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2. In the pop-window, change the end date from 09/30/2008 to 09/30/2009, as shown below 3. Click SAVE ~.~ Back x Beach Favorites fr' - _ ~ ~ e ~ k[p'.fJMamiCea[h3~2Jachvestra[eaylMain.asp~Page=Measuee=~e[aiI6MEABU0.E_I~=65J - _ ~ " ~ . fink Edit -~ Hierarchy ®Add Child uetails -Base view ~ ~ ~ i;,.:. _ ,~. a_ __. ,.: ~ ~~. Goal v Base -~•~' Average PM Time Police Pursuit Vehicees 3MOn[M3KMie Interval ' ~-t+nt rs ` Average M~1 lime Pol ee ~'urtin't 1 rn;l inn Measure the avers tme mechan 9e cs perform a 3 Monlh 3K '......4' ~ ~.'~~ 3MOnlh/3y M1lile (nterv al Mile Preventafve Ma ntenance on Polce Pursut Vehicles, ~~) nF• Drew _. Data Sourca~, FasiarCS Fl A@F Late Hengt' 10/01/2005 • ::~ 09/30/2009 __s Linked tJbjects APVrnv er ~ I itl tl s (ray:e flay; Hetnre Alert 't` Step2 ° ~ , ,,,. , F E ,. t..., Gelecf AG;on v, 4y ,aryrf Anna 3a ao m ; y D1 FV116 03FV - ~ .......r ., poeiete,te~ D ~ pan . ~ Step 3 t,~=tad ate: - Set the next fiscal year periodic goals and the fiscal year end goal for existing KPI's and DPI's in your Department Performance Plan 1. Under the drop-down menu in the Performance History pane, select "Set Targets" ~oel Be,e Actual Target Variance Date ihvners Ave re PM Time Pnlire Pursuit Vehi<leti Ly Min. 3L Min. ~ Min. 3 f-Ytl Yl 9e t2 f i~.l~vr, i,y~~rgr 3elonthJ3KMile Interval lcl'pak, Drew [inked Ohjeclt mro.nv.. _._... tnifie„~e.. Step 1 0 0.s Of fludpet Timinq 4a 5tahis ~ n. ~ners ~t ~v ^..,~.~I'F'Id lii~,.: 4'.'~i I'~~~~.~ir. ,,~l~i.- ,9® Performance History Select AcYian v ao Period Actual to Vori.mce f ~ ~ "' I a^_' 6 Ct FY06 03 FY66 p1 FVOi 03 FY01 O1 FVC9 03 FVOB . ~ ~~ -..F _._ -Goal - DefeuG - Tsgd -Bose - ~ Coal -Default -Actual -Base _ ~GOeI-DefeiR-Trentl-Base ~B et-DefauX-Target-Bose Q it rtetl u[es V ` ' l :.:~ . l y a. ~.t 2. Enter the goals for each ep riod in the next FY 3. Enter the appropriate warning levels for each ep riod in the next FY 4. Click SAVE . .. , _ _. ~ ® Bxk Search Favorites ~ ~,X Q, http')Imiamibeadi312)acOVestrate9YfMa~n.asp?page=MeasveDe[aIBMEPEURE [D=BBJ&ABECACh'E=\ `~. Go ~~ .. m ~®®~~®~ Detall5-BaSe Vlew '---- ~. a.~ :.~~~... _. ~.,. _. .. ~,~. ec ., ` Period Q 1 FYOri Average PM Time Pohr e. Pu Q7 FYD6 3MOnth(3KMHe Interval Q3 FYO6 - Q9 FYO6 ., ~.. ~ ::, QI FYO7 Q2 FYO7 I Inked Objects Q3 f-YU] Q3 FYO7 [rNWtlves i.. I [ t e~ QI FYOO Q1 FYO9 ~;_I-.- i' Q9 FYOO ~d it [r PW ~_e__ QJ FYD9 Q1 FYO9 PD 30 20 10 o G, r~fm ~, a ~a3~d dnF~,~nn Goal - [:<I re nie F avorable Tary vt b ~ 32 d ~ 32 Q ~ 32 j0 0 32 b ~ 32 C 32 C 32 b ~ 32 Q ~ 32 2~e C 3z Q 32 Step 2 C ~- Gaal - De1eW1- ierget - Beu ®Goal ~ Dafe.a - /lduel - Bem ~Gpal-DeleWl-Trentl~Base ~Bi iget-DefiwX -Target-Bese j i; Hierarchy ~ Add Child w orn~n~l Extreme Dateline Gaal -- Unfevoreble Corked Goal ~ Base ~'; ___... ~,_'~, 35 ~ O vners :.-~ 3s O r~;r 1 9. _~'~ 35 0 Te P s4, D«!w ._'~, 35 33 0 - Step 3 0 J:3 0 ~_: 35 j 35 ,_; 35 ~ ers O in _: 35 ~ ._ - _ _ ~ O Select Action v Q,.. ,.,r,.,nft. Ste 4 p p nusced saes ~ - _ J +~ o Tr~=tad ate. - , ; > _ ~ ~' ,r,~ - Propose new DPIs for next fiscal year KPI's cannot be added by a Department -they are only added at the Strategic Planning Level Given the extensive experience that Departments have had in working with their scorecards, it is not anticipated that Departments will need to add measures for FY 2007/08. However, if a department wants to add a new DPI for FY 2008/09, OBPI must review the measure before it gets added into the appropriate scorecard. If new measures (DPI's) are approved for the next FY, departments will select the appropriate KIO and add the new "KPI/DPI" using the following steps. 1. On the appropriate KIO select the ADD icon in the Measures pane. .. Ftle EGt Vew FewMes iodz Help ~, Bak - . 5eacn Fa.orites Htp'.l/miamlbetth312)activestrategyjman.asp?page=ObiectiveDetal&OBJECTNE ID=2E1 v ~ 60 » ', ® ~ ~f Link ~ Edit ®Add Child Details r Ensure exaenditure UenUy are susCelnable over LPie luny henii (IhI) Brq~- (i~licr, C;~ MfaSUre1 0 Actual large! Yarian[:e. Date O ~.. -ter or pr„ . _,~ - -° r _ -- pE,,,i, -'yin: ,::,:. _.. ,.ou ,.:., ., _ t. __ ~- Q F:~al : 7ilOn5 Beeline 5^.,'205 b0,CJ0 1,?US C e p ^.~,.~t c r+,t _rz _-t_i_ Shy .,i_rsl a "s ;q.? a ,orr a: ,~, -tF : 0 __ ~. 1 1'.. - - ' 1b4, C_ ~1 n .'DODO 2Mi U,C~.;E % M C C .-~- . F' C __ Vtep O .~r /3FM ~e. _ F pN,T re ~D _ _ +.9 : . n .. . . :, ~1 __ a O :r,;3 ,_FM_! Pn t ":i.. l,11-{ -3f1 irY~4KMii~. 4_M..., Si; Min_ BMir.. 1F':-~~: _ _ -zuV PM iirf e Setle -~ S ~ia~'~t T S~~ a..f -r tt'~YNI ie 3, Min. hC 1+1~n. ti M:r .1 F";;U i __ . _ ___ .•~ig M i -=dd h ignt Tr~JCl:= 58 Nlin. Ss Miff. jai Mir,. .~1 F'~'10 ~:sl_ e T? c , vrHV,~ F.ae[ e'Y _.: Tu~~n' k-ii.' ~.t4 2,50 0.13 ill F`!3N Fi~Y _v/pe 'e C 0 ~o_i:t! _ C[/_ M ~:drn, E~6.e5 56O.OG 51,.5 '~1 Fr.='~5 F:=h: --. at. -ir~ef Mc~a~c'r aCf P ~.fteC e'.a~rJ:tU~ f~~~Ca cLB.00 XJ;330,5.'.9A0 'F-ni,~[1.U0; -~3 f"J~ Q F'r.Ft fIn-y. - ~~ ~UU.OD j%, !30,530 u0 $236 +fii OU ~j {-~]? __ Q '_~_~ ', p. _raf":e fl BrrdL~ -.