Untitled (3)FIRE STATION #2 Description Fire Station No. 2 consists of the construction of a new 3-bay Fire Station, with living quarters, and the City Emergency Operations Center. Full historic restoration of the existing Fire Station Building for use as Fire Department Administrative Offices is the next phase of this project. Project Status Final finishes are underway on all portions of the project. The contractor is working on completing the contractor's punch list. The landscape contractor has mobilized and final grading of the site has been completed. Irrigation and site lighting work are being completed. Final inspections are underway for each of the individual trades' work. The inspections are being coordinated with the contractor and the CIP Office. The project is anticipated to reach Substantial Completion during mid-First Quarter of 2008 with completion and Fire Department move-in occurring shortly thereafter. ;., x ~ \: {,_ a°".>i~ e ~~ v.z~°v, ~. s ~~, ~ , ~• ~ ~ , ~...~.. ~. o•M,„ ~. , . NAUTILUS NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Description Improvements include streetscape, water, storm water, and lighting upgrades in the area from Surprise Lake south to 41st Street and from Biscayne Bay east to the Indian Creek waterway. Project Status The contractor has completed water main and electrical installation on the entire Orchard Park neighborhood and is finalizing restoration and testing. Department of Health completed a full clearance for the water line at Orchard Park and the contractor has started water service connections. The contractor is working on Orchard Park sidewalk and driveway replacement and sodding. He began street widening for the bike lanes. The contractor is installing water mains on 46th Street from Alton Road to Meridian Avenue and along 47th Court and 48th Street. The contractor finalized water main installation on Meridian Avenue from 42nd Street to 47th Streets and is performing bacteriological test on the new lines. The contractor finalized the water service crossings and wet tap installation for connection points and water main installation at 47th Court from Alton Road to 48th Street, and 48th Street from Alton Road to 47th Court and Meridian Avenue from 42nd to 44th Streets. OCEANFRONT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Description Improvements to street ends from 23rd Street to 43rd Street including pedestrian facilities, streetscape restorations, lighting, and signage. Project Status The contractor is completing added work and correcting warranty items and is expected to finalize by March, 2008, on 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 35th, 36th, 42nd and 43rd Streets. Due to existing developer agreements with the City, improvements to Liberty Avenue, 30th, 32nd, 34th, 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st Streets were removed from the scope of the Oceanfront Project and will be completed by the developers. ~. '~~ - . SCOTT RAKOW YOUTH CENTER Description Replacement of the pool filtration system and miscellaneous minor renovation to the pool equipment room. Project Status The overall project is approximately 75% complete and is expected to be completed the first week in March, 2008. ~. ~~ ~~ ALTOS DEL MAR PARK Description Re-sodding and irrigation improvements as well as completion of a missing sidewalk segment. Project Status This project is complete and the contractor is completing the punch list items. BELLE ISLE PARK AND BELLE ISLE NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT Description Installation of new water main and storm water pump station, drainage, streetscape improvements on Island Avenue North, Island Avenue South, Century Lane, Farrey Lane and renovation of Belle Isle Park. Project Status Pavement and striping of the off-street parking areas closest to the perimeter of the park is complete. Regulatory signage and reflectors have been placed. The light poles installed within the Right-of-Way are energized and controlled by an electrical time clock. Installation of the irrigation lines within the medians and bump outs on Island Avenue North and South is complete, and landscaping within the Right-of-Way is complete. Pump Station Vault and Treatment Devices 1 and 2 have been installed. The final 36" concrete pipe that will connect the stormwater system on Island Avenue North has been completed. The 24" stormwater pipe on the Venetian Causeway is being installed (westbound) and is expected to be completed end of February, 2008. At the February 13th, 2008, City Commission meeting, the Administration requested an easement in favor of FPL to provide electrical service to the Pump Station. The FPL duct bank has been placed and FPL will schedule their work for four weeks following the granting of the easement. The new walkways, enhanced landscaping and relocation of existing trees within the park is ongoing. The project is expected to be completed by the end June of 2008. ~; . _~ ,. .... ,„ ~;~ ~,: ~: .. LUMMUS STREET IMPROVEMENTS Description Additional drainage and streetscape improvements on bth, 9th, 10th, 1 1 th, 12th, 13th, and 14th street between Washington Avenue and Ocean Drive, 14th lane between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive and Espanola Way between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue Project Status The Contractor is now installing light poles, sidewalk, curb and gutter at 13th Street and is waiting on FPL connection to energize the lighting on 6th Street. Milling and Re-surfacing is ongoing at 10th Street. The contractor also completed City's punch list items for 7th, 8th and 9th Streets and obtained approval from MDC Traffic Signal Department on 7th and 9th Streets and is waiting on written approval from FDOT and MDC Traffic signals approval for 8th Street. Substantial walk thru was performed at 6th, and 1 1 th Streets and Espanola Way and will be addressing punch list items. On January 7, 2008, the contractor received a Notice To Proceed (NTP) on 14th Lane but was later directed to stop due to an injunction from the Carlton Hotel. NORMANDY ISLE & NORMANDYE SUD NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Description Water system improvements including relocation of water meters to the fronts of homes, enhanced landscaping, street lighting, repair and extension of existing sidewalks, and street resurfacing/pavement markings. Project Status Placement of the new 8" water main is now complete between Rue Versailles and Trouville Esplanade. First lift of asphalt is also complete along Bay Drive between Trouville and Rue Versailles. Contractor has mobilized onto Biarritz Drive and is currently installing the new water main from Rue Versailles westward. Royal Palms located in the median along Trouville esplanade have been root-pruned and will be relocated to accommodate the new median width. New drainage structures have been installed at the Trouville street-end and at Biarritz Drive. Contractor will be adding additional parking spaces along Rue Versailles to ease the current parking crisis. NORMANDY SHORES NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Description Stormwater system improvements; enhanced landscaping and street lighting; repair, extension and widening of existing sidewalks; and street resurfacing/pavement markings. Project Status The previous contractor met with the administration on 9/27/2007 to discuss a reasonable exit strategy and completion of critical activities on South Shore Drive. On January 4, 2008, the CIP Office issued a Notice to Proceed to Unitech Builders. The drainage well on Hagan Street is now complete, and crews have mobilized to the western end of South Shore Drive and the northern end of Sarazen Street to develop these wells. The developed wells will be used primarily for dewatering, when placing the drainage structures and piping across the island. Unitech is currently milling the asphalt surface on Shore Lane, and preparing the edge of pavement for placement of new valley gutter and pavement. Residents have been notified of pending encroachment removal, necessary to realize the proposed street improvements. .:~ _a-, ~,% ., ~,- ~a :.%-'•° NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE Description The Renovation of the golf course including the tees, greens and bunkers, new drainage and irrigation system with new Irrigation Pump House. Project Status The irrigation is approximately 85% complete, and the pump house is now approximately 90% complete. The Basamid herbicide application has been rescheduled to the middle of February, 2008, due to water restrictions from South Florida Water Management district. This process will take approximately 3 to 4 weeks to complete. Notices will be sent to all residents with new schedule. ,~ ~n SOUTH POINTE PARK Description Improvements to the regional park as mentioned in the 1996 City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan. Proposed elements includes a redesigned park entrance, new pavilion and maintenance buildings, new restroom, pedestrian walks, site lighting, playground, and more. Project Status Work is progressing at the Central and West Lawn areas as follows: installation of drainage structures at existing parking lot, lay out of foundation for Cut-walk, lay out of concrete walkway at Central Lawn -South side of parking lot, and preparation work for Washington Avenue Fountain pump room. Work is progressing at the East Lawn area as follows: structural formwork for new maintenance and pavilion buildings; importing, placing fill, and compacting lime rock at serpentine landform continues; lay out of mid walk on serpentine landform; lay out of bleachers at serpentine landform; lay out of ramps at Cut-Walk; installation of keystone border at Cut-Walk; forming for pylon light foundations and proceeded with the forming of sand dunes. Work progress is currently at 42% complete. ,.v, ~ ~r ..~ ~~: , ,, r r~ ~ v st*