Passport PointsFrom: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To: D40340 Vivian Guzman Date, 412/20D8 Time: 5:43:42 PM Page 2 of 2 M •IJ .. Q. M N APRIL 2, 2005 LAND-CARRIED AYPLICATI01~ S EXERCISE CAUTION WITH HAND-CARRIED PASSPORT APPLICATIONS Hand-Carried cxcctrted applications must al~vavs be returned to the customer or authorized third-party in a SEALED ENVELOPE. At no time should an unsealed, executed passport application be returned to a customer. Acceptance agents must always securely seal & stamp an envelope containing an executed passport application. Acceptance Agents should advise customers that the envelope's seal must remain unbroken until opened by Passport Agency personnel and that ~iand-carried applications must be received no later than f ve business days after execution. For security pw-poses, Acceptance Agents must si rn their signature on the back of the customer's passUOrt Uhotos ~rior~~plin~the photo and executing the passport application. For more information regarding hand-carried passport applications, email MiamiAF~c~State.Go~~~ or refer to Chapter 10, Section 11 of the Passport Agent's Reference Guide (PARG). Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-366 To: 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 412/2008 Time: 5:43:42 PM Page 1 of 2 M •. •IJ i a N N April 2, 2008 PASSPORT CARD E.l'PECfEll RELEASE REi~DERS U.S. PASSPORT CARD: EXPECTED RELEASE SPRING 2008 Passport customers planning to travel in the spring OR early summer should be advised to apply for a U. S. passport book. While ~~~e anticipate that the passport card will be available sometime in the spring of 208, at this tune, eve catulot give a specific date as to ~~-hen production ~~ ill begin on the passport card. Once the passport card is being produced, the processing time will be the same as for the passport book. For the most up-to-date information on passport processing times and the production of the U. S. Passport Card, ~~isit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV U.S. PASSPORT CARD REMINDERS The U. S. passport card can only be used for land and sea travel bete-een the United States and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and I3ennuda. THE U. S. PASSPORT CARD MAY NOT BE USED TO TRAVEL BY AIR. Only one execution fee should be collected from passport customers applying for a U. S. passport book AND a U. S. passport card at the same time. 1/xpedited service is not available for the U. S. passport card at this time and should therefore not be charged to passport customers. Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To: 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 411/2008 Time: 1:05:36 PM Page 2 of 2 N •. i a M N a April 1, 2008 U.S. PASSPORT BOOK U.S. Pr\SSE'OIZ'f CAE2ll MCTST BE \Z\I2I:I:ll 1'1~ITH AN „1„ Please be sure to review all passport applications as part of the application acceptance process, to ensure that either the U.S. Passport Bool: "box" is marked «~ith an X, the U.S. Passport Card "box" is marked «~ith an X, or both boxes ai-e marked ~~~ith stn X if the customer is rcquestin~ both the U.S. Passport Bool: and U.S. Passport Card. The U. S. Passport Book and U. S. Passport Card "boxes" are located in a ~~~hite area on the upper left hand portion of Page 1 of the passport application. Also, you M[JST make sure that the passport fee collected for the U. S. Department of State and submitted along with the passport application reflects the passport customer's selection of a U. S. Passport Bool<, a U. S. Passport Card, or both the U. S. Passport Book and U.S. Passport Card. This is ver~~ important! Miami Passport Agency U.S. PASSPORT CARD/U.S. PASSPORT BOOK MUST BE MARKED ~?VITH AN "X" ON ALL PASSPORT APPLICATIONS From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 411I20D8 Time: ' :05:36 PM Page 1 of 2 M •. i M M a April 1, 2008 I?.S. PASSPORT BOOK R. L?.S. PASSPORT CARD rF.FS U.S. PASSPORT CARD & U.S. PASSPORT BOOK FEES U. S. Passport Book fees for those aQe 16 and older: $2~ Execution Fee to Acceptance Facility $7~ Passport Fee to U. S. Department of State U. S. Passport Book fees for those under the a~,*e of l b: $25 Execution Fec to Acceptance