Ad No. 472 - Sample BallotCity of Miami Beach
Special Election
January 29, 2008
Notice is hereby given that a Special Election has been called by the City
Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and will be held in said City
from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. on the 29`h day of January, 2008, at which time
shall be submitted to the duly registered and qualified voters of the City of
Miami Beach the following ballot question.
• ~ ~ • •
•- ~` 11:
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Shall the Charter be amended to provide that when a "Hospital District" is
rezoned, such property shall be rezoned to a district or combination of districts
with a floor area ratio no greater than the abutting land (sharing lot line), except
that "Hospital District" property exceeding 15 acres may exceed this limitation if
adequate buffers are provided to protect abutting uses?
• ~ • ~ ~ ~ • ~
~Debera enmendarse la Carta Constitutional para que se disponga que cuando
se vuelva a zonificar un "Distrito Hospitalario", dicha propiedad se vuelva a
zonificar Como distrito o combination de distritos cuya proportion en cuanto a la
superficie del piso no sea mayor que la del terreno contiguo (con el que
comparta una misma linea divisoria), excepto que las propiedades del "Distrito
Hospitalario" que Sean de mas de 15 acres pueden exceder esta limitacibn si se
proveen separaciones adecuadas para proteger a los usos colindantes?
YES /SI 70
NO/NO 71
Robert Parcher, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach