Randy Weisburd City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254 01-24-2008 Randy Weisburd 733 Lakeview Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33140 SU$JECT: Plannina Board Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 12/31/2008. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing elected official leaves office. If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully. Congratulations again and good luck. Sincerely, Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director Mercedes Lamazares ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Appointment Oath City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 Ordinance No. 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. ~, ~ .. r` , ~ ~'~ i t~ ~a ~ a City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: {305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254 TO Randy Weisburd RE: Planning Board I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2008. I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public ~cers and Employees, and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* require- ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served. Randy Weisburd Sworn to and subscribed before me this 0`~' da~r of ~Qt , 200 r Silvia Prieto Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. BA~I~~ ANA ~{3t°~,~i ~ ~ Aa~'~ ~ i~"i"i~~] ~~;~ NAME: ~~~.S~G y~~ ~~y~/~ y Last Name first Name Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: 733 ~~~~~ ~~ V~ /'r ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 33 ~~ ~ ~,,~ pp~~ No. Street City State Zip Code PHONE: ~• t767. q~`l T ,~~•~~• ~Z~sx~d7 3os:SGT~ xZ~}~, r'we.,rb~nd a7 ca~Mw.a agLrHr~lh. ~a Home Work Fax Email address Business Name:~TL~Ir~C~i/A~GIF~~ ~~~MPA~tS .Position: (.,K«(/f'~A'T//1~^ ~PJ~'~~~~ Address: ~~ /<~ ~I~co u2,S~ No. Professional License (describe) Street City ~. 3 3 ~.~ y State F~cpires: Atfach a copy of tf~e license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for aminim//um of six months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six ((i) months: Yes for No ^ • Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes is7or No ^ • Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes lifor No ^ • (Please check one): I am now a resident of: North Beach ^ South Beach ^ Middle Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge, experience. Please list below: Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (31 choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) ^ Art in Public Places Committee ^ Beach Preservation Board ^ Beautification Committee ^ Board of Adjustment* ^ Budget Advisory Committee ^ Committee on Homeless ^ Committee for Quality Education in MB ^ Community Development Advisory* ^ Community Relations Board ^ Convention Center Advisory Board ^ Debarment Committee ^ Design Review Board* ^ Disability Access Committee ^ Fine Arts Board ^ Golf Advisory Committee ^ Health Advisory Committee ^ Health Facilities Authority Board ^ Hispanic Affairs Committee ^ Historic Preservation Board* * Board Required to Flle State Disclosure form ^ Housing Authority* ^ Loan Review Committee* ^ Mayor's Green Ad-Hoc Committee ^ Marine Authority* ^ Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ^ Miami Beach Commission on Status of Women ^ Miami Beach Florida Sister Cities ^ Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. Improvement ^ Oversight Committee for General Obligation Bond ^ Parks and Recreation Facilities Board 4 Personnel Board* ~ Planning Board* ^ Police Citizens Relations Committee ^ Production Industry Council ^ Public Safety Advisory Committee ^ Safety Committee ^ Transportation and Parking Committee ^ Visitor and Convention Authority* ^ Youth Center Advisory Board 1 G_\Documents and Settings\compurbmlLocal SettingslTemparary Internet FileslQLK1C51t3C Application P,evised July 18 20oZdoc Note: if applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes ^ No ^ Years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes^ No ^. If yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: Age: Program: Child's name: Age: Program: .Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes ^ or No lid' If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes ^ or No ~If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes ^ or No 57~If yes, explain in detail • Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes ^ or No f~ If yes; which board? • What or~g/anizati/~ons~ i~n~th/e~City of Miami Beach do you currently hold/membership in? Name:/7/aIJA'~G+KCN.4~'JRtSQ CD/i'iA7t~itt~ Title: ~'~(,L,A74 ~~i9tfG n Name: oGa~N~~,~~1_t!!TG°~I.. Title:_ ~O~/triQ 1T~ya~~ • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: G~~,v' ~li~,i ~~ Y~'~/ !.~//..~s- ~.xnr~-.ri,r~,) :733 LGKev~ew D,e~,~~ ~a~~! 7 • I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes ^ or Noi~ Which department? • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent ^, spouse ^, child ^, brother ^, or sister ^ who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): ~ _ This section is "not required" but desired: Age: 3 / years old Gender. Male lii7 Female ^ Ethnic Origin (Check one) White African-American/Black ~ispanic: ^ Asian or Pacific Islander ^ American Indian or Alaskan Native ^ Employment Status: Employed tt~Retired ^ Home-maker ^ Other ^ "I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article VII - of the City Code "Standard of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." 