RR The Herald 12-07-2007~~~a One Herald Plaza, Miami, Florida 33132-1693 (305) 376-~56~ Dear Chief Carlos Noriega I am ~~ citing to request: --An~~ subpoenas that ha~~e been issued b~~ police or other local in~estigati~~e agencies to the Cite of Miami Beach regarding cite contracts held b~~ APCOA/Standard Parking, Standard Parking, Inc. or VIP Parking from Ma~~ to December 2007. --An~~ correspondence bet~~een police or other local in~•estigati~•e agencies and the Cite of Miami Beach regarding cite contracts held b~ APCOA/Standard Parking, Standard Parl~ing, Inc. or VIP Parking from Ma~~ to December 2(1(17 pursuant to the Public Records Act, Chapter 119 of the Florida Stattrtes. This request includes copies of e~ erg document related to the matter, regardless of the format in «luch the information is stored. If ~ on refi~se to pro~;ide this information, Chapter 119 requires ~-ou ad~-ise me in `~riting and indicate the applicable exemption to the Public Records Act. Also, please state with particnlarit< the reasons for ~ our decision, as required b~- Section 119.07(2)(a). If the exemption ~ ou are clainung onh~ applies to a portion of the records, please delete that portion and proeide photocopies of the remainder of the records, according to Section 119.07(2)(a). I agree to pad- the ach~al cost of duplication as defined in Section 119.07(1)(a). Ho"ever, if you anticipate that in order to satisfi this request, "extensi~°e use" of information tecluiolog~ resources or extensi~ e clerical or supei~isoiti assistance as defined in Section 119.07(1)(b) ~tii11 be required, please proti°ide a written estimate and justification. I request these records be available by December 17, 2007. If ~ on ha~-e any questions or need more information in order to expedite this request please call me at (305) 376-~56~. Sincerely, Taiua Valdemoro Reporter Miami Herald One Herald Plaza Miami FL 33132 30~-376-~56~ ~york 305-376-5287 fax t<~aldemoro ~i miamiherald.com