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MDC Elections Dept - Invoice
Miami-Dade County Elections Department 2700 NW 87th Avenue Miami, F/orlda 33172 Voters INVOICE INVOICE Name City of Miami Beach Address 1700 Convention Center Drive -Suite 200 City Miami Beach Stete FL ZIP 33139 Contact Mc Bob Parchar, City Clerk Election 11/6/07 - Costs Treining Sites Polling Location Rentals Absentee Ballot Postage Charges Precinct Supplies Ballot Creafion/Tabulation Labor/Overtime (Seasonal) Labor/Overtime (Staff) Labor-Election Day Pollworker Recruitment and Payroll 7ct Telephone Activation Charges VoOng Overhead Pa ment Please make check payable to the Board Comments of County Commissioners and submit to Maria Saboya, Deputy Supervisor, Finance and Administration Invoice No. MB-110607 Misc Date 3/25/2008 Order No. Rep _ FOB TOTAL I//21/0(, ,1'_ 41V'?~ $ 3,138.14 3,'t!c• °Q $ 1,195.00 S3o•oo $ 880.00 $ tA50.00 Gro•~ $ 2,035.44 ! 8 3 O. 8 $ 1,750.00 ITSO•oo $ 1.564.00 Zr3oo•o0 $ 2,416.18 12, 1.71. o$ $ 8,449.13 3,K44.S3 $ 10,476.29 , $ 32,982.69 , ' i9,;43.07 $ 220 00 . $ 1,050.00 ~ t,oSO.oo $ 10,095.64 2 630 55 $ , . $ 15,946.61 I1,V73.8y subtotal $ 95,679.67 68,Pv3.Jt Shipping Tax Rate(s) TOTAL $ 95679.67 Z(P1836,35 i __-~