017-2007 San Francisco Art Commission - Guidelines Pertaining to Street Artist or Craftspersonm iilAfo^,i BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: Mayor Matti H. Bower FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: December 21, 2007 MEMORANDUM No. 017-2007 SUBJECT: San Francisco Art Commission -Guidelines Pertaining to Street Artist or Craftsperson At the December 12, 2007, Commission Meeting, Agenda Item R5E, "Street Performers and Art Vendors", Mr. Juan Marin addressed the City Commission and submitted a copy of the San Francisco Art Commission's guidelines pertaining to street artist or craftsperson. Mayor Bower requested that a copy be distributed to the City Commission. C: City Commission Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager JMG/RE ~~ o ~ ~ o ~ F:\CLER\CLER\FORMS\San Francisco street artists. memo.doc ~ ' ° ~ t) '"rt ~~r N Ln '~ "'" `~ O ~ ~ fi . 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J r"'~ N F--1 ;? r, O ~ezrl p~ceuil{ dq wuy~I ,~~iz~~, SAN FRAI~ICISCO ART COMMISSION ~,~~ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS CIVIC ART COLLECTION CIVIC DESIGN REVIEW COMMUNITY ARTS St EDUCATION CULTURAL EQUITY Ci RANTS POP$ SYMPHONY CONCERTS PUBLIC ART STREET ARTISTS LICENSES SUITE 70 415.252.2581 ART COMMISSION CiA LEERY 4O1 VAN NESS AVENUE 41S.SS4.6080 .°` ~:~~. o,`, CITY ANO COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO STREET ARTIST OR CRAFTSPERSON NAME (IN FULL) List names of all applicants of FAMILY UNIT who wish to sell* RESIDENCE ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PLACE WHERE ART/CRAFT IS PRODUCED MAILING ADDRESS OF PERSON THROUGH WHOM APPLICANT CAN BE REACHED DESCRIPTION OF THE ART(S) OR CRAFT(S) ITEMS FOR WHICH THE j APPLICANT SEEKS CERTIFICATION * FAMILY UNIT: Two or more persons jointly engaged in the creation of an art or craft item, no one of whom stands in an employer-employee relationship to any of the other members. (List the names of all members who wish to be certified to sell). I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the art or craft items(s) listed above is of my owri creation or the creation of my family unit, and that I neither employ other persons nor am I employed by another person in the creation of this art or craft item(s). SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE TELEPHONE: 2$ VAN NESS AVE. SUITE 24~, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94102 TEL. 41$.?.52.259(1 ^nV dTC ~c~ ~coc SAN FRANCISCO ARTS COMMISSION SCREENING ARTS 8~ CRAFTS FOR NEW STREET ARTISTS RICHARD NEWIRTH DIRECTOR OF CUL7'U RAL AFhA1R5 May 4, 2005 Dear JUAN JIMENEZ: PROCRAti,s Your appointment with the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners has been scheduled for Thursday, May 26, 2004 at 10:30 a. m. to be held CIVIC DESIGN RENEW _ in the PERFORMING ARTS PDRLIG ART Art Commission Confere:~ce Room SUITE zoo 2.5 Van Ness Ave. -Suite 70 (iawer leveli COMMDNIT}' ART$ San Francisco, California & EDUCATION CULTURAL EQUITV GRANTS The purpose of this meeting is to verify that the art or craft item(s), for which you are seeking STREET ARTISTS LICENSES SuIrE ~o certification as a street artist, is of your own creation. The verification by the Advisory Committee will be in accordance with the screening guidelines drafted by the Committee and CIVIC ART COLLECTION SulrE ~o amended and ado ted b the Art Commission. A co of these uidelines is available u on P Y PY 9 P request. ARTS COMMISSION GALLERY 401 VAN NESS AVENUE 415.554.6050 IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU BRING THE FOLLOWING: • FINISHED SAMPLES OF YOUR CRAFT (at least ? do~~%t (?~; of :=a~^ ;;; srt: FITTr://srnc.sFSU.EDU , Q(~~:7,^. fi;~is;~au sa~~pies vl G-a~i; iyNc C%`(jcciv~i"af~~c:~ci~y. .c.. ,..;"a~c~ ', EMAIL: necklaces and earrings that yeu wish to sell). ARTSCOMMI $$10 N @ 5 FGOV.O RG • UNFINISHED SAMPLES OF YOUR CRAFT (at least % dozen of each craft showing the various steps of the craft's creation) • CERTIFICATE FEE: $99.10 fora 3-month certificate, or X396.40 fora 1-year certificate • PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOURSELF (not larger than passport or driver's license size; these maybe taken by a photo machine.) • PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION (i.e., a California I.D. or Driver's License) • RAW MATERIALS FOR YOUR CRAFT(s) • TOOLS USED IN THE MAKING OF YOUR CRAFT • INVOICES FOR MATERIALS YOU RECEIVED FOR THE MAKING OF YOUR CRAFT (see "Invoice Requirements" in the Guidelines -available upon request) BE PREPARED TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF YOUR CRAFT IN FRONT OF THE COMMITTEE. YOU MAY BE ASKED BY THE COMMITTEE TO DO SO. - ~~~-"~~ Sincerely, Clrv AND CouNrY of Howard Lazar, DIrP.C,Or SAN FRANCISCO Street Artist Program 25 VAN NESS AVE. SUITE 240, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94102 TEL. 4]5.252.2590 FAx 415.252.2595 ' Excerpted from Street Artists Pro ram, Fifth Edition - •~ February, 1998, copyright City and County of San Francisco, 199j b iAN F0.AN C'ISCO ART COMMISSION C H A P T E R 2 THE CERTIFICATE This is what a street artist certificate looks like: This Certificate is issued subject to the following conditions: t. A% work presented b: sale is a handmade trail product a the vendor of his fam~y unit. 2. This eertficate a subject to revocation at any time fa violation of any sweet artist regulation. ` ( 3. The +ssuance of tNs Certificate does rrot const~rlte an endorsement by the Ciry and par `~ Counry of San Francsco of the article sold pursuant to the terms of This Certificate. ~. ~ 4. This Certificate is net transferable. ~ 5. This Cerifuate shag be praninerNfy displayed. ~ r 6. The Art Corimissbn reserves the right to establish such conditions as to further the ( ~ ~ ~ interest of the adists and community. Its decision shall be final. 