Facility $6Q Passport Fee to U. S. Department of State U. S. Passport Card fees for those ale 16 and older: $25 Execution Fee to Acceptance Facility $20 Passport Fee to U. S. Department of State tJ.S. Passport Card fees for those under the a;~e of 16: $2~ Execution Fee to Acceptance Facility $IO Passport Fce to U. S. Department of State ~~~ U.S. Passport Book & U.S. Passpo~•t Gird Fees if BO"I'H arc requested b~7 the customer on a DS-11 at the same time: U.S. Passport Book c~k U. S. Passport Card forA;~e 16 and Older: $25 Execution Fee to Acceptance Facility $9~ Passport Fee to U.S. Department of State * NOTE: ONLY ONE $25 EXECUTION FEE IS CHARGED! U.S. Passport Book &c U. S. Passport Card for Under the Aye of 16: $2~ Execution Fce to Acceptance Facility $7U Passport Fee to U.S. Department of State * NOTE: ONLY ONE $2~ EXECUTION FEE 1S CHARGED! Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 2!22!2008 Time: 6:22:14 PM Page 1 of 1 M .~i •. i M M FEBRUARY 20, 2008 I,ocATLVC YoLrR FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NL-IIIBER HOW TO FIND YOUR FACILITY IDENTIFICATION NCTMBER Locating Your Facility Identification Number 1. Go to: travel.state.gov 2. Click on Passports for (l S. Citize~a 3. Scroll down to About Passport Seri~ices (bottom left-hand corner of page) ~. Click on "Where to Apply in the U. S." ~. You are no«~ at the Passport Acceptance Facility Search Page 6. Search by your zip code, city, or state 7. Click on your Acceptance Facility name S. The General Information Section shows your Facility Number (same as Facilih° Identification Number) u You may also locate your Facility Identification Number by going to http:l/iafdb.travel.state.gov ~~~hich takes you to the Passport Acceptance Facility Search Page. Then follow steps 6,7, 8 above. Alr~~ays write your Facility Identification Number in the first sip blocks (from left to right) in the spaces provided for the Facility/Agent ID Number on pale 1 of the DS-ll application. =zrt ~~-,Ew~r,~ .}:3n•,~,,.. ALL Facility ID Numbers for Acceptance Facilities in the Miami Regius (Florida, Suuth Carolina, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) consist of a total of sip numerals, be~innin~ ~i~ith 040. Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman N .~.i ~~ Date: 215/2008 Time: 6:34:28 PM Page 1 of 1 FEBRtiARY 5, 2008 H0~1' TO CONT.~CT CUS'fONTEIl Sf;1t~'ICE The Miami Passport Agency, Customer Service Section has designated the followin~~ e-mail address for all Acceptance Facility inquiriE s: MiamiAF~~State.Gov For urgent inquires please c~~ntact: Enrique Valido, Customer Service Assistant at (SOS) 5~0-4146. Acceptance Agents may also contact: Ivette Rodriguez, Customer Service Manager at (305) 539-3641. A voicemail message will provide the name and phone number of a Customer Service Passport Specialist available to respond to your inquires. MiamiAF~State.Gov remains the best way to contact the Miami Passport Agency, Customer Service Section. Miami Passport Agency ~` From. Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman M .. ~. M N a JANUARY 30, 2008 [~:~~sE~o[rr [~[zcx;[i~~nt CF LINGES ~D RENIINUERS FEBRUARY 1, 2008 PASSPORT APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE CHANGES AND REMINDERS The Miami Passport Agency has developed a series of "Passport Points" to assist Acceptance Facilities in implementing the changes taking place on February 1, 2008 -- and to remind Acceptance Agents of recommended practices to provide applicants with the best possible customer service. You should receive, via FAX, the following "Passport Points," all dated January 30, 2008 (a total of 10 pages, including this one). "Passport Points" titles are shown in the oval space at the right-hand corner of each "Passport Point." • Passport Program Changes and Reminders • New Passport Application Forms • Lockbos Addresses • Passport Book Fees for Adults • Passport Boole Fees for Minors • T-~~-o-Parent Consent • Passport Card Fees • One Application =One Check • Passport Application Processing Times • Acceptance Facility Identification Number If~~ou are inissin~ any of'these "Passport Points," please send att e-mail to n~liamiAF(a State.Gov and in the Subject Line, please t3~pe "AIISSIVC PASSPORT POINTS." Please be sure to include, in thr bode of~~our message, -our ,tcceptancc Facilit~~ n:unr, Facilit~~ Identification Number, contact pet•son, phone nwnber and I~'.