~--- :, ~. .. .o it ("_~~ Fr_Y-r e - .,... -,. ~~. PO .J ._-y~. 1a1a3,.~. &1 Done Q rr~uee sites .. The following window will appear: oet~l,t. it ®„dd Child oeta;t= Step 2 ~~~~~~~' FYp9: XXXXXX ' ~.~ .~r'i V'.i~~r %X%%XXXXXX Ensure rxpe nAiture trenOs nre s ,. wee~ures onrv i<,,,~ec io-ot-oe _.• ro oe-3a~o9 _.• Step 3 F,;,,re~er ,, o t - ~' ~ ,~y, tl,.t . „i~ , .,ir~ o- Step4 _ ~._ r e .e~en. o -- s ~.... -i~~~t F F1 9s _e1 t .. 'CM ego t:. __. - _~.~ fM TSB-~: - __ _ 0 ... ,, PM Tile SeJ, :::'~.- _ 3e ~~~_ - r° ~'- Step 5 o, - - - o- z~ _r~~,~ -- 0 -', s:S.r4anaae• am I ~~ ~ •."_'" -~>e I p.-,.,ecrl era --__ k[ ~JJ^Ma^tlbead~312factlves[r&e Jm -J ?Pa aln as e~NewChddlMasure808ZCTIVE lIl>.251 Tr s[eE SYas gy O . p g u .. p nu:rea ire: v 2. In the Pop-up window, enter the Name of the measure using the following format: FY08: Name of measure 3. Enter the description of the measure. Please make sure the description includes the following information: - Data source - References/Source of comparable benchmarks - Process flow for measure 4. Enter the Date range - Ex: From: 10-01-2006 to 09-30-09 - If there is historical data available for this measure, please set the start date as far back as the available data 5. Click on the ">" tab at the bottom of the pop-up window 6. Select the frequency of the measure using the drop-down option next to "Frequency." (Measures should be tracked at a minimum on a quarterly basis) 7. Click on the ">" tab at the bottom of the pop-up window o ~..«~~~~_, 8. Select the appropriate accumulation type (which calculates the FYTD number for the measure) from the options -None, Sum, Average or Last Period -using the drop-down menu 9. Select the appropriate good direction for the measure (To Max or to Min) using the drop-down menu 10. Click on the ">" tab at the bottom of the pop-up window Coinparut nr tieleclion Link Edit ®~dd Child Details ~ uniDaratnr. all Cnsure expenditure trends ur i..r. `_~,r'ir Meesures Step 8 Step 9 ° n~°~ o ::_.:_ r_-z~ _:... a i .a'~ Inr ~ o <Dr , ,,,,,,,,rirrrti,,,r.t.t, , ,~ ai„~ N> oroe TF c'e . ~ ,inS-r,~r a F.opc'r ~ M -~ Comparator Details __ -,r.F - -. { _ : . . DetaWf Cuff Uarator Anne ru p ~ e~or ,,V„ An eir i ~i u ~ l'IUr~ r.~ud Urr f ~i v Default Average - ~ To Max terv ~ 1G ,M Step 10 ~ - i. ~ R ,"c V. __ - (Drop c; ern{~aratu .an n { _ ,~~~~,...~ ... n. _ - 0 _:_' fly L '.,_._^'~ c -•: __. __ ._ p__~t rtar aaemerc-c _ I~ ~' J ~ ~~ ~~ ... O_',__iM _ _-G _ U iitip~llMaMbeach3127aclNestrategy(nwin.asp?Vage>•NewChidhleasureflOB]ECTIVE ID~25t ~ Trusted 9[es r~~ r~ Qirusfed sites v 11. Identify the owner(s) and monitor(s) of the measure 12. Click SAVE p . °'w' Q F,~ei •., H Ga'ions :asoGno Q ,,M~~itenarc~ kp~ir_,_e ,_t;, ~ r. 0~:.-ee,,,ar ~,.r ~er.c Hier-! -.~ e G~W Txn~ =e,laris & i Q ter a +aq FM I :c<7 _e~__i _..,.i. NJ-v -inl ..v Q met Mtina:~emari~ " prc,ia Yep Q F:e-i_ Mai - e:'n - Pr:?ierYa~ 0 w,~,e.~ `" _ - -- t~,na~ ~e~~ot .F.~d~_~~a.. F-1 c T~~.~~i F:=h=r. s e izroai Note: Please refer to Appendix F of the manual for a sample measure - Set the next fiscal year periodic goals and the fiscal year end goal for new KPI's and DPI's in your Department Performance Plan 1. Use the same steps described above for setting the next fiscal year periodic goals and the fiscal year end goal for new KPI's and DPI's as for existing KPI's and DPI's in your Department Performance Plan - Departments are responsible to extend the end dates of any one time/non-recurring FY2006/07 initiative/activity that was not completed as of September 30, 2007 as well as any one time/non-recurring FY2007/08 or prior year initiative/activity that will not be completed as of September 30, 2008 as follows: 1. Select Activity and click the EDIT option on the right-hand side of the screen .. Fik Edit Vew FawrAes Tools Help ~ (~ Bark - i Sea-ch Favorites ~ ~y'. nttp',ffmiam~bead~312facuvertraceSYlmalr.asp?Page=Ptaie[[DHail&PRO]ECTID=1052 u - ~ ~T~~ei~~Tr~~ Details upNt Fl,et t7.araaemgnt FU .d'..B t :r t ~ .. i. - AsDt `rggdge:.. . iim Step 1 FYOD Re ew d update Fleet Management n/a n/a vgue,e: e u ears: stains Repons Report Dote Budget Tasks nm~ne o stems Start Dnle Due Date Audget Timing ob - MilesstD~.e finked Obierts Mauuns Measures Edit i ~ Story B rd '?~ Gantt Lh art ®Add Lhild ~' (1 ., Fish O ~~. Cost Author it O "' Stains Cost 0.ssiVned Ta ;': Actual target Variance Date Owners Q ~_ Y~~umter Df DM s -.= ~__ ~ G~i^"U7 _ ~ .n Q..__.. - -- iGy,JU~ 1: .JCI[1 .CrcJH ~ec'1 t10:' -,=1~.=, p~sa i ~ do Jtew O '/~-d c. ~ _!'~~e rd2s ' T' .: r,4 _. ~~ 0.1? i_ t F.::;,. '~.=h= rgr Tee .. ~ e_.v Q e F c_ - r t CFru = 4" 3,u5i .'S nt]0 J.,~4e Ql F~r79 _ e dr[ -r :::z_v .dlrulaCed it Rpl'~ i_ ~ ~ee_. ¢ M~as::~e Dane Q crusted 9tas v i 2. In the pop-window, change the end date from 09/30/2008 to 09/30/2009, as shown below 3. Click SAVE i , ,. ® Bak - ~ 5each Favorites ~ - ~ ~ x gjMtp'.