4 ~ 1. This Certificate must fx renewed rithin ten (1D~ otlice wor< lays prior to cr after its date of expiration. Failure to renew shall rewtt in forfeiture of th;s Cerfdieate. ~ ~+ 8. A street artist who has forfeited a Certifiate In this manner and wishes fa 9_.~ = obtain a new CeAificate must re-apply, and the new application she'' be placed at the end of t1u Iist of crew applicants waiting to tx sueened. Some of .the items displayed here (the photograph, name, signature, expiration date) require no explanation. Othei:~ items may need explanation. On the front side of the certificate, at the bottom and after the certificate holder's name, is the print~:~d statement "is hereby authorized to display and vend in designated areas the following arts and crafts:", which is followed by a handwritten list; in this particular example, the list is "jewelry with beads & found objects; hairclips; sewn f abric scarves, bags, & headwraps." These are the items approved by the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners after verifying that the certificate holder makes the items. They are the items which the certificate holder is permitted to sell. A basic principle of the Street Artists Program is that you may only sell those arts and crafts items for which you have been reened and certified. If you are certified for "metal jewelr_y," for example, you may nr~t simply set up one day to sell leather belts. You must go before the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners, also called "the screening committee," and demonstrate to the committee's satisfaction that you can actually make a leather belt. After 19 THE CERTIFICATE doing so, you may sell the leather belts in street artist spaces, as you do with metal jewelry. ~-Let's go to the back side of the certificate. On the margin of the certificate is an eight-digit number preceded by the letters "SRBH." This is the number of your California State Board of Equalization Seller's Permit. The Board of Equalization is the State agency which collects State sales tax. State law requires all businesses engaged in retail sales, including street artist businesses, to collect sales tax on all items sold, except food and medicine, to fill out a return at least once a year, and send the sales tax which has been collected, together with the return, to the Board of Equalization. __,_______________.__ __._,_ _ __ In addition to the "SRBH" number, you may also see written on the margin of the certificate a rectangle containing the word "unit" followed by a number. The number is the certificate number of a street artist who is the partner of the certificate holder in an arrangement known as a "family unit": two or more persons jointly engaged in the creation or production of an art or craft item, no one of whom stands in an employer-employee 1_ __-.-. T~ .r.,.. Grp n~} ~T ~ relationship to any of the OL[1eZ il-CuLCi.:~. .~- 1 ~•- -•~ • -- family unit, this item will not be on the back of your certificate. YOUR AGREEMENT WITH THE ART COMMISSION At the top of the back side of your certificate is the statement: "This Certificate is issued subject to the following conditions" herewith reprinted: ,~, _~- ~--- `'° 1. All work presented for sale is a handmade craft '.. product of the vendor of his family unit.__~___~ ____. 2. The Certificate is subject to revocation at any _ time for violation of any street artist regula- tion. 3. The issuance of this Certificate does not con- stitute an endorsement by the City and County of San Francisco of the article sold pursuant to the terms of this Certificate. S 4. This Certificate is not transferable. 20 THE CERTIFICATE • 5. This Certificate shall be prominently displayed_ • 6. The Art Commission reserves the right to establish such conditions as to further the interest of the artists and community. Its decision shall be __- ___. final . - - _____--~., 7. This Certificate must be renewed within ten office work days prior to or after its date expiration. Failure to renew shall result -'- .forfeiture of this Certificate. 8. (10) of in A street artist who has forfeited a Certificate in this manner and wishes to obtain a new Certificate must re-apply, and the new application shall be placed at the end of the list of new applicants waiting to be screened. r 'When your certificate is issued and before you sign it, you ~1•:C,}1~ ro_rRad these eight conditions. Ay signing the certificate, you signify that you understand the conditions and promise to be governed by them. r' For example, with condition number 1, you promise not to sell .anything which is not a "handmade craft product" made by yourself or your family unit. With condition number 2, you agree that your certificate may be revoked if you violate any street artist regulation. With condition number 4, you agree not to let anyone else use your certificate; and so on throughout the list. Since by your signature you have agreed to these conditions, it is important to read them carefully and understand what they mean. APPLYING FOR A CERTIFICATE \~ To apply for a certificate, you must fill out an application ~'~ form. Application forms are available from the Street Artists ; Program office. You may come to the office and get a form, or you may request and receive one by mail. After filling out the form, return it with $20.00 (application fee) either in person or by mail to the Program office. NOTE: Applications submitted by mail must be registered certified in order to be considered as ,proof of mailing. THE CERTIFICATE It is accepted by the Art Commission that the statements you make on your application are true. If you make a false statement on your application and this is discovered after your certificate is issued to you, the certificate may be suspended or revoked. After you have submitted your application, you will receive by mail a notification of an appointment to submit your arts and crafts for examination by the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners. If there is a lengthy waiting list of applicants delaying