Tony Rodriguez 12/31/2009Q~ .,_~ f~:tt City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.oov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: (305) 673-7254 01 /24/2008 Tony Rodriguez 1500 West 24th Street, Sunset Island #3 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 SUBJECT:: Budget Advisory Committee Congratulations! You have been reappointed by the City Commission to the above referenced agency, board or committee for a term ending: 12131/2009. If you are unable to accept this appointment, please notify the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. Please read the enclosed material carefully. Again, congratulations and good luck. Sincerely, ~ f~t~ ~~~ /s~. Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director Jose Cruz ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Appointment Oath City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-2458, 2-459 Ordinance 2006-3543 - Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to al! who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, hisforic community. 1 ii i ~ 3 '~ City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.aov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7411, Fax: {305) 673-7254 TO Tony Rodriguez RE: Budget Advisory Committee I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2009. I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* require- ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served. _ _. _~ .fir .~~~'~---~ -~-_ T y Rodriguez Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of , 200 Silvia Prieto Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. . ' . ~• J~'JRfd 07 ' 85 11 ~ 18AM Sf'1ITI-~ARNE`r j HCH CLERK DEFT 30S 6'T37~5rP. ~ P. 01 :, C` • ,, ~ n • ~ ~.C ~, `. CITY f~F MIAMI BEACH Bt~ARDS~.AND COMMITTEE ~ ~~~. . APPLICATION F~Rt~ , "~ ' ~ • ~~ td C1h. C~d~. ssWon ~-71~(,) .a and D. Members of Andes, t~r4s, aCk! commi~ees shah De afflliaZ~d` with .the dtjr: this' . ,~pillri~ti~nt shall ~ fuHtlfed !rf the Fdlawrin w~y5: a) an individual shall tte~+e;t~e+en a resident oYtMe dty far a minlMurn.flf cbc rrlanthu; orb) ' ~. ski ~pdividur~l Khali ddnonr~trate owrjsrshlRJ~nte'est tar a minimum of stx months an a business established in thg'city. ~~~~ of Miami li9eaCtt fbr a mirumurn of six (6j months; Yes ~ ar . Nb C ] I~t.~ishrry3trate an,owi~ershiprnterest In a business fn F+liami ~e>9ch far a minimum of six, (6~ months: Yew [ ] or No ~' ( ~r~ n~pl~ing far.a Board bppai~+tment because.Y have sp ' 1 abitiG@s, knowledge, experience, Yes p~1y.~Labi~lties, inowledge, orexpei~eltoe is' . / VF'.(,,~ -- _ - -- !i`r~;yqu ar r~gi8tief~d•v+~ter in Mlmm'/i~~8/!Iea//c(0hs Yes ar Ne [ ] /~ //~~/~ Y l~~l~l~i rwr~ riv..' ~~'~.rw~o Iii ~~ W ^ _ -- __ "' Last, game ° first Name ~M.i-ddla ~r51tta1 , ~.. Na. , Street Uty State ~ Y1p Code a, ____... ,._ ~..,~ ~. .~..~ .r :.._ • ~ alpine .. Work Fisx tm~ll oddness .S?7 ~ D~~ ~rj~ , la i a~)'~ now ~a re~d?en~~afr North 8e~sch [ ] saulJt 6eaGh ~Mld4le ®eatfi L 1 J g -Name: ~'~ ~. ~ ~ t•~ `~~,.:I~,.~~~.~.~-~r Applicant's Position; "~t r. ~ y cis ~, ~~..~.~.,.1,:y+.,~• ~ ~ ~!~:1'!'~ '`~.~,yy~y C /; 1 i6` `~c:~'..t:a ~«. ,~-i~~lua-'~. ~ait~....L. ~;~1 Ak4C..~. ~ ~ I h_ ~~,y _t,''^1~` A,L,.' ~}4,.~;Y 4" ''T` ?'~~ ~ ` j 1~. Mq.~ 1 5tr~t City State7Jp~ Dade . [ 1 ~?~++rr>'ei• [ ) 5to~lthotder/Shorehpi~ier (~r''`] /C~o'rypvra`ce Q(~~cnec ( ] othe~r~-t~^ ~icp''i}ain y,.~ t ^ °r`_~ ~~tJ'lc.~. ~/1 ~,,,~• 'l ~..M2,'„~ i~l ~,~..1 ~ ~~-3..~..j~.„C4.iy ~i~"~ wZ:'~'~^J. ~w~..a , • i 8(..t,lC~e (~eloaibe); `''~" Expires; ,~'_", • ~1~!iYQf'~1ie ,oo lamed adore. ' ~ ^ i,'' h~Vp 'yaw ever besrt t:ortvi ~ a felony: Yes [ ] a' No [~[If yes, please explain.. in: detail; ,,,,,.,,,..,,.,_,,,,.,:.~;,..:,,,,,,~ ' ~.; ~ ~ioa..Curnently hays a vbls~on(5) ~ 6by of Mioin) Beach modes: lies [ J or No (. If yes, pleas~t r~cptain 9n detdil. ~ pj'r'y~!t:curr~q.