(fmiamibeach312facGVes[rateyy)main.asp?Page=Pralec[D&ail&PRO]FCiID=1092 ~ (~ " ~ • Details ~:errew anr. update Feer Managemanr Gol Fv00: Review and update Fleet Han Policies Le procedures Status Reports Report Date. Tasks Nile_ ~ e Linked Objects M~~wro~ ~Yleesures Q `.1~~~Lrr DY PM s O Fiee[~h'nrPhfi~iu_ - n=rg Q N!~i~terance key -o__= "a<<~t~ Fyp B: Review and update Fleet Management Policies & Procedures 'pl iun Review and update Fleet Management Policies & Prpcetlures to ensure [heY are in line with cu ent practices. Review current workflow process and develop new motlels for process improvement. Status Report Frequrn . Quarterly Date R ~~r:~ l0/01/200] _' to Ownership Par c,rnup UI•I~xtr.l\IIfR I1 Vk Step 2 Fdlr C itil Ldu Ldit 'y Board ~ Gantt Chart ~ Add [hilt i. r., i. F_sh e~,i-_r4r4. Auth 0 11 !us[ Assigned To owners Flst.rii F~r(yE_ ~a-r ~.i.~'~Yey+ Step 3 $ihllp:I/nrambeach312(MivesGategylmaln.aspiPoge=PropYDetaIIbPRO]ECfllL1092i ©;r~syttxd >irx_. - Departments are responsible to create new Initiatives/Activities for next fiscal year when: o New FY 2008/09 Initiatives/Activities are proposed as part of the new budget cycle and are scheduled to begin on October 1St, 2008. o FY 2007/08 Initiatives/Activities are recurring activities for the department and will continue to take place into FY2008/09. When planning the new Initiatives for the next FY, departments will select the KPI/DPI and add the "Initiative/Activity" using the following steps. 1. On the KPI select the ADD icon in the Initiatives pane. Fik Edk Vew Favorites Tools Help ®exk - X, f Seach Favorites .~ - - ~.I Htp',(fmiam~eadi312Jac[fives[ralegyJMair..asp?Page=MeazureDetailbldEaSURE ID=450 Details -Base View aE _ rrYe I __ F _.. - m c,enerai 4one torrent servtcr. O ~:~ei ~cs~> a e~dmmen~ems .n e><pena~mre noaget (v,io capital or reserve tran5rere ~ Linked Objects /nltliMW~s Inlti atlves ..._ f .,~t:e ~~r.~~,~.,~ FY07: Copt u= wort. nn f - - I ~ie5 w t @;d23e=aA»sgLGS~~g '.~44: o~~ sair,., ~ Fro] Ffd ~ i ki e~~ F - r i.F~ h in - ~ » £f Link Edit ;; Hierarchy ®~dd Child Goal ~ Base v Artu~~l itrget 4 rian~e Lnte Hers 1 t.3 a. ft.0 Qn :d.3 a~a Q3 f 1'I1 i c r~~do5e Q As of Budyef dng o Slann ~. ,i umcrs e ir_ r'630J 9.'.T e o _. ~3,n __ .- Step 1 12 11 10 9 e Ot FVOS D3 FV05 03 FV06 01 FVO] p4 FVO] 03 FVOB Gml - DefeuX ~ iergH -Bete ~Cael - Deteutt -Actual -Base Perfarnlanee Nistory Select Amon v Period Actual lar9 et Vnria nce ~ _._ - -. /~ Fr VR iii F"'. ~.. F ~E ~ _ J r L.? F.E ~ _ ] 9. r,? _ 1 F ~b ~' Done The following window will appear: 2. Select NEXT ® Back - __._ _ti, t. Search Favorites ~ ~ ~s ~~ :~j Klp'.()miamibeach312fac[IVes[raleyyiMair.asp?Page=Measu'e0etail&MEPSURE ID=95G rs T m ~~ T~TC'l~11~1®1 Link edit s Hierarthr ®add child Details -ease View Goal ~ Base ~ Actual Target Vuii n~c I?~~t~ e~e.neis OF .~ _E~ _-_- -_ se in General Fund t urrr. nr Yn ~ 0 ^.n In rrea ' - Level (CSL) k enhancements in exp C~ua, Juse nudoet (wJo Capital or reserve Iran F'le usr SPlect Iriiti STive ien in lace. Linked Obiects InItlHW~rl ~, ;.... _. Initiatives o roil uw urr; alt -: F',. E d~ F.1 Lcr mltte B"~, "c' T,~- f ~ ~F1:_ __,. :((mwnibeach312(actiwA rategy(main.asp?Pago-ChooseprolectePRO]ECTIDa&FRO M TABU 0 crusted saes Step 2 p ~~~.~ ~,• . „e~ ,i t...,.. • •~•,-,., p verrormance NiSmry ,2 _ n REtnai ,ar~,.~ Yar ian,e 11 ~ _ 10 VG - - -- it .. - ~ - 9 ~ G' ,.-. ft' 6 - 3 r r_n 9..' - '~' QI FV0503 FYBS ~2 FYa6 41 FYD) ~a FVe) 03FV08 _ ~ , -Gael-DeleuX~ierge[-Bare ~GOeI-Deleutl-HCluel-Base 4l ~ Trusted ores The following window will appear: r 3. Enter the name of the initiative using the following format: FY09: Name of initiative (note FY09 must be used consistently and with no spaces) (Please make sure the title of the initiative is short, concise, and meaningful) 4. Enter the description of the activity, including as much information as possible regarding the steps necessary to carry out the activity and expected final outcome 5. Select the status report frequency for the activity. Please make sure status reports are provided at a minimum on a quarterly basis 6. Enter the date range for the activity. Ex: 10/01 /2008 to 09/30/2009 7. Enter the cost (if applicable) associated with the activity 8. Identify appropriate owner(s) for the activity 9. Click SAVE ®Beck - '.,^J ~~ r Search Favorkes F _':~ .. - Linking Initiatives/Activities Initiatives/Activities MUST be linked to your Department Scorecard and your Department KIO 1. Select the newly created Initiative/Activity and select LINK on the right- hand side of the screen ,.. Fie Edt V~ FawRes Toals Help a ® m~k - ,,. ~. sexrn Fe.o~rtes F '~ 'EJ HtD(I b_ecr_~~, - r .. _~_- .. _p- ilC .J~SKache=N v ~GO " M),- Q~ Details FY09: Dpdate financial trends through FYDH Aatuz Reports Repoli Date Start Date Due Date Budget Tlminq ?'. - Wt~ie. str~r~.B - Linked Ohjects Measure, Actual Target Variance Date 0 r ..'_~- _.. _ :...-.i. ,~a,rr~ a _.. .._ .-.~_ t+1?a.