your appointment, you may receive a notice later on asking you to inform the Program of your interest in obtaining a certificate: _ _ _._ _ _,1----'~" ~~ ~~l' _ .. -_ ,\ ~~Time Limit for Applicants to Respond to Notice of Examination. Applicants for certificates, who. receive notice of examination of their arts and crafts, must respond within thirty (30) days from the date of the notification in order to receive an appointment with the Advisory Committee. (This provision and the due date for response shall be stated in the notification.) Failure to respond within the time period shall result in forfeiture of the applicant's position on the waiting list. For a discussion on the Advisory C;ommittee's screening procedure, see the next chapter.) The Waiting Period. There will be a waiting period between the time at which you submit your application and the time for which-your screening appointment is set. The length of your particular waiting period will depend on the number of applicants who have submmitted applications before you submitted yours and who have not yet been screened. Since screenings are held monthly, the length of time you will have to wait will also depend on how .many applicants are called for screening each month based on the ability of the Advisory Committee to thoroughly screen the wares of each applicant at a given meeting. Non-refundable Application/Examination Fee. Every person applying for a street artist certificate, whether for the first time or for re-issuance of certification after a lapse in payment of the certificate fee, is required to pay a non-refundable application/examination fee of $ 20.00 (Ordinance 383-96). This fee is paid by an applicant upon filing an application for certification or by a former certificate-holder upon submitting a written request for priority issuance of a certificate. The application or the written request will not be processed or acted upon until the application fee is paid. -- 22 ~ -- -_ _-_-- ~ THE CERTIFICATE ~~ -- Time Limit on Issuance of Certificate. After you have passed the screening, a period of fifteen (15) working days is allotted for you to obtain (pay for) a certificate. After the Screening. If you have passed the .screening, and if the Art Commission has received no charges against you of deception resorted to in obtaining the certificate or any other violation of the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code, you are entitled to purchase the certificate within fifteen (15) office work days from the date of your screening. 's Prior to paying for the cer ificalI#~/'e,~ owever, you must complete the following two steps: J~~iy~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1) Go to the Tax Collector's O ice, ~5-Q~e~ss~ ~F~ ~r~ F-r=~ (telephone 554-4470) and fill out an application for a ~' business tax registration certificate. If your art/craft business grossed $15,000 or more during the previous year, you may be required to pay the Tax Collector $200 at the time of your application. If, however, you grossed less than $15,000, you may ~` ~~ apply for an exemption from paying the $200. If the exemption is granted, the fee you will pay to the Tax Col±eeLOr i5 $~5. For 1 the exemption, the Tax Collector will require that you fill out a "DECLARATION OF EXEMPTION" and may also require you to attach a copy of your Schedul or Form 1055 of your Federal Income Tax return. NOTE: Flea ~ :ta ur CERTII`ICATE NC?MBF,R BE µiitITTEti ON A PIECE JF PAPER. Each year you will be required to file an application with ~ the Tax Collector for business tax registration of the upcoming ~ year. You will also be required to report your gross income for ,~ the preceding year. (Failure to file may incur stiff penalties.) ;-' The Tax Collector's Office will issue you a receipt and/or ~, certificate upon receiving your fee. BRING THIS DOCUMENT AND THE \ DOCUMENT YOU WILL RECEIVE FROM THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (as follows) O THE STREET ARTIST PR AM OF CE. ~~ [~„o.n ~ ~ ~_ 2) Go the Sta B rd o qualization, n..'a.... ~ •nn and obtain a Seller's Permit. It is our understanding from the Board of Equalization that that Board will ~ not require street artists to pay an upfront fee or deposit. The ~~ Seller's Permit is relevant to the sales tax you will be~~~~ '',collecting from your sales and will be forwarding to the State. BRING THE RECEIPT AND/OR SELLER'S PERMIT ISSUED YOU BY THE 'STATE BOARD TO THE STREET ARTISTS PROGRAM OFFICE. -,~ '; 23 ____ _,-- `_" f- ~/ _ _ -, __ . --- ~-~..i~ THE CERTIFICATE The Certificate Fee and Period of Validity. Bring to the Street Artists Program office the documents you received from the Tax Collector's Office and~the State Board of Equalization. In addition, bring two (2) photographs of yourself: one photo will ,/ be affixed to one certificate card for you to display prominently ~~' on your display booth, and the other photo will be affixed to another certificate card for you to carry and show at the lotteries for obtaining selling spaces. Upon submittal of the above items to the Program office, you may obtain your street artist certificate (two cards) by paying a fee of either $87.50 for a certificate which is valid for three months or $350.00 for a certificate which is valid for one year. Listed on the certificate.