services, processing of paperwork, clerical work or title research. Administrative charges refer to
and include verification of Public Vehicle Identification Number; search of vehicle for ownership
information; preparation of paperwork required by Florida Statute; preparation and mailing of the
notification letter(s); and preparation of vehicle for auction, including notification to owner and/or
lien holder as the case may be. These administrative charges shall not be imposed on vehicles with
a "police hold" until or unless the hold is removed and such administrative services become
applicable. Except in situations where a vehicle has a police hold. if the registered owner or other
legally authorized person in control of the vehicle arrives at the scene prior to the removal of the
vehicle, the vehicle shall be disconnected from the towing or removal apparatus, and that person
shall be allowed to remove the vehicle without interference upon payment of a reasonable service
fee of not more than one half of the posted rate for such towing service for which a receipt shall be
given, unless that person refuses to remove the vehicle which is otherwise illegally or unlawfully
{to include jump start. delivery of gas. door opening, tire change when there is no
tow...............$ 20.00
24.5 Original log completed prior to vehicle auctions.
24.6 Copy of Public Notice of auction (J 0 days prior to auction).
24.7 Original log completed immediately following auction.
All copies shall be legible, and original forms provided as requested.
Each applicant may be required before the issuance of a permit, to show to the complete
satisfaction of the City Manager, or its designee that he/she has the necessary facilities,
ability, and financial resources to furnish the services as specified herein in a satisfactory
manner, and he/she may also be required to show past history and references which will
enable the City Manager or its designee to satisfy itself as to its qualifications. Failure to
qualify according to the foregoing requirements will justify the City Manager in rejecting its
The successful Permittee(s) shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of
this permit, or of any or all of its rights, title or interest therein, or its or its power to execute
such permit to any person, company or corporation without prior written consent of the City.
It is the intent of the parties hereto that the Permittee shall be legally considered as an
independent Permittee and that neither he nor its employees shall, under any circumstances,
be considered servants or agents of the City, and that the City shall be at no time legally
responsible for any negligence on the part of said Permittee, its servants or agents. resulting
in either bodily or personal injury or property damage to any individual. firm, or corporation.
If the City of Miami Beach and/or the Police Department deem it necessary to add, change
or delete Permit Rules and Regulations, it may be done through recommendation of the City
Manager and approval of the City Commission. Changes in the Rate Schedule requested by
the Permittee may be done through Commission Amendment, on/or about October I each
year. Thirty 30 days prior written notice of such request must be given to the City of Miami
Beach Parking Department and the Police Department.
The Permittee agrees that all the records, equipment, personnel, office and storage facilities
will be subject to periodic checks and audits by properly designated representatives of the
City of Miami Beach, without prior notice by the City of Miami Beach.
By submission of an application, the applicant does declare that the only person or persons
interested in this permit as principal or principals is named therein and that no person other
than therein mentioned has any interest in this permit and that this permit is made without
connection with any person, company or parties making an application. and that it is in all
respects, fair and in good faith, without collusion or fraud.
31.1 Any vehicle released at the scene by the Parking Department or Police Department shall be
towed to any location the owner or driver requests within the limits of Dade County at
mileage rates in accordance with the published rates.
31.2 The Permittee shall have no markings on its vehicles, building, or correspondence that
indicates or tends to indicate any official relationship between the Permittee and the City of
Miami Beach or any of its departments.
31.3 Nothing herein will prevent the owner of a vehicle from selecting its own tow service.
31.4 Permittee shall abide bv all anplicable State. Countv and Municinal Laws and rellUlations
rel!ardinlZ imnoundment and storal1e of vebicles.
Each Pennittee shall provide this service for one month at a time, on a rotating basis. This
service is designed to remove and secure vehicles owned by the City of Miami Beach which
become disabled. Permittee shall be prompt in their response to City of Miami Beach calls.
No charge will be made for towing City of Miami Beach vehicles.
Emergency service is limited to Dade and Broward Counties.
The Permittee may receive requests for this service from the City Manager or its designee
(City of Miami Beach Police Department dispatcher, Parking Department Dispatcher, or the
Mechanical Maintenance Department dispatcher. In either case, the dispatcher will give the
towing company the following information:
1. Location of the vehicle, with the nearest street address.
2. Make. year, model and tag number of the City vehicle, together with all information
available as to the condition of the vehicle.