~ H Owners O Add [hart pAdd Gauge ';J Add Victure 2. In the pop-up window, click on "Scorecards" 3. Select the Department Scorecard 4. Drag the selection to the Initiative Linking section under "Drop Item Here" ®Bxk - ^ _ r leach Favor'[es x F', I ~'~`- ~eJ h[tp'.fl IamiEeadi312lac[ivestrate9Ylman asptpa9e=ProleclDetail&fQOJECTID=1290 _. _..... _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ » -^ - Owners Cr t, lose i o author 1{ 0 j Assigned '. To q. Yjhttp:(fmla~beach3:2(aRlvatrategYfman.asptpage=PropGDetaYbP0.0]ECTID=1290Y QTrus[ed sites ~ 1 Add Chart V add Lauge `Add Vlcturc 5. In the same pop-up window, select "Objectives" 6. Select the KIO supported by the initiative 7. Drag the selection to the Initiative Linking section under "Drop Item Here" 8. Click SAVE ,. ®e«k . -~i ~ 5 n F ~or~ r _ _ d~ S~ ~nav',llm aro eeaaalzla r-b.~~?,: - r.-or_g cner mearo=razo ~ ~c° ' ~.~ m - Details Srorecards I Owned rvten'tored FY09'UOdate llnanrial Group DIreR Report netl ' ~funitoretl Status Heenrts ~' ~n!'1L0 .<r,,,,~, 1, ~ Di~er Step 5 Linked Vbj Measures ''+lea:urc: Initiative Lin4<Inq ~aott [Hart ®ndd child Link -ri]9.'Jpdare financial :rend, rl'ir:~.~g~.- _~. I te: I.i~iked l'. ~•i - Owners [Drop ltem Here] (rui~~se Step 6 ® ,. Authnr Step 7 ;' ° nst R;tigned To ] Sys zed+ras ~•d d°`°°° Step 8 here are no user de`inad charcs for th~,5 u~iGad~[ Printing Options: - Printing the Scorecard with Initiatives/Activities at the bottom 1. Go to the main scorecard page 2. Click on the initiatives tab at the bottom of the page for all the Initiatives/Activities to show up on the scorecard era y'~ ~ ~ ~ Ftle Ede New Favorites Tools Meb __ ~SUbscribe 1 Publish _ Edit -Options Score fj Link ®Add Child r.,,e„ii ~,~FS~,~ot,~, il=-Defanltyle,v Step 1 Default 1.U Community Satisfaction ~t ,i e~.r~i~,l n i/ YTU IOrPef ~anre nrt~;,ii ~ i~ _ . . tre T. r;: F ~ ~~-~-'._. e'.. i:' m z._S'es " t' E IL'll"N ,fi '~/c e . . . O - s of e I de K d Ntfi a 1 F ~< d m ¢ 9U SUemi 2- ~ 18e __ .-.?~ --t ,____I-~~ -~~ret ._o ,.ego va p;m ,.,: a~ir_. 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F:2C0] nra ~.^ e, E~ eilert o~ sood 1', a -sR - II f ~12u~G. f.3°/~ ,50 ~_ "Ot±' i.e r~~ 0 ~I 0 2.U lntemal Processes A[tual Target As Of YTD Atlual YTD Target ~+,arne. e ddt I~=. ~e3 a~~~mtor, ~t _'~i -_en- _ d~ Na _~.,, .. .,.. ~~~~ /a ~.~~ r _ .t '3G[ L>~-c@ -~ei.n9 i]a_51.~~Q~~_1"'~ .' r- E:ti:~d tip ~~ ^ iCU.u °'c ]F.i]'.~n i?OC~ _ _ -la M6 ar ula~[ee Sr 6re~ard0 nen _...c r...t~.e ~'uia. FaJ i:tte ''_ .. '.~~ "r_n _. \y I'~ ,a l _- .c~t C rn er F".e F.~serte~ t '~ie N.o= h I \i„ ~t e . Isab ._-r:~ TF _F~ linked tl bleats _._, CMId Seonurds ~`I1~.'~~ ' ' ~Ar~i s m'~'_' . ' .~"e. ; ` .z ,~ ~~ _ ,. child scorecards Step 2 0 Evternal Link: La.t 110uated :het krd Out k7y 3. All Initiatives/Activities will appear at the bottom of the scorecard 4. Click on "View as PDF" at the bottom of the page and print the document as you would a regular PDF file c de ~c e tt r. ' :, = .. ~_ •• .: -. '... _:; _~ Scorecard Owners: 3rooa att',_ U '~<. E Y ~.._Hr _~_' % -- -~ ___ . _~ " - o They E eked Ohlects -- tn~.d~.. ~~ Step 3 I~itiati.e= A~; Ut Podget o. Titniny o Slalnti ~_t. ~.__ r - ,, ~~ 0 0 ., . .:.._ , - t m r~ , ' 3 ,~,~~~- F 1 ~ ~ , In p,agr. , F alr.~T f - bloc L ~ o f e 9 'J,2p':S 0 0 - F ::~rei5 __ ~ ~L t k R-. 'In 'iu'~ll'i=. F n _ , f+~r r ~ 0 e ._~ ~ C[ ;carted F-' 4- dr-raae f,at`r r~p ar_d •"Iks ~i r -c ''=d ' f~ F ~ _.,- _ nr t „t_[i- _ Jyl3 _ __ 0 ~ ~ .a mq ~atc __ ('P'1 M yV_~. ~. 'L ..__ - J'2f1;1"' ee e . n:G',e__. F.:... F' rr ~ = u i ' ~ Comp~eta Fraaa 1oro6 '+'~U J- 3+ F O De los C + dto a tC a u *hat ~ ~.u ~ d - I 11e I e -t I i t I k la d e ent i:.; ~r.r =,_> u,_„~5 O O +,n rare ~6( 1 ~]s o to a~ h" Fa t J C - f G'. do Crd f ' ~ - ^/e ~a > r~:~al F. r:t T-_- External Linkc ,. Attached Uocurnents Last Updalgid Chc[ked UUt lly "i O Commentary Comment Shov+ All A [h r/Oa[e ' ~ ~~ dt . 3~ AM t . ~:an at : er.. ~ of „u. - V ~• ~F> Vt t- r~:ave r _~ .r V. ' , Jr~ IPG ~r> F J !°pp% ~I -~e e us~ist o eI:R am d~~..a.e. ere r ..o: ua: a ,e., ar - .. nP-1 a -oft Process !or ..onV~eted ~r~:t:a[:ras Gr~or to ar.h:v:na (Prop a i ~. ~ ~ E'2L'and 1 KethiH ° oaks ~unrterly Re~~,aw~ Moat: r:y U-1'.9l.'W? e e cx n. .ea tvt _.f ~.i ~.de cy t ~-us .~'be stn. ~o C.P'>' n- r+evs.~rnelt c c. ... .us.o. ,e :•<_ar. esscta'.. ~a:r.'~r,a s of u:a cf ni~n~~=it~; a:!TV4v eP5 fir 'I erv:Ce Sho UGe~ ~ A:aAe.~-.y tar sft+- h.urs aar.s; e[.:. ' us. Ltaaersh'~p ._ ~ J'! J!d Edit Y: atl7lc QLokr ~ o..n, ~n a:~ Manayar ' .} G _ %On ". JO ~er+~ce Shopper-stan]~rd for ~.ia- ~ne~p~on?~ -a Fuc:s ~'., ...- _n~erG- rrreF ~'..r art rali..~ t ,. efo r,a. II... raid-al.. [ ~e:nf~. r ,fir ee:. _ .. _rnpa:yn ftECENTI.Y VISiIEU PAGES: ~ er1~ -+~,1-L7i:~ It - ~ C rd C t I y1P S~y~~r - - - - ark JeRI T'~u~ m & C Rural E cc En._ _ Ertl o~M as • rr - Step 4 Q r+t e.. home vaae _~ a-load Uric Pape . L+:ok u~ark tlr~ Faye X v er+ as PD r n> Pay" ,~ActiveStrategy .. _.... ~ Trusted sites NOTE: In order to make sure that all Initiatives/Activities appear on the main scorecard page, please make sure to follow the steps described in the previous section "Linking Initiatives/Activities" - Printing the Scorecard Summary Report 1. Select the "Reports" tab at the top of the screen and click on "Management Reports" • .