__is,__y_our names the._-a-rts~ aricT crafts -- --- ou are authorized to---sel3;'and the date of the certificate's __ xpiration . _ _-- __ __.. Certificate Renewal Period. A street artist certificate must be renewed within ten (10). office work days prior to and including its date of expiration, or ten (10) office work days after its date of expiration. r'aiiure ~O ic:iat.:W rc''~iait5 iii forfeiture of the certificate. Please understand that the "10-day grace period" does not mean that that when your certificate expires you may continue selling for ten days before renewing the certificate! This is not at all what the "10-day grace period" represents. The "10-day grace period" was adopted by the Art Commission to provide street artists with an extension of time in which to renew their certificates rather than lose the ability to renew them. It was not adopted to provide for an extension of time in which to sell. When your certificate expires, the "10-day grace period" gives you the opportunity to .renew the certificate. You will not have to fill out an application and submit your wares to the Advisory Committee of Street Artists .and Craftsmen Examiners. You will not have to do so if you pay for the renewal of the certificate within ten (10) office work days before or after the date of the certificate's expiration. ("Office work days" means Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; legal holidays and week- ends are not counted as part of the ten days.) iiiARNING: If you sell after the expiration of your certificate, the Art Commission may deny renewing your certificate or may issue you a new certificate and suspend it for 24 ~~ THE CERTIFICATE a period of its validity. Expired Certificates Not Accepted at the Lottery. Lottery workers are required to check the certificates of street artists who wish to obtain spaces in the lottery. Artists with expired certificates will not be allowed to use the lottery even if their expired certificates are within the "10-day grace period." The Lottery Committee member in charge of each lottery is expected to inform the Street Artists Program of any artist attempting to use the lottery with an expired certificate. Certificate Renewal. by Mailed Payment. You may make arrangements to renew your certificate by mail. Whenever you come to the Program office to renew your certificate, you may sign and leave on file two blank certificate cards for future renewal and mailing of the cards. Upon receipt of your mailed payment for each of the next two renewals, the staff will validate and laminate the pre-signed card and will mail it to you. Failure to Renew; Request for New Certificate. If you fail t0 renew your cercificar.e, you may re--apply ~~t;iy ~~~'.v arrii~.:G%.ivTi fee) for a screening of your wares and issuance of a new certificate, and .your application will be placed at the end of the waiting list of current applicants. In some situations, it is possible to appeal to the Art Commission in order to reduce the waiting period: Granting Priority in Issuance of New Certificates to Former Certificate-holders. In 1.989, the Art Commission adopted the following policy: "The only cases for consideration shall be those who f ile an appeal within ninety ( 90 ) days of the date of their certificate's expiration, with the exception of those cases who submit with their request documentation of medical or other significant reasons for inability to renew. As per Section 26 of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code, the Art Commission may exercise its sound discretion as to whether a certificate should be granted or denied. All former certificate-holders whose appeals were filed after ninety days of the date of their certificate's expiration and whose appeals are approved for the issuance of a new certificate must be re-screened by the Advisory Committee before certification is granted." The Art Commission, by vote, has the authority to waive the re-screening provision. 25 ( 1 THE CERTIFICATE Commencing Validity of a Renewed Certificate. In 1994, the Art Commission adopted a certification procedure whereby the validity of a renewed street artist certificate shall commence on the day the artist pays for the renewal, within the ten-day grace period for renewals, and not on the expiration date of its prior period of validity. For example, if your certificate expired on December 2nd and you submit payment for its renewal on December 15th (the ninth day of your "ten-day grace period), your renewed certificate will commence on December 15th - not December 2nd. _._~_ ~- The "Family Unit". Certified street artists may not have employees within the Program. This means you may not hire other people to make things for you to sell under your certificate; and you may not hire other people ~to sell for you unde r your certificate. To do either is a violation. However, you may have a partner or a "family unit" member who works with you in the production of your art and craft items. This "family unit" member may not be your employee. If the member wishes to sell, then his or her name must be placed next to your name on an application for certification (each of you w~ 1 l pay a X20 application fee) . Both of you will be screened together in order i:or the Advisory Committ~.ee to ascei~~tain whar it is that you contribute to the production of the craft item and what it is that your. "family unit" member contributes to the production of the same craft item. Upon approval, your "family unit" member is eligible to purchase a separate certificate, paying $87.50 or $350. Your certificate number will be inscribed on the back of your "family unit" member's certificate, and your member's certificate number will be inscribed on the , back of your certificate. You may both sell the same item for which you were approved as a "family unit." You may also add a partner or "family unit" member of ter you receive your certificate; the member must apply for his or her awn certificate, listing your name with theirs, on the application, and you both wait to be screened for the product which represents your combined expression. Here is an example: You may already be certified to sell your own paintings. Another artist may already be certified to sell his own paintings. You both wish to become a "family unit" and sell paintings you work on together. You both put your namesd on an application for "paintings created by" (your name) "and" (the other artist's name). At your screening, you show finished and unfinished samples of the paintings you both wish to 26 THE CERTIFICATE sell. You then