~\ Nl'~I13Lli, since all "Passpot-t Points" are sent via our computerised Faring s`-stem. 'rhanl:s! Date: 1!3112008 lime: 3:48:00 AM Page 1 of 10 Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-366" To 040340 Uivian Guzman Date: 1/31/2008 Time. 3:48:00 AM Page 2 of 10 ~~ M •IJ •. .~ i. M N a JANUARY 30, 2008 NE11' PASSYOR"I' APPLIC:ITION FORT/ S NEW PASSPORT APPLICATION FORMS (DS-11, DS-82, DS--t08~, DS-~~0-t, DS-303) A supply of the application fot•ms listed above is being mailed to each Acceptance Facility. All forms feature the date 02-2008 after the number of the form (lower left-hand corner). 1lthough Acceptance Facilities «~ere initially scheduled to receive the forms by February I, 2008, due to unforeseen delays, some Acceptance Facilities may not receive their forms until as late as Februar~• 8, 2008. YOi_' ~~7_al' USE T`HE "OLD" ~'>i;RSION OF THESE FOR~~IS i?NTIL C'OL` RECEI~'F, 1'OUK NE~'1' SUPPLY OF FORIIIS. IIO~~'E~'ER, I'Oi? ARE REQUIREll TU IAIPLF,IIIENT AI1L NF,~~' PASSPORT' FEES, BEGINNING: FEBRUARY 1 2008 F,~'EN IF YOU ARE USING TIIE "OLIY' FOR:I~IS. THF, NE\~' FORTS nL~1' :ALSO BE DO~~'NLOAllED FROM travel.state.gov BEC:INNING FEBRLiARY 1, 2008. CLTSTOy1ERS ~~~'ISHING TO :APPLY FOR A PASSPORT CAItI) J~TUST \~'.~IT UNTIL TIIE/' CAN 1PPL1• FOR IT ON TIIE NE«- DS 11 FORM. /'lease destroy the "old" versions of the fot-tns as soon as you receive your new supply. If you do not receive your supply of new passport application forms by Februat-~' 8, please contact your usual forms/brochures supplier (see Chaptet• 1~, page 1~0 of the Pa.~~chort:-lge~rt's• Refet•er[ce C~~i~le-P.dRG7: Non-U.S. Postal Set~~ice Facilities: Kat•en 1~Tueler at Stanle`~ Associates, Inc., phone: (603) 7-12-0066, a-mail: I~.1~'heele~•Gt'statileyassociates.com i1.S. Postal Service Facilities: LISPS 1~'laterials Customer Service line 1-800-332-0317, select option -1, then option 1, and finally option ~t httpJlblue.usps.gov/purchase/materiaUdownload.htm (under Other Files) PLEASE DO NO"T CON'TACT' PASSPORT .1GENC[E5 FOR FORMS. Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 1/31/2008 Time: 3:48:00 AM Page 3 of 10 N •. ~1•~ i. a N N JANUARY 30, 2008 LOCKBOX ADDRESSES LOCKBOX ADDRESSES for DS-11 Passport Applications Please make sure to use the following Lockboa mailing addresses (Appendix B, Passport:lgelit's Refere~ece Gr~ide-P_1RG, October 2007 edition) when mailing DS-lI Passport Application Forms from your Acceptance Facility to the Lockboa. The following addresses MUST be used - ~r~~hether you are mailing applications to Lockboa by overnight mail via Express Mail - or mailing applications to Lockboa via regular mail service. ONLY Express Mail service can no«- be used to overnight applications from your Facility to the Lockboa. U. S. Postal Service Facilities must use the follo~`ing Lockboa mailing address: MIAMI PASSPORT AGENCY National Passport Processing-Miami P.O. Box 13-450 Philadelphia, PA 19101-3-450 Non-U. S. Postal Service Facilities (Clerks of Court, Municipal Offices, Libraries, Museums, etc.) must use the following Lockboa mailing address: MIAMI PASSPORT AGENCY National Passport Processing-Miami P.O. Box 13367 Philadelphia, PA 19101-3367 Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date 1/31!2008 Time: 3:48:00 Afvt Page 4 of 1D h •IJ .. ~Id i JANiJA RY 30, 2008 P~ISSPORT BOOK FEES FOK ADULTS PASSPORT APPLICATION FEES FOR ADULTS {AGE 16 AND OLDER) EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2008 ADULTS (AGE 16 AND OLDF,R) -ROUTINE SERVICE Acceptance Facility Execution Fee = $2~.O0 (Check is made out to yoLtr Acceptance Facility) Passport Book l,'ee = $75.U() (Check is made out to U. S. Department of State) TOTAL PASSPORT COST-ROUTINF. SERVICE = 5100.00 . ADt~rL'I'S (AGE 16 AND OLDER) -EXPEDITE SERVICE Acceptance Facility Execution F'ee = $?