R7E 9/5/07 Ltr from McKinnonCOMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA 7455 Collins Ave., Suite 212 LOCAL 3178 -MIAMI BEACH Miami Beach, FL, 33141 AFL-CIO - CLC (305} 401-0927 rmckinnonC~cwa3178.org S r-h.~- g o~2. 5~ Yo 0 7 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS RICHARD D. Mc KINNON President JOSEPH FISHER Vice-President PHYLUS SHAMIS Secretary VICTORIA SIEVENS Treasurer OTHER EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS JOHN MCLAUGHLIN Chief Steward SECTION-~ 1 JONATHAN SINKES Chief Steward SECTION - 2 ANDY de OLAIARRA Chk:f Steward SECTION - 3 MANUEL VILLAR Jr Chief SfewarU SECTION - 4 ALEXANDER OTT Chief Seward SECTION - 5 WARREN GREEN Chief Steward SIiCTION - b MARTHA NINO Chief Steward SECTION 7 August 31, 2007 Jorge Gonzalez, City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FI 33139 ~~ Mr. Jorge Gonzalez On August 20, 2007, the administration of the City of Miami Beach and Local 3178's Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement for 2006-2009. On August 31, 2007, the bargaining unit members of Local 3178 had an opportunity to review and vote to approve or reject the tentative bargaining agreement. I am happy to report that the collective bargaining agreement was approved by 97.9%. Congradulations to you and your team on a successful negotiation. Sincerely Richard D. McKinnon President of CWA Loca13178