start creating a painting and hand the piece over to the other artist who demonstrates painting on the same piece. The Advisory Committee assesses whether your combined expression looks similar to the samples -you showed for sale. If the Committee so verifies, you will both be certified to sell the paintings represented by your combined expression. You will be able to sell the combined-expression paintings as well as your own paintings, but you will not be allowed to sell the other artist's own paintings. Similarly, the other artist will be able to sell the combined-expression paintings as well as his own paintings, but he will not be allowed to sell your own paintings. Some Items for Which Certificates Are Not Issued. Street artist certifi~~•+'es are not issued for the production and sale of food items, perfumes, body oils, soaps, or other cosmetic producc._ No Certificates for Street Performers. The Street Artists Program does not issue a certificate to street musicians or .performers; there is no provision in the street artist ordinance for the certification of performers. No street performer may use a designated street artist selling space. Warning Against Use of Deception in Obtaining a Certificate. Section 5 of Proposition "L" approved by the voters in the election of November 4, 1975, lists "deception resorted to in obtaining the certificate" as a ground for not issuing a street artist certificate. This is also a ground for not renewing a certificate. In 1996; the Art Commission adopted procedures to be used by the Program Director and the Art .Commission in acting on charges of deception resorted to in obtaining the certificate, as well as on charges of other violations. These procedures may be used to address violations in addition to, and may be taken with, the existing suspension-revocation procedures See Chapter 9 for details of these measures. 27 C H A P T E R THE SCREENING 3 After you have applied f or a certificate and paid the nonrefundable $20.00 processing fee (see Chapter 2), you will receive in the mail an appointment to appear with your work before the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners. This Committee, called here "the screening committee" for brevity's sake, was created in Section 2 of Proposition "L" (street artist ordinance) passed by the voters on November 4, 1975. The five members of the committee are appointed by the Mayor who selects them from a list of candidates supplied by the Art Commission. Four members must be "experienced artists or Graf tspersons" and one member must be an "ar~: educator." Because of the possibility of a conflict of inte he committee members cannot be street artists. ~ The screening committee is an integr«.l component of the Street Artists Program. Its members are persons whose qualifications have been carefully verified by the Art Commission and whose recommendations axe taken seriously by the Commissioners, the Director of Cuiturul .iiffairs, ;sn~:i the .~Sti•eet Artists Program Director of the Art Commission. The purpose of the screening is to verify that craft item(s) for which you are seeking certification of your own creation. This verification will be in ~ with the screening guidelines drafted by the Advisory and adopted by the full Art Commission. the art or to sell is accordance Committee At your screening, you must show the committee members ,`. samples of each craft item you wish to sell. (You may not sell any art/craft item which the committee has not screened.) At this screening or any future screening, you may submit no more than three (3) kinds of arts or crafts. For each art or craft item you wish to sell, you must show the committee- the following: 1) At least 1 dozen FINISHED SAMPLES of your craft; if your craft is beadcraft jewelry, you must show at least 2 dozen finished samples (bracelets, necklaces, earrings). 2) At least a half dozen UNFINISHED SAMPLES of your craft showing the various steps or stages of the craft's , \reation . ~` _-- ----_ 29 ~a THE SCREENING --- ~-- 3) The tools which you use to make your craft. 4) The invoices or sales receipts for materials you purchased for the making of your craft. ----_ The screening committee will examine your samples to verify that you made them. During the screening, the committee may require you to make the craft item in its entirety or to make a significant portion of it. If the committee requires further ~ evidence, you may be asked to return at the following scheduled screening with such evidence; if evidence such as large or heavy machinery cannot be brought to the screening, you may be asked to provide the committee with a videotape of you using the machinery to make your_._craft. /~ The committee also has the option to assign at least one ~f its members to visit you at your studio to watch you make your craft there. the committee approves your work- what--is,-- verifies that ,= the work is of your own creation - it will .recommend to the Program D1reGLOr, aCt.~ilg' OT'. t~ei;ct12 Of the 1~1Ie.~C:tur Ui l;ui-~tiirii Affairs, that you be certified to sell the work. If the committee recomment3,s that you not be certified, you may appeal the recommendation by requesting the Program Director for a hearing with the Art Commission's Street Artists Program Committee which reviews such matters and other issues of the Program. If the Program Committee upholds the screening committee's recommendation, you may appeal to the full Art Commission. If the - full Commission upholds the Program Committee's -decision, you may appeal to the Board of Appeals which is another City department. ARTS AND CRAFTS CRITERIA. One of the most important duties of the screening committee is, from time to time, to recommend to the Art Commission arts and crafts criteria for verifying that an applicant makes his or her own work. The criteria, established after extensive consultation with street artists -and after public hearings, are approved by