~ raa Est v~aw Fay«ta: rod: r+NA `ntma~~mhe~ ~ - ~ ~° ~ ~- m Attached I)ocument~ Las[ Updated Checked Out 6y commentary ~ ~ Authorf Date Comment shout Ail FtECE1 iLY YISt rEO PAGES: 4 si 1 ~s ti„i.ie page ~_. -mail thi. page . b~iokmark this page "~~ierl at /nF ~p~ inI Ibis Page ,GActiveStrategy 2. In the following window, click on "Business Plan Report" at the bottom of the list ,. Fle Ed& View Fav«tes cods Hdp ® g~ y I _ i , Search Fm«ites ~ ~ ~ ., ~~ ~ ' -~. ~-- ~Mm~Jlmaeaeacn3izleRrvestrategylmdn.asp?pace-aev«LSewcmr v ~G' ~m fYYW~~ tin ~ t a._i staoeara Reoon~. 4set as home page ~., maa tArs page . booYmark Mls page * ~ ew as pur ,~ pr~nr this page ~ActiveStrategy o rr~.tea Ala. RF.CEM1TLV VISITED PAGES: i~My}~'yJn*~~. 3. In the pop-up window, click on the name of the scorecard )avaurbf'.CDenNewP°pup("main asD?PaBe=Ccosec&Ca[eg°rY°BUSIressPbn",'nOw") Q Trusted si[Cs '~ ~ !_. ' ;, ®Bads ~.. Search Favari[es V - _ ~>,t s'~ k~l h<m,llnwamb h31 (x~ _~ zeport5elertor ~ ~ ~0 » ~ The Scorecard Summary Report will appear: ;, X. ~ Fla Edt New Favorites Tods tied -"'"" m My Favor tes Nevert to Admm (JBPI ScGl ecard R,... Lat.-I/; ,;: uo„ E(15~15 eC j9 f9an Flr~OIC __Inmunlt: Sati,fnction PereH~ectl.- Lesle Rnsenrele s~2~ Increase ras~tlent ,atisfaRicn with employee contact (OBPI) FY08: Continue [o werL with IT to develop standards/pr-tosses for unassigned phones r Leslie Rosenfeld LhgDDar prograr FLOP: COnhnue to train non!iN VOlunre=_rs'or ~ervrce Leslie Rosenfeld FY 0] NEW: work wah IT M tlevelop rtandargs/processes for unazs goad phones Leslie Rosenfale fYOJ: Train non-city vglunteers for Service ShepDer Leslie Rosenfeld FY 0]~ Enhance Citywide training for Emplo Vee Academy Leslie Rosenfeld FY08: Continue to ensure all conVaR emplo Yees are trained :n 0.0G/Essential Piece Leslie Rpsenfeltl end customer Service Standard FY08: Continue implementation of fY'OS service sho Dper inRiative Leslie Rosenfeld fY08: Continue to idantrfy most frequently requested information to include internal Leslie Rosenfeld resources (MB line, Intranet, etc,) FY08: Continue to develop Department corrective Action Plans Leslie Rpsenfeltl FY08: Continue to recruR and train volunteers for Service Shopper Program Lezlia 0.gsenfela fY08: Continue [o provide feedback reports and training to departments with an Leslie Rosenfeld average 5erwce Shopper score of less than a FY08: Oeploy comprehensive Citywide Training Plan and 0.0G/ESSentwl Piece Leslie Rosenfeld fY08: Continue [a coordinate review of standard CRy Letters with CST Leslie Rosenfeld FY OB NEw~. Expand Service Shopperm contra Red operations and charge enterprise Leslie Rosenfeld funds as appropnete fY OB NEW Evaluate potential to conduR Custome- Service Training for permitted Leslie Rosenfeld operations FY08: Implement software to provide knowledge-based information and Vain frontline Leslie Rosenfeld emDlogees regarding same Measure Ye of front line employees [rained impro ing knowledge of Me City Increase resident satisfeRion with emDo Yee contact (CM) I nrlease resident seGSfa Rnr wiU- emp.ovee contaR(CMB) Owner(s) Leslie Rosenfeld of employees trained in improv~nq knowledge of the Cify through Essental Piece, Em Dloyee Academy, attendance in Neghborhood Leadership Fcademy, receipt of khe MB Line wiM FAQs quarterly antl the keyword search software online, etc. Performance Initiatives linked To Measure Owner{s) Ind actual urge[ Varianrr. Dale FY 06, Identify most frequently requested information to develop training Dlan on Leslie Rosenfeld knowledge of me City. 0 100 % 50 °/. 50 °k Semi 2-O) FY 07: Enhance Citywide training for Employee Academy Leslie Rosenfeld fY06 NEW. Develo0 comprehensive Citywide Training Plen and Results-Oriented Leslie Rosenfeld = l~ ~ GovernmenVESSential Piece FY08: Continue to itlentify most frequently requested ~ntormation to incl~da irternal .esl a R,s enfold tpp ~ resourxs (MB L I tranet, etc ) ~OperinO Paqe http:llmiamtae<halN«tivestretevvtmain.asp?Dage=BU.inessPlerneporclsscoRECaeD ID=1.,. 1I111~~~iiY11111 Qrruuad Ate: You may print this report by Clicking "Print this page" at the bottom of the page. Other Features: - Option to add comments to DPI data points at all times and not only when system prompts user to enter a Variance Report 1. Click on the measure and select the Edit option on the top right-hand corner of the screen >. >t FYe Edit View Favorites Tools nab m ~~ Details -Base View F =e'<~ ~ t eLer~tl ~' - DI 1 Frr.l>/' li. e.. -. 0 9o increase of General Fund total revenue. budgrt _~,. ~,s e_ r. ~e~'~'~.. ~eadi: is Measur? ~inkrd objects tawm..s _......... , Initiatives Step 1 ~~ arMini 1 a.3 a.'o 1.