~ly /o~w~e~~lt~ ~r of Miemi,8each any money: Yes ~ ] or Na ~C1 ~^F N I' ~+"Y7l~I~ I rrrn- ~.r~r--~' - • 1 r .r - - - - - . ~~ ~ y M • . ;; ~. ~ .>r~ ~ any Cl~' 6~rds yr Con>!mltl~: Yes i ] ar No ~ . :'~i;-+whtttr lard?' . tnixodon:~ ~n tltd City a# Miami da you amently hold membership in? u Title: N I w„~._.:. T7de: or,~f.1~~rCb.C,w IrK®r+est in, which aria tacatsxi within the Gty of Mlemi `Beach: ' •^~i I I I .I~q~11~~i~1~ n~N l it l~ i . ~ x'''~~~~ cam! ~ 3~1 tfie E~ty qi Miami Beech: l'es [ ] or No.~r jt yam, whkh department >e~t'tp.Cny.Cada 275 +jb): 17o yKau have s pantnt ( ]. ~~ i 11 child [ ], bnot~r [ ~ .or •slster [ 3 who ~ bU' the Cif ~ Miiaxtil fir' Check all tl~t apply. Ldentify tfie d~yertrnetttjs): ' r °~ ;' '''.~'F~1-JAN, 07 '05 11~19AM SMITF.,,.BAR~dEY BCH CLERK DEPT 305 6737259P.3 P~~2 ,' per' i. t~~ur prtenC~s !n order at -ankinp (i) ttrst choke (Z) second choke, and [3j third choice, please note tha ~ ,~ , •, p~ ~ IC1ho1ices v+ltil: be ad~cerv®d b~ the Glty Clerk s OPPic~. . ulmr~ Bo+rrds.ot' Clty~) ('~9aatd Required to t=1le State Dis~lasure form} ~ , .. ,eft; lh":'Pitblka?IsCes C j Marine Authdrity" ~.: f1Wdk ~omm~re [ j Mtam- leach Guttural Arts Coundl [; .. ~Nprrr'~C+' Frea EnMlrordmerit Gamrnttttt [ j Miami (3elCh:Co~mmiss+an an Staa+e~ of Wamen ' [ 8te>tr~i Pre~ivitt~rt-i~srd C ] MI'mi 9eech PJOrkla ShOer tildes r , ate, ~,~ [ ] Nom+andy sfiores l.arral Govt Neighborhood Improverinent (, Bch O~ Adjustnnak-t (Todd Mgmtu}• C ] NoRh t~ea~tri YGUth Center Oversight C.omrntttee t;. r ~~g at pu~irr~-tnm~se. , [ ] NutsanCe Abatement BoarOP: (. C;drhmlt~ 4t1 Hotnbless [ ]~aver~gtit C.otllAtit~ for Genetatl Obtigat3on Bond (; Cie ~ tV ~ducad4d in M8 t j Parks and Raae~vn Faciilti~ 6odrd ( ;_ t~atmunny ~welopment Advtsary~ [ ] Per~nptl Boant" t .,' .;~itti~untry t~atdorts Ord [ )Planning 9aard' •~ [' : Cdriver~ior~ ~iitar; Ikdvts~- Board t j Folios citizens Relagons Cor-~mtLtee C' . Ccnklorl ~(-p~r.Gapliil• Projects Oversg,ht [ ] Production rndustry Qouncll ' (' , " nnant ~o~itt!! [ ] Puti11~-5afety Advissry Committee • ( E~s}ipt~+ Review Board" f j Sefety~:annmtttse . [. , . A~ t~r~ [ 7 TrdnspO~doA and Parking Board tS+altl~d+-il~ory Crer~ttl~ ( j Visitor and Cdnvention /-utitiority~ ~r,; HaaR~t.~+!isory ~rnldxe . [ ]Youth Centar llCviaory' doerd ~ fse~liflas H~tK: ..; ; ~ !~ Ank ~ CaithmtEp~te ~' (r •. ~(~ Phrvstia~ Board* ~. ~+`' ~', LO$f1 aR@Vd~W fbitly-IilG~' ' ~,.;.~ . ~d ~f ~p~ptyftlg f+aH Y4uth.AdvPsory Board, please;indkate yrwr affiliation with the 5cott.kakaw Youth .. ,., ~ - ~~ !fit servlte on ~ie'YatJlha:~tar~Advtsary Boards YAS [ ~ No [ 3 (Y~re tiP 5eNice ( ~W -11tt pa~tttyat~R lr~ Youth Genter a-etlvltt~s by your Children Yes [ ] No [ ), if yes, .please i$t. the narnes'al`yc~ur ' . ~lud~+, thpk' +~9as;, sod: whltll pro~ran+b. t.fst below. • .Aga. Program. •~nes a Nark: agei ......,,. Progr~rrr; • ~# !d "ir~r~ -equt~sd" but A9~ [~ Gender:. •M ~~ or t= (~ . ~~ n (I~iraMd~t oite) ~~hb~' C ' ~ : Afir9can•A~erii+a~n/>~lack (; a Hispanl~ (~j ' ,h~i~trl; oe P~acifPc ~alart~id+Et (. ~ Arnerl~in' indlan or Ataskan lyatlve ( ~ It+Yna~nt S'takus+ ~np~ayesi ~. Retkred [)Nome-maker [ ) Otter [ ---- - • , • ~ h+l~abY~~tt~sE to !~ >~~-fe4y $nd truthft~~ness of the appticatlon end have rec~tved, .read: arxd V~111 stile by r~~~ Art~+~ ~1j~ - of the city Lode "Standards of Condwct for City ~fl9cers, Efnp~oyees: aril ~g®rity ~~ ~~lWe~~B:" `' ~; t~e~ ~ ` ~ Date Name of ~lppiidnt 'PIaASE ~Pt~3 ~,,,. ' Attu: Please ;copy' of your resume ~ your appitc . NOS: J~p~~~,ic~l h-ort. for a period of Qne (i) r~lertidar y®ar. ~in City gdrk~m.taftii~;.,~ qJJ / b~- d~lc .go~nraot Control Number (,ABaRtpned by tha Qty Clerk's tDlF~) _~, ~~ ~ Rcw #7-~ Qx/oe/t~ . ~.. , . . '• Ta?~.: a?.;@~