resolution of the Art Commission. In verifying that you make what you wish to sell, the following approved criteria are used by the screening committee 30 ~~ ~< THE SCREENING to determine whether your item satisfies the definition of "Handcrafted Item" contained in the street artist ordinance: "An item predominantly created or significantly altered in form by the street artist." (The criteria are given in the original language formulated by the screening committee and adopted by the Art Commission.) BEAD MAKING: If a craftsperson makes his own beads, he may sell them either individually or strung as a piece of jewelry. If the bead maker creates a string of beads which includes his handmade beads as well as purchased beads, the rules for BEAD STRINGERS are applied. BEAD STRINGING: Beads cannot be sold the same as when purchased: when strung by the craftsperson, their design must be different f rom the original purchased design. Individual beads not made by the craftsperson cannot be sold separately. No purchased bead, shell, bangle, or crystal may be attached to a store-bought neck ring or chain. i:aYYi.:ys~ a.i3 Wtic?:pi~s:F_-c3C?'?.Tlgs and stickpins must have a numerical minimum of two (2) comp~~nents in addition to their "findings" (working parts -.for_ example, ear wire, jump rings; catches, posts). A commercially manufactured pendant may be permissible in an earring when the pendant has been determined by the Advisory Committee to be an integral element of, and/or subordinate to, the total design of the earring. Handmade clasps may be acceptable as com- ponents, but handmade jump rings are not. Chain must be broken and a design structure added; cord must be braided, knotted, or cut between the clasps. Pendants: The pendant, stomacher, brooch, cameo, and medallion part of the bead art object of sale must be an item predominantly created or altered in form by the street artist or craftsperson. Exception: a commercially manufactured pendant may be permissible in a beaded necklace when the pendant has been deter- mined by the Advisory Committee to be an integral element of or :subordinate to the total design of the necklace. Bead Stringing (using onl commercially manu- factured beads): The Advisory Committee shall 31 THE SCREENING verify whether the beadcraft item's commercially manufactured bead components are significantly or predominantly altered in form by the item's design arrangement. No more than 15$ of an artist's total displayed beadcraft may be of items comprised entirely of the same type of bead. All commercially manufactured pendants are not allowed unless approved as an integral part of the item's design arrangement. At least two dozen finished samples of each type of beadcraft jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, earrings) are required to be submitted for certification. BUTTON-CRAFT JEWELRY: used as jewelry must be altered on the f ace of the carving, collage - or they -for example, additional bu - that significantly alter Commercially manufactured buttons predominantly and/or significantly button - for example, with painting, must have two or more integral parts ttons, beads, feathers, or metal parts the commercially manufactured button. CANDLES: Wax, as a raw material,- may be changed into any variety of forms by direct manipulation; <•andles d3.pped, fabricated, and molded from original designs are acceptable. Candles made f rom molds not created by the craftsperson must show a change from the original mold.. Candles made from kits are not acceptable. CASSETTE TAPES: In its examination, the Advisory Committee shall listen to the tape for which the artist seeks certification and shall hear and view the live performance. A copy of the artist's tape shall~be given to the Street Artists Program and shall be part of the artist's file. The artist's tape must be copyrighted with the Copyright Office, Library of Congress, and a photocopy of the copyright form(s) shall be given to the Street Artists Program and shall be part of the artist's file. The artist/performer of the tape shall not have to be the author of the performance. Other artists/performers involved in the recorded performance may be eligible for certification to sell the tape under the following conditions: (a) the performer(s) must apply for certification as family unit members with the primary artist of the tape. ("Family Unit": Two or more persons jointly engaged in the creation or production of an art or r~,•raf t item, no one of whom stands in an employer-employee relationship to any of the other members thereof); (b) a technician involved in the recording of the performance may be considered as a family 32 \W ~) THE SCREENING unit member if the technician uses the technology as an instrument in the performance~_..__`-__.___ ~.. ,,_ / CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE: If the finished item is produced by starting from raw materials by reduction or fabrication, it is considered handcrafted. Original molds from non-original objects are acceptable only if of a highly innovative nature, or only if they represent a new way of conceptualizing the original object. Ceramic glazes containing lead will not be allowed on kitchenwares. ,_-__-------------~~ COIN CUTTING: Same criteria as for FABRICATED AND/OR CAST JEWELRY. COMPUTER-GENERATED & "NEW TECHNOLOGY" ART: (1) The artist must demonstrate, in front of the Advisory Committee, creating his/her own images on a new disk on a computer or other equipment. The artist is required to bring a computer or other equipment with extension cord and necessary components to demonstrate creating the art with the equipment. (2) Images not ~~f the artist"s ow~i creation must. be significantly altered in form and shall be examined for approval on a case-by-case basis. (3) All computer-generated or other printed work must bear the artist's printed signature, initials, logo, or name of business on or near the image. (4) All