3. Name of the City employee operating the vehicle.
The Pennittee shall tow and return the City vehicle to the Mechanical Maintenance
garage at 140 MacArthur Causeway. City of Miami Beach Police Department
vehicles may. at the instruction of the Police Officer operating the vehicle. be towed
to the Police Facility at 1100 Washington Avenue, instead of the Mechanical
Maintenance garage.
Only those abandoned vehicles on public property or public highways, streets and right-of-
ways shall be removed by the Towing Permit Holder (Permittee) as directed by the City of
Miami Beach Chief of Police or its designee or by a parking enforcement specialist. It is
understood that the Permittee will provide all plant, labor. materials and equipment, and
perform all the necessary work in the manner and form hereinafter provided to remove
abandoned vehicles in the City.
The term "vehicles" shall include, but is not limited to, automobiles, trucks, truck bodies.
house trailers, etc. The abandoned vehicle may be partly or entirely dismantled or may
consist of only a major portion of the body or framework. For the purpose of this Permit,
a "unit" shall consist of the authorization, removal and disposal of an abandoned vehicle.
I. The term "abandoned vehicle" shall refer only to those vehicles which are properly
identified as such by the City Manager or its designee: Chief of Police and/or
Director of Parking. The Chief of Police or designee, or Director of Parking or
designee will furnish the Permittee with a vehicle storage receipt.
2. The Miami Beach Police Department or a parking enforcement specialist issues and
affixes stickers on abandoned vehicles. After a minimum of two (2) days, if the
vehicle is not removed, it may be towed at the request of the City of Miami Beach.
However, vehicles parked where parking is prohibited or so as to be a hazard or
obstruction to traffic may be towed or impounded immediately. Notwithstanding the
above, vehicles properly parked in one of the City's Residential Parking Permit
Districts and displaying a valid Residential Parking Decal shall not be regarded as
abandoned or stored.
3. The Permittee shaH notify by certified letter, sent to the registered owner and any
lienholder, advising of vehicle location, and that the vehicle must be claimed within
thirty-five (35) days and full payment made of accumulated towing and any other
charges permitted under.these regulations. However, when the City has followed the
procedures set forth in Section 705.103, Florida Statutes, and amendments thereto
the City may elect to dispose of the vehicle as provided in that Section and shall so
notify the Permittee.
4. The vehicle may be stored at the Permittee's storage location or at the salvage
company prior to final disposition of the vehicle in accordance with all applicable
provisions of the Florida Statutes.
5. The Pennittee shall pay the City twenty dollars ($20.00) per tow for every abandoned
vehicle that the Permittee tows.
6. The Pennittee shall assume and be responsible for, and shall defend, indemnify and
hold harmless the City from and against all claims and demands of all parties
whatsoever for violation of Section 713.78(5), Florida State Statutes, which states,
in part: "Any vehicle which is stored pursuant to subsection (2) and which remains
unclaimed, or for which reasonable towing or storage charges remain unpaid, may
be sold by the owner or operator of the storage space after thirty-five (35) days from
the time the vehicle is stored therein".
7. The Permittee shall pay all judgements obtained by reason of a violation of Section
713.78, Florida Statutes. as specified in suit or suits against the City, including all
legal costs, court expenses and attorney fees and other like expenses; and the
Permittee shall have the right to join in the defense of such suits.
The Permittee shall pay to the City a permit fee in the amount of $20.00 for each vehicle
towed pursuant to this permit and $10.00 for each vehicle which is disconnected from the
towing or removal apparatus.
34.1 The City of Miami Beach shall bill the Permittee by the 10th of each month for all tows
occurring in the previous month. A late charge of$50.00 plus eighteen percent (18%) per
annum interest charges shall be assessed on all payments received after the 20th day of the
billing month.
34.2 Payments to the City shall be by check sent to the City of Miami Beach Finance Department
(Revenue Section). Checks shall be clearly marked "Police Tow" or "Parking Department
Tow" on the City Invoice Remittance Sections.