~.: ~ 11.0 ~. ~~ There die ~,o inttititluec I:r,1-erJ a^_*hi_ Cn ie 25 30 15 41 FY06 D3 FVOS G3 FVO6 Ot FVO] Da FVO] G3 FVO6 -Goal-Deieu[-Targee-Base ~GOtl Defeo[ A~~al-Bexe ~GOtl Defeul Trentl-Bexe J Goal ~ Ba=y n ate ~,i, i,.~nris ry Q3 FY07 __ _~,_15!se ~, 0 Performance History SeleR Anion ~. Period Actual rar9et `/a riance 1 f:T ia. _. .. .. (d iii.S F 0v _ ~6 _ i F /d 3 -_.-_ . 1 J - 6.. - - e -_ is '' ~i J5 -- 10.41, _ n(d. - ri~`a -_ __ __ ''. C r~5 lC 4. r.(a n?d nla iy - ._ -_ 'Add Chart pAdd Gauge yAdd Plc[ure rear, are nr, a=er ~ten~an mart; tar tms n:~d;u~-. F zti•rnal Links v:' Attached Documents _... _ Done Q Trus[ed skes 2. In the pop-up window, click three times at the bottom until you get to the following screen eat k 1, J ~j unk Edit ~Subun b ;Hierarchy oNdd Child Details Base vi nty '~°r~.: ' t ' ~, Goal ~ Base ~ ~aa~ ueiault ~ _.. '- Er E r 1 -=r-~F 1 nPa rat or'f YPe \ un elation TYPE G d D irection Cruz lose as e of Genera and ~ ~ ~ J n~ [ l iil~:n ati:)n AtWal - Target `r 3 .ar~ance Ke P~, ri H~ gniYe~i Untlerpertorming or No Data ~ t_ink ed Uhjects Step Extreme Favorohle b [altlatlws y,,, lnitlatives Extreme. llnfavor.ihle If n~~eline seate ntax n.>niav Pr«r.. - rnonsands separator O Uis play suffir. % Uetimal lilac es 1 v Sele action +: ^. x~ . ~t , Tarpcl Vag ~ ~-nl uilate stem Line ^ 10 15 - 1 10 _. n/a 81 FVOS ~3FV ~ ~~~- * T_. _ Step 4 u~ ~i O~i ktp'Jj - 312faRlveshazegy E ID~A51 trusted rtes Step 2 add [hart ~ Add Gauge ~ Add Pttture __ _. .... __ -..____ ,~,.~,.~„~. .,.~~,. _.. Onuaed site: 3. In the field "Variance Report Required," select the option: Always 4. Click Save Every time you enter a new data point, the system will prompt you to enter a variance report. You may add a comment to every data point the same way you enter comments for variance reports. Z O ~ T C ~") { N (n N O r oov ~ooc C ~ C t~ O o ~ ~ O O N fD a w D j ' v W C v O N p N N ( - ' 7 : m 0 v W C c ) Z 1 f ~ (1 0 m 7 1 T T 0 ] f1 l f1 l ,Z 0 7 f1 l f 1l f f1 N C~ v n n ~ ~ m o o m m . A ~• N o y 3 v ~ ~ v o m N N m a ~ f m B N ~ 3 v - 3 ~ 3 v v ~ ~ m - 3 3 v m 3 v m v m a . m ~ o m c o ~ o o O ~ y ~ O m ~ ~ n ° v n d ~, m D O ~ ~ ? - ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ o m v d p ~ y ~ 0 0 ~ C_ ~ ~ ( T ~ ~ y ~ y 3 ~ ~ O 0 O d CC r C~ O F O O N S d O N n N f ~ N/I C N O n ~ O f N D m N N C ~ (D O r N ( 0 D ~ ~ N O N L ~ O ~ ~ y v ' C ~ ~ .` ~ v O n v c O O l X O ~ ~ N ?, ^, p N C p 7 N J O X (p O N L d ~ O. N N N O `G N = ~ 0 N N ~ 7 O r. N ~ ~ ~ _ C ~ O J N N ~ F N N n ' ~ O ~ O D N ~ m O 3 c N c N D m p v n O v n m N < ~ v ? 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O W Ut O CO O W -~ Oi N OD OD A m - ( + O D A V ~ W Oi O A 4) ~ W O ~ O O W A A V N (O W (T (O N W W ~ O W W ~ W c0 V N N N 0 0 ~ 0 0 --~ ~ 0 0 ~ V 0 W (T W O) CO A m N 01 V O ( N O tD N W c0 V N ~I -~ A W A 0 V W 0 V O N O W Co ~ V W O l O~ N W 6 1 O O W m Q i A N ~ ~ A O W (D D O D O p (p (O c0 V (D A c0 N OD OD V O A D O N D V W V O V i W N 4 0 ) A 1 A A N O W (D W O W t W N t0 N W N V N O N Ot O (O O V o 0 W O 0 D O 0 A 0 O o W a O o O 0 O 0 O 0 ) (O 0 O 0 IV 0 W 0 V O 0 0 ) ~ 0 OD o N v Q o 7 O v ~ o ? 0 A 0 (n A A (.n A A OD O ~ W W N cn N~ -' W ~ 3 m ~ 3 0 wm ovi ~ s v co ~' ~ m y N m ° o F m vvvvv~vvvv c c c c c c c c c c o-Q O•Q O-QO'o'o•o- o`n o o n'o`o"o'o 0 D D D D D D D D D D m m' m m' m m' m m m m v v v v v v v v v v C~C)C)C)(~C7n C)C)O m w ni w w uvi o0i w w w m v m v v m v m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N J J~ J~ J~ 7 J 7 a a a a a n a n a n N tD (D (D cD (D (D (D tD tD X X X X ZC X X X X L( ~ _~ (U N (D y N • February 22, 2008 -small departments • March 3, 2008 -large departments OBPI will review the business case for completion prior to submitting to the committee and scheduling in the IT Steering Committee agenda. 3. IT Steering Committee Business Case Review The IT Steering Committee will review the business case and may request additional information. FY2008/09 Businesses cases will be reviewed during the meetings in February through April. After all business cases have been approved, the committee will prioritize and recommend a list of IT initiatives for FY2008/09. In September, the department will be notified if their proposed IT initiative has been approved in the FY 2008/09 budget and will need to present project status to the IT Steering Committee next fiscal year. Instructions on completing the IT Business Case form Please follow the instructions to fill out the IT business case. Screenshots have been provided to help in the correctly completing the form. 1. Open the MS Excel file named "New IT Business Case Form - FY2008-09 v2.xls." A Security Warning message window will open. If the "Enable Macros" button is available to be selected, then go to Step 3. If you are unable to or are not given the option to select "Enable Macros," then select either "Disable Macros" and/or "OK," as shown below. "F:~obpit$ORG DEV & PERF