Joseph Fisher 12/31/2009 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254 01 /03/2008 Joseph Fisher 9 Island Ave #1401 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 SUBJECT:. Transportation and Parking Committee Congratulations! You have been reappointed by Commissioner Saul Gross to the above referenced agency, board or committee for a term ending: 12/31/2009. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please notify the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. Please read the enclosed material carefully. Again, congratulations and good luck. Sincerely, ~~~ - 4 ~ C~L,~i~~ y RObert Parcher City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director Saul Frances ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Appointment Oath City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-2458, 2-459 Ordinance 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to alt who Jive, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. °' ~'` I ~'` i _ ~`' to ~ >~~~ ~ t B - ~»"` City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254 TO Joseph Fisher RE: Transportation and Parking Committee I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2009. I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Pub/ic O>~cers and Employees, and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure require- ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar ear on which I have'served. 'lJ ~_ Joseph Fisher Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of , 200 7 Silvia Prieto Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. ~~ ~' ~z ,... BUARDS AND CpAItNtITTEE APPLICATION >•C?RM ,r//~ P.~rsuant `o Gift' Cade section 2-2214j a anal b; tvl~mbers cif cx~encies, boards, and committees shat( be affiliated with the city; this requirerti'~e~t shall tie fulfilled in the following tivays:ai an individual shc~l[ have been c~ resident oFthe city for a minimum c~fsix mantP~s rxr fig} art individual shall demonstrc~+e ownerhipJintersst for a minimum of sixm~nths in a business established in 4he city, Resident cif Miami Beach for a minimum Qt six (6J months: Yes (~] or 1~Jo [ ] l~emanstrate an C~v~rnership/infer~st in a E~usfness is Ivtiami beach for a minimum of six (b) months:.. Yes j ] or 11Q i am applying far a Board appain}ment becatase l have special abilities, knowledge, exp~:rience: Yes My speciai abilities, Knowledge; or experience ,~ ~p ~,~ Are you a registered voter i~ Miami Bead. Yes. or No -. ~ .~ ~t,~ last Name First Name Middle Initial p-} 1 Home r, t r..- ~ ~, t"~ `~ ~ J °~.. :~^ 7 -' ti ~%''~ ~ f~ ^ ~ i ~ f LS `~t ~~ L..... ~ ~ 4~ ~ Address: Na, Street city State Zip Code r~ ^} w~ ~ . a ire .pis Name Work Fax Email address (Plecsse check one} 1 am rtaw o resident af~ North Beach ^ South Beach ^ Middle Beaeh~i Business dame:: _._ Applicant's Position: .Address: _ __ ~_ ~ - ___ hfo. Street Gity State Zip'~ade ^ ©wner ^ StackholderJSharehoider ~ Corporate (7ffiicer ^ Qther Explain: Prafessianai License(describe}:,~:._..._._ ~ ~ _- s=xpires:_ _ Attach a copy of the license ttsted cxbove, 1. Have you.ever been convicted of a felony: Yes ^ ar' No,,~~lt yes, please explaain in detail: 2. Dt~ you currently have d violation (s; at City of Miarni Beach caries: Yes ^ or No~. If yes, please explain in detail: 3. Do you currently awe the City of Miami Beach any mangy:, Yes ^ ar Nq. it yes, explain in detail;. 4. Are you currently serving an ar7y City Baards or Cammittees: Yes ^ or No 1f yes; which based? C:\i70GUMENTS f+i~D ~ETTI',C>S\C'7MPGA?J$LOGAL 5E71SfdGS~TEP~iPOP.AF2Y INTCCM1.E~ ~€I E~`.Ol K~7\3C F.PPUCATION JAN 2bOb_DQG ..... WttUt organizptions in the C'ify of Miami Beach da yov currently hold rrtembership ink ,~ game: c'~ ~ ~~:.. ~ '~ ~' ~' e- ~ ? ,~'~r~~~ t,:>; ~ ~ «- ~. ~._._-~.