C2D 2/9/00 Commission Memo 132-00CITY OF MIAMI BEACH
http:\\ci. miami-beach.fl.us
Tq: Mayor Nelsen q. Kasdin and DATE; February 9, 2000
Members ofthe City Commission
FR®M: Lawrence A. Levy
City Manager
SUBJECT: Request for Approval to Award a Purchase grder to Musco Lighting, Inc,, in the
Amount of $189,307 Pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-
0400-98 for the Purchase and Installation of a Eighty-two X82}Fixture Baseball
Field Sports Lighting System for the Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium as
Specified in the 1999 General gbligation Bond Program.
Authorize the award.
Funding is available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to be reimbursed from
the Future General Obligation AGO}Bond Issue.
31~ 551 X20% contingency for unforeseen conditions}
$189,307 Total
This comprehensive sports lighting system is recommended to be purchased pursuant to the City of
Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-0400-95.
Over the past three years, the Property Management Division has made numerous splices of the high
power primary electrical feeder lines that provide power to the Baseball field lighting due to the
deterioration of the underground conduits that carry the lines. Transformers have failed and the light
fixtures and attachment brackets have deteriorated from rust and corrosion due to age,
Approximately two ~2}years ago the Director and Electrical Supervisor of the Property Management
Division conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Flamingo Park Baseball sports lighting system.
The results of this analysis indicted that due to its age and exposure the current sports lighting system
had deteriorated to the point where it needed to be completely replaced. The estimate for
replacement of a new sports lighting system developed by the Property Management Division
administration was $154,000.
Manage nd Budget
DATE 2' ' DO
Commission Memorandum
February 9, Zooo
Page Two
ANALYSIS (continued
In late December, the Property Management Division staff with the assistance of the Fire
Department's 144 foot ladder truck were attempting to replace the burned out lights on one of the
fields when they received an electrical shock. Because of this incident and the knowledge of the
deteriorating underground conduit system, Property Management requested an inspection by the
City's Chief Electrical Inspector. This inspection was completed January 19, 2040 and the system
was shut down as a result.
~n January 21, 2000 a meeting was held at the field of the Flamingo Baseball Stadium with the
Assistant Director of Property Management, the Property Management Electrical Supervisor, the
Assistant Director of Recreation, the Baseball coach from Miami Beach High School and a
representative from Musca Lighting. The purpose of the meeting was to identify an immediate
solution for the lighting at the baseball field that would permit Miami Beach High to play night
games at the stadium for their upcoming season, which is scheduled to begin in February and
concludes in early April. The Musco representative advised the group that they have the capabilities
to provide temporary sports lighting at a cost of $14,304 per month.
At the January 26, 2004 Commission meeting authorization to award Purchase Orders to Musco
Lighting, Inc., in the amaunt of $25,604, and to Power Depot, Inc., in the amount of $5,224 to
provide emergency lighting for the Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium was given. During the
discussion of this item the Administration also stated its intention to proceed with the permanent
solution which was to purchase and install the lighting system as it is now proposed. It should also
be noted that Musco Lighting, Inc., had stated in their bid for the temporary lighting that should they
be awarded the permanent lighting system project they would reduce their cost of the temporary
lighting program by 54%.
Also please be advised that in addition to the cost of the lighting to be provided by Musco Lighting,
Inc., there will be a separate cost, estimated not to exceed $15,004 for Florida Power and Light to
install a new transformer to provide the correct voltage to the switch gear included in the Musco
The City Commission should authorize the issuance of this Purchase Order, pursuant to the City of
Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-4400-95 to enable the City to proceed with replacement of the
sports lights and service at Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium that will provide a safe well lighted
recreational facility for our citizens to use an enjoy for years to come.
• ,~~,VH