Resolution 2008-26805 - Item C7R - 4/16/08 Commission Mtg.RESOLUTION NO. 2008-26805 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ .~ 2~ ~'~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY OMMISSION OF THE ~~, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, RETRO TIVELY AUTHORIZING ~~ THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN {t THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND EVOLUTION FILM AND TAPE, INO~~ G~ OR THE PRODUCTION OF A REALI SIGN SERIES .~'~ ENTITLED "OCEAN FORCE"; AN RTHER ACCE THE ~ ~~ DONATION OF A EACH VEHICLE. ~' Y WHEREAS~he City eac ) Frea entered into an agreement with ~ ~1" '~ ~.~ Evolution Film and Tape ("Producer") -for the production of an eight episode reality ~~~ ~ / television series following the actin of the Miami Beach Ocean Rescue for TruTV / ("Network"}~ ' "O n Force: mi Beach" ("Show"); and Q ~,,.k ,+~ ..v D, ity had previously entered into a similar agreement with the~~~~ ~ ~" ~ ~ Producer for the Show in 2006 for a six eplsode serves; and l~~ , WH S, the ' y as earl c mpensate or a 20 w, inc 've of yo ~ the don ~on of be vehic to e City t the c clusion f e prod ctio or official ~ Mia i Beach Oc n Rescue oses; and y t WHEREAS, the City is to be compensated for the current (2008) production, ~l~r°'J inclusive of the donation of a "Bobcat" beach vehicle to the City at the conclusion of the ~,,^- production for-s##isia~ Miami Beach Ocean Rescue purposes; and -~ (S `~ WHEREAS, the City hereby accepts said donation and title transfer at the ~ ~ conclusion of the production or June 30, 2008, whichever comes first, per attached agreement. ` NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, retroactively authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Evolution Film and Tape, Inc. for the production of a reality television series entitled "Ocean Force"; and further accepting the donation of a beach vehicle~~ ~ PASSED and ADOPTED this 16th day of April ~ 20~+ , ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR Robert Parcher Matti Herrera Bower T:WGENDA12007\oct1707\Consentl5piegel RetroApproval Reso.doc