RR 3475USI ENERGY SALES&MKG 678 593 0390 01/24/08 05:56pm P. 004
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Apartment Investment anA Management Compony
January 8, ZOt)7
To Whom It May Concern
AIMCO has engaged isra North America (~~isra'~ for the express purpose of invoice
payment services. As such, AIMCO would sincerely appreciate anything that you can de
to cooperate with and facilitate isra's effort to access and gather any and all historical
billing data
Pursuant to this notice, AIMCO hereby authorizes your company, as our current or
historical utility provider, to release and deliver to rSra any, or all, of the following
information 2lative to our property or properties:
1 Any, and all, historical billing records
2. Any data, and/or records, related to the equipment (i.e meters) that your
company has in place at the subjeca property or properties
3. Any records related to services perrormed by your company at the subject site or
4. Facility oontracis andlor other items related specificaAy to the utility billing for the
subject site or sites.
5 Change of mailing address.
This Letter of Authorization shall be deemed as valid for all of the sites served by isru for
a period of one year from the date hereof or until such time as you receive written notice
that AIMCO, at its sole discretion, has revoked said authorization
if you have any questions or concerns, or 'rf you require any additional information in
order to comply with this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 691-
4375. Thank you in advance for your cooperation
CIIJCJ ,..t-~.
Jeff Bauer
Oireetorof Utilities
Income Development Group
.PHONE (3nA) ti01-4375 ~ E-MAIL jetf.bauer@aimco.com•