laser-printed or photocopied images are subject to the same criteria as for commercially printed items - that is, limited to 50 per edition. DECOUPAGE: The craftsperson must use original work or original photography, or else the pictures must be on self-made backing which in itself would qualify as a handcraft. DOUGHCRAFT: Same criteria as for CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE. . ENAMELING: Designs must be the original work of the craftsperson. Commercial stencils are unacceptable. ENGRAVING: The only items that may be engraved upon and displayed are items that have been certified as the artist's own 33 ~~ THE SCREENING creation. FABRICATED AND/OR CAST JEWELRY: The craftsperson must make jewelry by fabricating and/or casting with raw materials such as silver, gold, bronze, etc. Casting from commercial wax patterns is not acceptable; the craftsperson must make original molds from original work. Assembly -alone does not constitute being handmade. If items are fabricated or cast, the craftsperson does not necessarily have to do his own lapidary work; but stones not cut by the craftsperson cannot be sold separately. (Stones cut by the craftsperson can be sold separately. See criteria for LAPIDARY.) FEATHER ART: The feather work must be constucted by the craftsperson, using feathers and other accessories. Pre-strung boas, pre-glued mats, and other pre-constructed pieces are unacceptable. No items containing feathers from endangered species will be allowed. FIBRE ART: Macrame, crochet, knitting, weaving and other fibre crafts start with unknotted cord, string, rope or yarn, producing a f finished produ::t US1.rig a ~er1P_S O~ t:illsLS 2ili~ ;sia:iu5 with the option of other materials. Fibre spun and dyed by the craftsperson can be sold unknotted and braided. FOUND OBJECTS: See criteria for CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE; and MISCELLANEOUS. GLASS-ART (BLOWN GLASS AND STAINED GLASS): Blown glass is heated and blown by the craftsperson. Stained glass is cut by hand and painted or silkscreened or arranged to produce a design or pattern. RITE MAKING: See MISCELLANEOUS. LAPIDARY: The artist must cut, polish, and engrave all stones to be sold, and must demonstrate knowledge of the tools of lapidary. LEATHERCRAFT (INCLUDING BELTS AND SOFT CLOTHING): All tooling must be done by hand (no machine design work, "rolled" or "clicker" allowed). Sewing machine-applied designs are allowed. No belt buckle may be sold separately unless it is made by the craftsperson. Sale of Buckles-and Belts: No commercially manu- 34 iS THE SCREENING factured buckle may be displayed without being functionally attached to a certified belt. MILLINERY: A hat body that is significantly altered in form by the artist through the process of blocking or shaping, with the addition of adornments and trim (examples - ribbons, feathers, flowers, etc.). MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Any craft wh changes it into an entirely different function is acceptable as a handcraft. acceptable, even though it may be exception may be for certain kits such modeh airplane kits. ich takes a material and shape, design, form, or Any purchased kit is not assembled by hand. An as extremely complicated MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE and WOODCRAFT CRITERIA apply, except in exceptional cases. -- .~- PAINTING AND DRAWING: All traditional and experimental works are acceptable, as long as the artist is the instigator, maker, or <:ollabor.ator on work containing his own signature. (For multiples, see criteri~~ for PLAIN : ~r~~.%,'.: G. ) PAPER AND PAPIER MACHE JEWELRY: The criteria for SCULPTURE and FABRICATED JEWELRY apply to--papier mache. Handmade paper is acceptable if the artist works from the raw materials to the final product. PHOTOGRAPHY: The artist must do the original shooting of the subject. Self-developing film camera work should be employed in some conceptually unique manner. If the artist does only the shooting, the number of prints by commercial printers is limited to the following: machine commercial prints limited to 200; machine custom prints limited to 300. Each print must be signed and consecutively numbered, bearing the letter "s" for street sale, with the edition number - for example, 1/200s, 2/200s. (The number must be visible.) For each numbered edition, a "justification" as .required by the California Print Statute must be signed and filed with the Street Artists Program office. PIPES: See CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE; MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS; and WOODCRAFT. PLANTS AND DRIED FLOWERS: All dried flowers must be collected and not purchased, unless the flower container is handmade. No plants are acceptable unless their container is 35 (~ THE SCREENING handmade. _.---.._ . _- ,. PLASTIC AND METAL ARTS: See criteria for CASTINGS, ~ CERAMICS, SCULPTURE; GLASS ART; and_. WQQ~2CRAFT . _.~.. ~.._. , ._ ,._.._..----_._______ _ _ _._ ...- PRINTMAKING: The artist must do the original artwork. If prints from the original are also done by the artist, the number of prints allowed for sale is unlimited. If the printing is not done by the artist, the number of prints allowed for sale is limited to 500 per edition. Each print must be signed and consecutively numbered, bearing the letter "s" for street sale, with the edition number - for example, 1/200s, 2/200s. (The number must be visible.) For each numbered edition, a "justification" as required by the California Print Statute must be signed and filed with the Street Artists Program office. PUPPETS AND DOLLS: See criteria for either CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE or SEWN ITEMS. SEWN ITEMS (INCLUDING SOME PUPPETS AND DOLLS): Beginning with a basic fabric,-cutting and sewing it together to produce a finished product, ~h~ tc 1~ acceptabi~: ~E:~:.=.aTisi25: ^y3~.