IMP~PerFormance Improvementti,IT Steerin..." contains macros by Details... City of Miami Beach This publisher has not been authenticated and therefore could be imitated, Do not trust these credentials. Macros may contain viruses. It is usually safe to disable macros, but iF the macros are legitimate, you might lose some Functionality. ' ~ The security level is set to High. Therefore, you cannot enable macros ~'~ From sources that you do not trust. r- ? - tr of More Info Macros aze disabled because the secwity level K seI to Very Hiqh. To run the macros, chazye [he securay kvd [p a lower setting end veruy [M macros are sgned aM trusted. __ Macros are disabled because the security level is set to High and a digitaCy signed Trusted CertiFlcate is not attadud to the macros. To run the a Certifrar d vh,v ~.curRy level to a lower setrnq (not recommended), or repuezt [he macros 6e signed by [he author using a cert5cate iswi f We F1dp « Open in YIeIP Window I You may eruoun~r this error (or the following reasons: 1, Macro security Is se[ to: • Very F4gh and the applcation encounters a signed macro, but the macro was automatically disabled Uze [he F rocedure to bl the macro: , g p ena e 1. Select the Tods menu optbn and [hen select Macro and Security. In the resulting Securit q set the security level to Hi h by clickirg the f4~t radio hutton. , g 2. Close [ha fde and any ocher instances aF the application currently ru'irwig on the cam cur se a9 applications that also use the applicaton you are currently running). 3, open the file again and examine the certificate of trust detects and set [he N trust macros From this pubbsher box IF you trust the certyica[e issued by the publisher. 9. CI'Kk [he Enable button to allow the macro to run. OK J Step 1: If any of these windows appears and you are not given the option or are unable to select "Enable Macros", then click OK or Disable Macros 2. Please only do this step if you receive any of the window messages in step 1 and are not given the option or are unable to select "Enable Macros." You will only have to do these steps once and will not have to do these steps again when opening the IT Business Case form again in the future. a. After clicking "Disable Macros" or "OK", then select Tools (Step A) and then Options (Step B) on the menu bar. The Options window appears. __ __ a.__ .._.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~. .~., , ~_ _- __ ing..: _ Step A J ~ ~ ~,;, Researcn... a Futura std Book g _ ~ j '~L` Error Checlting,.. tr J107 h Title speech ~ A B C Shared Workspace... - Share Work¢ook.,. 7 -~ -- Track Changes F INFORMATION TECNN Proca~twn ~ ~. 3 ooime couaborauon 4 yoai seek 5 Pro eet Name: ... i 6 xanarios.,. 7 Ownsr De rmronY. .,Ie.:1 .~ def FormWa Auditing r 8 /ro'«c Ma er. macro r 9 10 rm «r Amount 131 Add-Ins,., _ 11 try.. r..r..J~n...._~_•v~... .-- AutoCOnec[Options... - Step B b. In the Options window select the Security tab (Step C) and then the Macro Security button (Step D). The Security window appears. ~, View I Calculation I EdR I General Transition I Custom Lists - _.._.__ Step C Colar i International I Save Error ChecWng I Spel4ng ~ Security Fik eruryptirn settings For thg workbook p Password to open: 9dvan ~ Fik sharing settings for thls workbook - Password to modify: f Rgadronly recommended Qpital Signatures... Ptrvacy options r Remove personal information From file propertks on save Macro security - Adjust the sacurRy kvel forfiles that might contain macro viruses Macro Securit Step D _ and spedfy names of [rusted macro developers. y"' i - OK Cancel c. In the Security window, select Medium (Step E) and then click OK (Step F). JJ Security Leval ~ Trusted Publishers i r' Very High, Only macros installed in trusted locations will 6e allowed [o run. All other signed and unsigned macros are disabled. C' High. Only signed macros from trusted sources wil be allowed to run. Un ' • :Medium. You cen choose whether or not to run ppten[ially unsafe ' ' acros. Step D 7' how (not recommen a ec a rom potentiaAy i unsafe macros. Use [his setting only iF you have vvus scanning software installed, or you have checked the safety of all documents you open. Step E 3. When opening the Excel spreadsheet, click on the button "Enable Macros", when prompted by the Security Warning window. ~..._ J "M:~$CMB~1T STEERING COMMITTEE~Proposed IT Prajects~New IT Business Case Form - FV2008-09, x1s" contains macros, Macros may contain viruses. It is usually safe to disablemecros, but macros are legitimate, you might lose some functionality. ~ Macros 4. Complete all three pages on the form. Step 3. When opening the I file, click on "Enable Step 1: Narrative Request -Begin filling the page starting from the top. Drop down menus have been provided to make filling out the form easier. Each section has instructions to assist in filling in the required information. Step 2: Financial Information -Provide both the cost of the project, including