See Insurance Check List for applicability to this Permit.
a. The Permittee shall be responsible for its work and every part thereof, and for all
materials, tools, appliances and property of every description, used in connection with this
particular project. He shall specifically and distinctly assume. and does so assume, all risks
of damage or injury to property or persons used or employed on or in connection with the
work and of all damage or injury to any person or property wherever located, resulting from
any action or operation under the Permit or in connection with the work. It is understood and
agreed that at all times the Permittee is acting as an independent contractor.
b. The Permittee, at all times during the full duration ofwork under this Permit. including
extra work in connection with this project, shall meet the following requirements:
i. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance to meet the statutory
requirements of the State of Florida.
ii. Commercial General Liability Insurance in amounts prescribed by the' City (see
checklist for limits) to protect the Permittee in the interest of the City against all risks of
injury to persons (including death) or damage to property, wherever located, resulting
from any action or operation under the Permit or in connection with the work.
Automobile Liability Insurance, including Property Damage covering all owned, non-
owned or hired automobiles and equipment used in connection with the work.
iii. Any additional coverages required by the Risk Manager as indicated on the Insurance
Check List.
iv. Name the City of Miami Beach as an additional ensured on all liability policies
required by the City. When naming the City of Miami Beach as an additional insured
onto said policies, the insurance companies hereby agree and will endorse the policies to
state that the City will not be liable for the payment of any premiums or assessments.
v. No change or cancellation in insurance shall be made without thiny (30) days written
notice to the City of Miami Beach Risk Manager.
vi. Ail insurance policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under
the laws of the State of Florida and these companies must have a rating of at least B+:VI
or better per Best's Key Rating Guide, latest edition.
vii. Original signed Certificates of Insurance, evidencing such coverages and
endorsements as required herein, shall be filed with, and approved by, the City of Miami
Beach Risk Manager before work is started. The certificate must state Bid Number and
Title. Upon expiration of the required insurance, the Permittee must submit updated
certificates of insurance for as long a period as any work is still in progress.
viii. It is understood and agreed that all policies of insurance provided by the Permittee
are primary coverage to any insurance or self-insurance the City of Miami Beach
possesses that may apply to a loss resulting from the work performed with this Permit.
c. The liability insurance coverage shall extend to and include the following contractual
indemnity and hold harmless agreement: "The Permittee hereby agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless the City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation, its officers, agents, and
employees from all claims for bodily injuries to the public in and up to the amount of
$300,000.00 for each occurrence and for all damages to the property of others in and up
to the amount of$300,OOO.00 for each occurrence, as per the insurance requirement under
the specifications, including costs of investigation, all expenses of litigation, including
reasonable attorney's fees and the cost of appeals arising out of any such claims or suits
because of any and all acts or omissions or commission of any negligent acts by the
Permittee, its agents, servants, or employees, or through the mere existence of the project
covered by the Permit. The foregoing indemnity agreement shall apply to any and all
claims and suits other than claims and suits arising out of the sole and exclusive
negligence of the City of Miami Beach. its officers, agents, and employees, as determined
by a court of competent jurisdiction."
1. The Permittee will notify its insurance agent, without delay, of the existence of the Hold
Harmless Agreement contained within this Permit and furnish a copy of the Hold
Harmless Agreement to the insurance agent and carrier.
ii. The Permittee will 0 blain and maintain contractual liability insurance in adequate limits
for the sole purpose of protecting the City of Miami Beach, under the Hold Harmless
Agreement, from any and all claims arising out of this contractual (Permit) operation.
d. All policies issued to cover the insurance requirements herein shall provide fun coverage
from the first dollar of exposure. No deductibles will be allowed in any policies issued on
this Permit unless approved by the City's Risk Manager.
e. The Permittee will secure and maintain policies of subcontractors. All policies shall be
made available to the City upon demand. Compliance by the Permittee and all subcontractors
with the foregoing requirements as to carrying insurance and furnishing copies of the
insurance policies shall not relieve the Permittee and all subcontractors of their liabilities and
obligations under any section or provision of this Permit. Permittee shall be as fully
responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the subcontractor and of persons
employed by them as he is for acts and omissions of persons directly employed by it.
f. Insurance coverage required in these specifications shall be in force throughout the
contract term. Should any awardee fail to provide acceptable evidence of current insurance
within seven days of receipt of written notice at any time during the contract term. the City
shall have the right to cancel the Permit and justify the termination thereof.
g. If bidder does not meet the insurance requirements of the specifications; alternate
insurance coverage, satisfactory to the Risk Manager, may be considered.
