000372-0001 - Lobbyist Registration (Revised)RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE (This Page For Department of State Use Only) 11. Archival Review/Comments 12. Title, Description, and Retention Schedule Number 000372-0001 Record Series Title: Lobbyist Registration Records This record series documents the registration of lobbyists pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance 2004-3435. This records series includes: Lobbyist Registration forms; Disclosures of Interest; Disclosures of Compensation; Expenditure and Compensation Statements; and Notices of Withdrawal. This schedule supersedes Individual Schedule 000371-0001, Lobbyist Registration Records. Retention: a) Record Copy. 5 fiscal years after expiration, withdrawal, or final expenditure and compensation statement filed, whichever is later, provided applicable audits have been released. b) Duplicates. Retain until obsolete, superseded or administrative value is lost. C3 N d -~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ~~ ±~ ~ ~ o ~ 'Tl -n c'3 ~ r~ iT 3. Schedule Rev w 14. Schedule Approval Analyst Review ~ ~~ , 4 ~~~~~~~ ° Archivist Review ~ (,~ •4 1~~~ t ~ ~ '/C%~ ,~ ~a~ 07 r ' Dire for Date Supervisor Review ~~~E!, ro f~~~d'" ~~ ~ Div sion of Library and Information Se ices Florida Department of State M y ~ ~oooo STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE SCHEDULE NO. .37a Division of Library and RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE Information Services ^ New Schedule Form LSSElOSRelY.1-01 ® Revise Existing Schedule General Information 1. Agency 2. Division/Department 3. Bureau/Office City of Miami Beach City Clerk 4. Custodian (Name and Area Code/Telephone Number) Robert £. Parcher (305) 673-7411 SUBMIT TO: 5. Contact/RMLO (Name and Telephone Number) Robert Parcher (305) 673-7411 AGENCY MAILING ADDRESS: Florida Department of state Agency City of Miami Beach Bureau of Archives and Record8 Management Address: 1700 Covention Center Drive Mail Station 9A Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Clty, State, Zlp: Miami Beach, FL 33139- Record Series Information 6. Record Series Title Lobbyist Registration Records 7. General Description, Purpose and Use of Record Series (include/attach inclusive dates, any audit requirements, forms, or ,other related documentation) This record series documents the registration of lobo ista~ ~" ~-~"~~-~~'~-"'---'"~""`-'"-""° Beach Ordinance 2004-3435. This records aeries includes:yLobb pstsRent to City of Miami Disclosures of Interest; Disclosures of Compensation; Expenditure and1Compensationms, Statements; and Notices of Withdrawal. Record Copy and/or ^ Duplicate. If duplicate, please indicate location of the record copy in the description. 8. Is this record series considered to be a vital record? ^ Yes ®No What is the primary purpose of this record series? ^ Administrative ®Legal ^ Fiscal What media format does this record series consist of? Check all that apply. ®Paper ® Electronic (Magnetic Disk, Opticallmage, CD, DVD, etc.) Optical Image ^ Other (Audio, Video, Photographic, etc.) Recommended Retention and-Disposition 9. What is the recommended retention period? Record Copy: 5 fy after expiration, withdrawal, or final... Duplicate Copies: OSA Applicable Statutes, Rules, Ordinances Will this record series be microfilmed? ^ Yes ®No Will this record series be scanned into an optical imaging system? Authorization 10. Sub ted by: ~~~ ~~ ~~ Authorized Signature, Title ^ Microfilm ® Yes ^ No Date ~~/~7