recurring costs, such as maintenance. Step 3: IT Compatibility Analysis -This page needs to be filled out and signed off by the IT department. Please allow for enough time to meet and have IT fill out the information for the business case prior to the submittal deadline. n _. Rev~awa Dare; INFORMATION TECHNOlOOY AND COMMUNICATION BUSINESS CASE AND FUNDING RlOUEST FY ]OOd/09 ~ ra.,.px,eraernra., ~nl.eery'. rMw»rbrrom'~ rDOnn~iro~wlDy aiwa'aba~a.w .l brWe.bparDronr. wirA nom~nnn A nbmnrwn Mi~hke n.i.n~~rrra~/laeA:awwi: Delire the pmbkm need or cpponuary hu+rJe any robwnr b~x49ruuM ng ~nnrxnenn in Nr pry. wl prcper II apPlrabb pbav ~n.lud. am inbmnnen evpbini.q +.hy Ma i, a 5 enMabd enrocr Step 4. Complete all three worksheets of the form Common mistakes when completing the IT Business Case form The following items are common mistakes when completing the IT business case that can delay the submittal to the IT Steering Committee. • IT must review and sign for concurrence on all business case prior to submittal to the IT Steerino Committee The IT department must review all business case and complete the IT Compatibility m M l AM I B EAC ~~! Revision Date: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION BUSINESS CASE AND FUNDING REQUEST FY 2008/09 Project Name: Owner Department: Select a department Project Manager: Telephone Number: Project Amount ($) Key Intended Outcome (KIO) Supported Select a KIO Project Type (Please select one:) ~ Enterprise (Citywide) ~ Departments of Interest (multiple departments with common functionality requirements) ~ Owner Department Specific include Statement/Justification: Define the problem, need, or opportunity. Provide any relevant background information to Mandates for Project: Please identify any mandates requiring the City to fund and complete this project, such as the outcome of litigation, a decree, etc. by Federal, State, County, Local or other entity. If no mandated requirement, please enter "None." Dep dep artment Participation: Select the Department(s) below will be impacted by the initiative and their level of participation in the project. If no artments are impacted, then select the button below. 1 Select a department 6 Select a department 2 Select o department 7 Select a department 3 Select a department 8 Select a department 4 Select a department 9 Select a department 5 Select a department 10 Select a department No departments impacted or participation needed other than owner department Page 1 of 4 Project Name (Continued): Revision Date: Proposed Funding Sources: Please identify any potential funding sources you may know of to fund this project. General Fund Technology and ~ Proprietary Capital ~ General ~ Other: (If other, please specify below:) Communications Fund Department Fund Expected Benefits/Direct Payback: State the benefits of solving the problem or reaching the goal. Please check all the apply below Identify and specify benefits specific to each stakeholder. Wherever there are metrics (numbers or targets) for improvement, be sure to include them. Examples statement: "Reduce communications costs by 20%" or "Increase revenues by $1,340,500 in fiscal year 2007. E; Reduces Cost [~ Increases Revenue (u Improves Customer Services ~ Improves Ease /Speed of Other Key Business Processes [", Improves Internal Control Improves Decision Making Abiliy Anticipated Risks: What may prevent a succes sful implementation and use of the software /hardware/etc? Project Timeline: Please provide an estimated timelin e for each of the following components: Month/Year Month/Year Request for Proposal Start: N/A Request for Proposal Completion: N/A Vendor (A/E) Agreement Award: N/A Planning Start: N/A Planning Completion: N/A Design Start: N/A Design Completion: N/A Build (Construction) Start: N/A Build (Construction) Completion: N/A Test Start N/A Test Completion N/A Go ~~'~ve .'J/A Signoff/Approval from all Departments of Interest: Signature needed by owner department, all impacted departments, and responsible Executive Staff member Department Siancture Title Owner Department Impacted Departments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Responsible Executive Staff Member i n t r T t1e Page 2 of 4 2 U Q w m_ Q 81u~ 0 h i n N O } d s' b O _ d O 0 4 0 0 o Q^ O Q c O ~ d O Q .o i 0 U a, c O p a> U ,~' ~ a ~ ~ c ~- ~o _ ~ ` O ~ ~ ~ ~ O U O ~ U = ~° 0 i '. h n N d O_ d O 0 4 0 c ~ O Q c O O ~ a O c -c I ~ w 0 0 Z ~,, ~ ~ ~ Z Q ~ ~ O Z ~ v 0 M N m f0 a m MIAMI BEACH IT Compatibility Analysis Revision Date: IMPORTANT: This section must be completed by the City of Miami Beach IT department. The project will not be approved and may not be reviewed by the IT Steering Committee, until this section has been completed. Similar Applications Already in use in CMB Signoff/Approval from all Departments of Interest: Signature needed by owner department, all impacted departments, and Department i n t r Title ,Information Technology Department Page 4 of 4