~.O0 (Check is made out to your Acceptance Facility) Passport Book Fee = $75.0 (Check is made out to U.S. Department of State) 1~;x ~edite Ser~~ice 1' ee = $60.00 (CI11eck is made out to U. S. Department of State) TOTAL PASSPORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE = 5160.00 ~ H ! ;> >ress Mail (~~~enught Ser~~ice to Lockbox = $16.? M a (C~ieck is made out to your Acceptance Facility] TOTAL rASSrORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE = 517G.2~ (ONE-WAY EXPRESS NLAIL DELIVERY ) }:x press Mail Passport to Customer = $16.? (C~eck is made out to U.S. Department of State) TOTAL PASSPORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE= 5192.0 (TWO-WAY EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY) '`'ro meet the National Service Commitment of processing "expedite" applications v~•iihin about three (3) weeks, customers must pav SGO fir expedite service, and select ivvo-vvav Express ~-tail service (fur overni~;hi mailin;~ application io Lorkhox and far Passport .lgenc}~ to Express I11ail completed passport to customer). Miami Passport Agency From. Miami Passport Agency 305-539-366? To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date_ 1/31/2008 Time. 3:48.00 AM Page 5 of 10 M •. JANUARY 30, 2008 P~~.SSPORT BOOK FEES FOR AIL1 ORS PASSPORT APPLICATION FEES FOR MINORS (UNDER AGE 1G) EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2008 MINORS (UNDER AGE 1G) -ROUTINE SERVICE Acceptance Facility- Execution Fee (Check is made out to your Acceptance Facility) Passport Book Fee (Check is made out to U. S. Department of State) _ $25.00 _ $60.00 TOTAL. PASSPORT CO5T-ROUTINE SERVICE = 58_5.00 MINORS (UNDER AGE l6) -EXPEDITE SERVICE Acceptance Facilitti~ Execution Fee = $25.00 (Check is made out to your Acceptance Facility) Passport Book Fee _ $60.00 (Check is made out to U.S. Department of State) E~ ~edite Sen7ce Fce - $60.00 (C~Zeck is made out t~ U. S. Department of State) TOTAL PASSPORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE = 5145.00 E~ ress Mail Overnight Sen~ice to Lockbox = $16.25 M a (Check is made out to your Acceptance Facility) TOTAL rASSrORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE = S1(1.25 (ONE-WAY EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY) E~ press Mail Passport to Customer = $16.25 (C~ieck is made out to U.S. Department of State) *TOTAL PASSPORT COST-EXPEDITE SERVICE = 5177.50 (TWO-WAY EXPRESS MAIL DELIVERY) *'fo meet the ~iation~d Service Commitment of procc.rsing "expedite" applications within about three (3) ~~eeks, customers must pay S60 for expedite set•~•ice, and select two-way F,tpress Mail service (for overnight Illalllllg apphCatlOll t0 LOC{C60% and for Passport .~gencv to I:apress Mail completed passport to customer). Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To'. 040340 Vivian Guzman Uate: 1/31/LUUB lime. s: a23:uU HIVI Page b of lU M .M .. JANUARY 30, 2008 TW O-PARENT CONSENT TWO-PARENT CONSENT CHANGE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2008 U.S. PASSPORT APPLICATIONS FOR MINORS L 0 Q. M M a UNDER AGE 16 WILL NOW REQUIRE BOTH PARENTS' OR LEGAL GUARDIANS' CONSENT (Previously, this ~~°as required for minors under age 14) All other requirements regarding the issuance of passports for minors are still in effect. Please see Chapter 9 of the Pc~sspor-t A~-e~~~rts I~efererzce Guide (PARG-October 2007 Edition) for detailed information relating to passports for minors. The ale requirement is the only change dealing with passport ap~~lications for minors. T~~~o-Parent Consent is now i-cquired for minors under the age of 16. Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-366 70: 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 1/31/2008 Time. 3:48.00 AM M •IJ •. JANUARY 30, 2008 Page 7 of 10 P:~SSPORT C.~~iZD F~; ~S PASSPORT CARD APPLICATION FEES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2008 Tlee U.S. Passport Card Wray arty be rc.sed,for international trail by land or sea bet~nee~: the Glnited States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda. CL'S7'U;bIEKS a1C~ ST .~IYYL ~' 1~'OLl A Y~IS:SPOKT L:~11~U L.`.SI.'~'GI'HE :1'Elf'DS-11 FOR.I~I, N~HICH~11~lYBED01~11'~~LO.-IDED FR0.~~1 THE TRAT~~'L.ST.~4TF..GOI~~'TT'EBSITF, F_FFF_CTIF~' F'F.BRL'-:IRI' 1 ADt1LTS (AGE 16 AND OLDER) Acccptancc Facilit}~ E~.ccution Fcc = $2~.OU (Check is made out to your Acceptance hcrcilih:~) Passport Card Fee - $20.00 (Check is made out to U.