2oog ,~Au/b G~ta~'B srieb Applicant' Signature Da a Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT) Please attach a copy of your resume to this application NOTE: Applications will remain on file for a period of one (1) calendar year. Received in City Clerk's Office by Date Name of Deputy Glerk Document Control Number (Assigned by the City Clerk's Office) Entered By Date Revlsetl 125/07jo 2 C_1Documents and SettinyslcompurUmlLocal SettingslTemporary Internet FIIes1QLK1G5\8G Appiicatian Revised July 18 2007.doc RANDYK. WEISBURD Randy K. Weisburd, Chief Operating Officer of Atlantic & Pacific Companies, is primarily responsible for the formulation and execution of the company's overall strategic plan as well as its day to day growth management. Under the Atlantic & Pacific corporate umbrella, Mr. Weisburd oversees the Property Management Company, the Development Company, and the General Contracting arm of the company. The Property Management Company currently manages in excess of 14,000 units with over 300 employees. The Development Company is currently working on five large scale projects: • The Crown at Miami Beach - a Class "AA" 174unit conversion of an historic hotel to Miami Beach's only Oceanfront luxury multi-family apartment community • St. Andrews at Palm Beach - a 770-unit apartment to condominium conversion; a market-rate affordable conversion • The Residences at DoraI Grande- a 60,000SF Class "A" office building plus a 322-unit ' town-home community • The Grande Palms at Tradition - a 600-unit Class "A" Gazden-Style Apartment community located in the Tradition Community of Port St. Lucie County, Florida • Cresta Bella - a 307-unit Class "A" Garden-Style Apartment community located in San Diego, California Prior to joining Atlantic & Pacific, Mr. Weisburd served as Vice President of LNR Property Corporation. During Mr. Weisburd's nine year tenure at LNR, he was directly responsible for the acquisition, development, and management of numerous commercial properties .throughout the United States. In addition, Mr. Weisburd was integrally involved with LNR's expansion in Europe and served as a lead underwriter of the acquisition of France Telecom's real estate portfolio, a +$3B transaction that, at that point in time, was the single largest real estate transaction in France's history. In Mr. Weisburd's final role at LNR, he managed the Florida Division of LNR Property Corporation's Commercial Property Group where he was responsible for overseeing the company's investments and personnel throughout Florida. Specifically, his responsibilities involved the coordination of the leasing, management, development, and redevelopment of all owned assets, including Miami Beach's newest Class "A" office i~uildings,: The Lincoln and Lincoln Place. Mr. Weisburd, a Miami Beach native, graduated Miami Beach Senior High School in 1985 and the University of Miami in 1989 with a degree in Business. Mr. Weisburd is married to Nikki Weisburd, a practicing attorney with the Transitioning Youth Project, a joint project of Lega[ Aid Society and the Guardian Ad Litem program, specializing in representation of teenagers in foster care. Nikki and Randy's children, Hilary age 5 and Ryan 24 months, both attend Lehrman Community Day School. Page 1 of 1 Rodriguez, Enid From: Randy Weisburd [rweisburd@apmanagement.net] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 12:00 PM To: libbin, Jerry Attachments: image001.jpg; Cover letter.doc; Randy_K_Weisburd_-_B101 (2).doc; SCAN6086 OOO.pdf Attached, Please find my submission of application for the Planning Board including: • Cover letter . Application Farm • Biographicallnformation Thank you for your consideration. Randy RANDY WEISBURD Chief Operating Officer Atlantic & Pacific Companies 1025 Kane Concourse Ste. # 215 Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 Tel: (305) 867-2245 x 107 Fax: (305) 867-2246 wW1lv__ap~nanagement_net ~~. 01 /08!2008 i . Atlantic & Pacific COMPANIES 1025 Kane Concourse • Suite 215 • 8ay Harbor Islands, Fl 33154 Telephone 305.867.2245 305.867.2246 Facsimile January 8, ?008 Dear Commissioner Libbin: I have attached for your review a copy of my application to serve on the Planning Board of the City of Miami Beach. In addition, I have attached a copy of my Biographical information. As a Miami Beach native, I feel compelled to offer the City the commitme~it of my time and to serve its citizens by helping set the standards of care by which the City operates. During the past year, I watched the Planning Board proceed with its applications and became quite concerned with the handling of certain items. I look forward to bringing a streamlined process and an enriched ethical approach to the standards set forth by our city's code of conduct. My professional experience is primarily in Business and Real Estate. Over the past two years I have begun to grow a strong, locally recognized Condominium Association Management Business that includes the management of Canyon Ranch Living Miami Beach, arguably the most luxurious Condominium constructed in Florida. I believe my strong busiziess acumen, my love of the City of Miami Beach, and my continued search for excellence afford me the necessary tools to effectively serve the City as a member of the Planning Board. Please feel free to contact me at 305.867.2245x107 to arrange a meeting to discuss my application. Sincerely, Randy Weisburd www.aRmanagement.net