In connection with the performance of this A~reement. the Permittee shall not discriminate
ailainst an..v emplovee or aonlicant for emplovment because of race. color. reli~on. ancestrY.
sex. aile. national oriiin. olace of birth. marital status. or phvsical handicap. The Provider
shall take affirmative action to ensure that alllllicants are emploved and that elI\plovees are
treated durini their elI\Plovment without reilard to their race. color. relilrion. ancestry. sex.
age. national origin place of birth. marital status disability. or sexual orientation. Such
action shall include. but not be limited to the following: emolovment uOilradinil. demotion.
Or termination: recruitment or recruitment advertisin~' lavoff or termination' rates of oav. or
other forms of comoensation: and selection for trainiml. including aOllrenticeshil1.
Permittee al!rees to adhere to and be iovemed by all aoolicable requirements of the laws
listed below includin~. but not limited to. those orovisions oertainini to emplovment
orovision of programs and services. transportation. communications. access to facilities.
renovations. and new construction.
The American with Disabilities Act 00990 (ADA) Pub.L. 101-336. 104 Stat 327. 42lJ.S.C.
12101-12213 and 547 D.S.C. Sections 225 and 611 indudin!! Title 1. Emplovment: Title II.
Public Services: Title III. Public Accommodations and services Operated by Private Entities:
Title IV. Telecommunications: and Title V. Miscellaneous Provisions.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973: 29 D.S.C. Section 794.
The Federal Transit Act. as amended: 49 U.S.C. Section 1612.
The Fair Housin\, Act as amended. 42 D.S.C. Section 3601-3633.
Permittee must complete and submit the Citv's Disability Non-Discrimination Affidavit
(Affidavit). In the event Pennittee fails to execute the City's Affidavit or is found to be in
non-comJlliance with the provisions ofthe Affidavit. the City may imoose such sanctions as
it mav determine to be approJlriate. including but not limited to. withholdin!! assiiDffient of
taws. ta Pennittee under the Alrreement until compliance and/or cancellation termination.
or suspension of the Al,P"eement. in whole or in Vart. In the event the City cancels or
terminates the Al,P"eement pursuant to this Section. Permittee shall not be relieved of liability
to the City for dama~es sustained by the City bv virtue of Provider's breach of the
Fax:3C56737853 Oct 5'00 15:16
a.II.I_A.~"'..a. nr.
. being duly first swom
That the above named form, corpo~tion or organization is in compliance with and agrees 10
continue to comply witll, and asSUre thaI any subconlractor, or third party contraclOr under this
project complies with all applicable req,uirements of Ihe laws lisled below inclUding, but nOI
limited 10, those provisions pertaining to employtnent, provision of progr:ams and services,
transportation. communications, access to facilities. renovations. and neW constnlction.
The Am~ricans with Disabilities AClnf 1990 (ADA): Pub. L. 101-336. 104 Slat 321.42 U.S.C.
12101-12213 and 541 U.S.C. Sections 225'and'611 including Title I, Employment; Tittle II,
Pllblic Services; Title Ill. Publ\<: AccommodaticiltS and Services Operated by Private Entilies;
Title lV, Telecommunications;,andT'ltle V, Miscell&tteousProvisions.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1m:, 29'tr.S.C. Section 794.
The Federal Transit Act, as lit!endedi 49U.S.C. Scc:tion 1612.
The Fair,Housmg Act as amended: 42.US.C. ~ciion 3601.3631.
SIp&ture Oate
SUB,SCRIBED AND SWORN '"('0 (~raflii)ned);b.iforeine on by
. He/She 1$ ptnonaUy known to me or has
as identification.
(Type of ~"'tirn:ation)
, " (Signature ofNolary) (Serial N..mber)
(Print'or Stamp Name of"Notaty) (Expiradon Date)
Notaty Public (State) NotafY Seal