~S` ,Uepcrrtment of.S'tcrtc~) TOTAL PASSPORT CARD COST = 5-15.00 MINORS (UNDER AGE 16) N Acce lance Facility E~.ecution Fee- $2>.UO (Check is made out to ~~our Acceptance Facility) Passport Card Fee =_ $10.00 (Check is made out to t~'. S. Depa~~t~nent of ~,Stcrte) 'I'OT.AL PASSPORT CARD COST = S35.UU ". Ilthocralr customers may apply for a L S. Passport Carc! be;;irrreirrg on Febrrrar~• 1, Passport Card icsuance to customers is not expected rurtil SprirrR 2U(/8. 77rerefore, ea j~edite sen•ice for Yasc~~ort Cards- is not nvailable at this time. Pterrse visit urrr tirebsite travel. ~7crte.~ov fur crdrlitiorrcrl irrformatiurr. Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-366"~ To 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 1/31/2008 Time: 3 d8 OD AM Page 8 of 10 M •1•~ •. JANUARY 30, 2008 oNE :~PPLir. ~TioN ONE CHECK PASSPORT FEES: OI~TE APPLICATION/ONE CHECK AND ONE EXPEDITE FEE 0 ~. N M We recommend that EACH passport application be accompanied by ON'E CHECK made out to the U..S: DeU~crtr~ient of ~.S't~te, covering the passport application fee, as well the (optional) X60 expedite fee and X16.25 fee for the Passport Agency to Express Mail the passport to the customer. This applies to BOTH passport applications and passport cards for adults as well as minors. Rule of Thumb: Oc~e Application =One Check Also, ONE EXPEDITE FEE is to be charged, regardless of whether the customer is applying for just a passport, just a passport card, or both. Remember: One Application =One Expedite Fee Miami Passport Agency From: Miami Passport Agency 305-539-3661 To, 040340 Vivian Guzman Date: 1/3112008 Time. 3.48,00 AM Page 9 of 10 N ~~ ~. M M a JANUARY 30, ZOOS PASSPORT .~PFLICA'TION PROCN:SS[1\G T1~1ES PASSPORT APPLICATION PROCESSING TIMES Always consult oui• website: travel.state.gov for up-to-date application processing times At this time, ~~-e are processing routine passport applications within four to six weeks of receipt at the Lockbo~ Facility. We are processing passport applications with cxpeditcd service '~PLIJS two-way Express Mail Overnight Delivery Service in about three weeks. 'r`Two-Way Express Mail Overnight Delivery Service means the customer pays 516.2 to have the application mailed via Express Mail to Locl:box (chccl: is made out to your Acceptance Facilit~~ for this purpose), and an additional 516.25 for the Passport Agency to Express Mail the passport to the customer (this fee is added to the chccl{ made out to the L' S. Department of .State). Please consult the tCaV~1.St~te.gOV wcbsite foc• the most cw•rent passport application processing times, since these fluctuate, depending on the season of the year and passport ~vorl:loads. Miami Passport Agency rrom tiuam~ Nassport Agency 305-539-3661 Tp 040340 Vivian Guzman M •. JANiTARY 30, 2005 :~CCEPT.aIVCE F:ICILIT~' IllENTIFI(::~TION NL~IBEx FACILITY IDENTIFICATION N-UMBER DS-11 passport applications submitted by Acceptance Facilities must include their Acceptance Faciliri_ ~ Identification Number, and the Facility Nanle/Location. This information is requested at the bottom. right-hand corner of page I of the new DS-11 passport application form. Please write your Facilit<-~ Identification Number in the first six blocks (from. left to right) in the spaces provided for Faciliri-/Agent ID Number (please see sample below). -__.~ ~I~,hllf~#I~~~~d ~[I~I (l.il~l~i1~1 ~(I'Il~{ i~ iil~ _ . _. ~_ _.......~ .__._..~. T_.~_ _ _ _ __._... Facility- Identification Numbers for Acceptance Facilities in the Miami Region (Florida, South Carolina, and the li. S. Virgin Islands) consist of a total of sis numerals, beginning ~~~ith 040. If ~-ou do not know or want to verify ti our Facilin~- Identification Number. please send an e-mail io MiamiAF'ci`;State.Gov and in the Subject line, t~~pe "Facilityy' Identification Number." At tills tulle, Agellt ID IlUlllbel"S d0 !lot e\ISt. Therefore, please complete ONLY the FIRST SIX BLOCI{S of tl~e Facilinr/Agent ID Number section, and leave the last sip blocks (to the right of the dash] blank. Oate: 1!3112008 Time: 3:48:00 AM Page 10 of 10 Miami Passport Agency