~i~~nt5, toys, applique, pillows). But application of mass-produced commercial patches or iron-ons is unacceptable. Patches and iron-ons designed by the artist, but not reproduced by the artist, will have limited editions (see PRINTMAKING criteria). SHELL JEWELRY: The craftsperson may not mount a shell on a store-bought neck ring. If the shell is worked on (and then mounted on a store-bought neck ring), it falls into the acceptable LAPIDARY category. STRING SCULPTURE: See MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. TERRARIUM HARING: The terrarium must be planted by the craftsperson, or, in the case of unplanted terrarium, it must be constructed from raw materials. Bottles by themselves are unacceptable. Plants by themselves are unacceptable. TEXTILE ARTS: Handmade textiles are defined as follows: beginning with cloth or garments and making or changing or adding a pattern or design - for example: batik, tie dye, handpainting, airbrushing, silkscreening. Mass-produced, commercial decals are unacceptable. If the artist makes the original design (to be applied to the textile), but the design is not reproduced by the artist, limited editions are required (see PRINTMAKING criteria). 36 Y/ 1 THE SCREENING TOY MAKING: Toys must contain no toxic materials; the toymaker must demonstrate that the toys are safe. Toys are generally covered under the criteria for CASTINGS, CERAMICS, SCULPTURE; WOODCRAFT; and SEWN ITEMS. All other toys will be generally considered under MISCELLANEOUS. WOODCRAFT: The craftsperson must start with a rough piece of wood, slab, or log, and change the shape of the wood into a finished product. Staining a pre-cut or pre-routered shape is not considered a handmade craft. INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STREET ARTISTS: A thorough review of all current invoices for tools, supplies, and materials will be made at all the arts and crafts screenings and re-screenings. Failure to produce good invoices, showing the name of the seller, name of the buyer, date of sale, description of items purchased, and the price for each item, may be grounds to recommend refusal or revocation of certification. The Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners recogr.~ yes that ~.-,~,e materials v^ed in pror~ucing art and craft works are found, traded for, or even home-grown. F,xception5 of this type will be made. In order to maintain accurate records for possible violations, some invoices and records may be photocopied during the screening and placed in the applicant's file. 37 / C5 1 SAN FRANCISCO ARTS COMMISSION NOTICE OF CHANGES IN SCREENING CRITERIA RICHARD NEWIRTH DIRECTOR OE CULTURAL AFFAIRS This is to inform you that on October 4, 1999, the full Arts Commission unanimously voted the following changes in the criteria used by the Advisory Committee of Street Artists and Craftsmen Examiners in examining art and craft items for street artist certification: PROGRAMS CIVIC DESIGN REVIEW 1) Elimination of limited edition numbers provided by current COMMUNITY ARTS 6i EDUCATION screening criteria for art and craft items reproduced by third PERFORMING ARTS PU6LIC ART parties. CULTURAL EQUITY GRANTS SUITE 60 2) Approval of recommendation of Advisory Committee of Street CIVIC ART COLLECTION artists and Craftsmen Examiners amending screening criteria STREET ARTISTS LICENSES SUITE 70 by requiring street artists to attach to the back of each print, ART COMMISSION GALLERY created by the artist or reproduced by a third party, an 4O1 VAN NESS AVENUE 415.554.6080 "edition statement" containing the name of the artist and the type (medium) of the print. HTTP://TMECITY.SFSU.EDU/SfAC/ iMAli.: SfAC(iTHECITV.S F;U.EUu With respect to item # 1 above, the limited edition numbers are hereby eliminated from the current screening criteria for PHOTOGRAPHY, COMPUTER-GENERATED & "NEW TECHNOLOGY" ART, and PRINTMAKING. The criteria for these arts and crafts no longer contain limited editions. With respect to item # 2 above, street artists who sell prints, either created by the artist or reproduced by a third party, must now attach to the back of each print a statement containing the artist's name and the type of the print (for example, laser print; offset lithograph, monoprint; linoleum print; woodblock print; etching). It is not necessary for the artist to glue or tape the statement to the back of the print; the statement may be enclosed with the print in clear plastic or other means. Howard Lazar Street Artists Program Director aCOU/yf' = October 12, 1999 o '~ . o~ CITY AND COUNTY Of SAN FRANCISCO 7C \/.,.i Plocc AvF CIIITF 2an_ SAN FRANCISCO. CA. 94102 TEL. 415.252.2590 FAx 415.252.2595 pT[ ~j $ [a ~~ MAR1<EZ' s7: a~ ~. u E 0 A ~. ~ u L \ ~ C VI i ~, L _' - ~ ~ ~r ~ v o i~ ~,• ~ ~ ! ~-. `'- ° ,~ „ d ~', ` ~ mac„ ~ Q ~~~,~ olM~ nw .~' b ~y mod. 9 y,~. ~-~ r ~ .F*F w o W . +_ ~ .~ ~ ~~ .u ~ ..: •a lV i u ~v Y :'; F I t, "~ ~ , A ~ _ J Y / ti ~ ~ `~ f •~ W ~~ 3 ~ , ''~e ~' ~ ~ V` o Q+ + ~ /1 Z ~~ Q `J ~ }' .1 ::. , ~ ~ 3 I_' N ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J n J b~ ~ 4 ~ $~ J ~~' ~ ^ .~ q • ^ .(s ~~ ^ ~ ~~7 ~"e` W W W Y d F n I .~,. „~ 1.S N/b~W ., Z \ l• m -: \~ ;' ~'. Z f.. i•: V ; ,~a ,. ~ ` ~" ~: v ~. V1 ,~ . C ((~ "1 0 .. ~~~ _~.._ ~~ iq~``.~ ~ ~ :fin@vZ ?~~~-- ~~mr~:~~ to . ,~_ :~ o~- ~y, :~~ 'ao~1a ~ . _ '::~1 ~ '' Q ~ ,• ,~ , 1\ ~. ~o ~, . __ii'. -•'~ -'C-i:..q'U- i `..~ v .1 i ~~•!. ~, ,. i i, \ i „~-1._. ~z~ Umbrella and chair o.k., but no merchadise or signage to be displayed on them ~~ -_ ~~ ~ %I No more than 5' ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ above the sidewalk ~ '~ ~t t~~ i ~ I ~3 'y GI i~ Ode g i ~ ~ a. 5`~a~~ \,t I ~` o{` 0 5 h G~ ~ 5, I ~o ~ ~. t o I I ~` i fi 3 -e - ` i ~, 1~,~yr 1 ~ ~yae _ Ae~eS.Z~~~g % - ~ 3 t is°~ ~,~,a{' r~d~ ~~ 1e to a~sj dst ~o ~`° ~~ce~,~a~ eta 10 . 0 0 ~ ,~,~ a° ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ o~ o~ ,y~; ~at~ ry't` ~4 ti fi a ~, ~ off. ~° g~ ~~ DIAGRAM OF BASIC REGULATIONS GOVERNING SIZE OF DISPLAY 44