~~'s ~ ._ Ttfle: __ v ,.. game:.. ~1~. ~~~,~~ ~.~~ ~~ r ~ ,). ~ ~~ ,~ ; r ~ .~ ,r~~.~, ~n ~~~."'""" _._.___ _ _- t e: -. ~ ~~ , List ~€Ilproperfies ov+tneC! or'have can interest in, which-are {oGat~c~ v~lhin the Cify of Miami Beach: C;.\E7oCUh~ENTS AP1D SCiTtNGS\CC7r.~iP~ Ak: `,Lc:~,^.A; ~E'~IN.,~,,i _M.PO~iA(<Y ttdTERNFT FILc;',c~t~Kt?7\BC 4PPl ICFiTtC~N JAh! Z[)C76.[>JC I ern, nciw employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes ^ or Nod If yes,. which deparfinent Pursuant #o City Cade Section 2=25 (bj: Do you have a parent ^j, spouse ^], chil>vi_^1, broiher ^],~or sistot~ ~J who is ernptoyed by the Cit~rgf Miami Beach? Check aH that apply, identify the departmer~tfsj: ~ <~ Please list your preferences in order of ranking (l j first choice [2j second choice, pnd [3~ third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. tReaular Boards of Cifv! ^ Arfi in Public-Pierces GomrrSittee _~~ ^Hausinq Author,ty Barrier Free Bnvirvnment Gommifitee ^Laan Review Ccmmittee Beach Preservation Board OMarine Authority D Beautification Gommitfee ~ pMiami Beach Cultures Arts Counci! ~'' ^ Board of Adjustment (FlcadfvYanaemant '~ DP/~iami Beach Commission on Status of Wome~rr ! O Bud, et Advisory Ca_mmitted ~ OMiami Beach Florida Sister Crfies D Committee on the Homeless ~ _~Narmand Shores Local Gov. Nei hborhood Im rovement I _ t~Gommittee for Quality of Educafior5 in hdiam Eeach ^North Beach Youth Center Oversighfi Committee ^ Communit Development A.dvisa Committee ~ ^Gversi~ht Comrn'rftae for General C>b(i ption Band. ^ Communi~Re~~ztions Board ^Fprks & Recreational Facilities Board ^ Convention Center Advisory Board ^ Personnel Berard _ !~ Debarment Committee ~ O Plannin Board "` D Desi ~ n Review Board * ^ Police Gi#izens Refatians Committee ^ Fine Arts Bc,ard D Production industry Counci! Q Golf Advisory Committee ~_ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ p PublieSafe Advisory Committee ~ CINealfhAdvisor Gommrttee ~ Safie Committee p I iealth Facilities Authorit --- -- ~ Trans orfation ~. Parkin Committee. DHisp~s~ic A€fuirs Committee ~ Vis'rfor & Convention Autnorit ^Histaric Preservation Board * t7 Youth Center Advisory Board *Board' Required to Fiie State Disclosure form Nate: if appiyin~ far Youth Advisory Board, pieasc indicate your afiiQation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:. l . Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes ^ No ^ Years of Service ^ 2, Present participation in Youth Center ~ctiviffes by your chiidten Yes ^ No ^, It yes, please list the names of your children, theirc~ges,_ and which programs, list below: Child's name: _ Age* ~~ Program _.__,__ ~_._....__ _.._,..__ _..._:w.. Child's name: . ------ Age: Pro~rarn: This section is "not required" but desired: Age: ~ Gender: Male ~r Female E#hnic Origin (Check one) White ^ African-AmerlcanJBlack D tlspanic: ^ Asian or Pacific islander ^ American lndlart or Alaskan Native ^' Employment status Empioyod ^ Retired^ Home-maker^ Other ~ .~~°~~' i '~~°:~ ~'i~iy' ~~~~~ ul hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness ofthe appiicatlon anti have received, read and will abide. by Ches. ter 2, A~tcie Vii - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Me ers ' ~ n ~....._ ~ ~ ~.a -; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' r~ Appnt ~ Signature Date Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRftJTJ Attachment: Please attach a copy of your resume to your application. ~14Tt=: Appitcationz ~+il! remain an bite for a pecia~i of one (T }calendar yegt. u:``DQGt1FJ3EN7S fitslD SETTINGS\Ct3MPGAR.1'lL£7C`.L ~~TriNGS~tEt~!I'G~:ARY 'N7EkNt. Fi~E~'~,c~LY.87`tBC AFPLiC`ATION JkN 20Gb.DQG