Take Kids to Work Daym MIAMIBEACH
Registration Form CMB Take our Daughters and Sons #o Work
April 24, 2408
Children [ages 8-12) must be registered by April 94, 2008 to participate in activities on April 24"', 2008, in order to participate in
scheduled activities. Completed Excused Absence Farm and Registration Form must be forwarded to Yarily Sam, in the Human
Raenums3s r)pnarlmAnt ParentlC~uardian will rer~ivp email. or phone message registration confinnatlon.
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Workshoa Schedule 1 Selection
Check (,tj ONLY ONE workshop for the afternoon session that your child will be attending. Parentlguardianmusi
supervise their chiidlrenl during the afternoon session selected. There !s no drop-off option.
Check only one for
Afternoon Session Location afternoon session
t:00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.
SWAT demonstration (Police) Police Station
Fire Station #2
(23`~ St. &
Fire Rescue Challenge {Fire) Pinetree
Kidz Copy Chop Shop and Funky Design (limited space Central
available Services
Public Works
Yard -behind
Keep on Trucking (Public Works truck demonstration} Fire Sroation #2
{23 St.B~
Skate on Over (Rakow Youth Center -ice skating} 27ao Sheridan
Remain with Parent Parent's Office
Transportation to workshops outside of City Hall is the responsibility of the parent /guardian. Parent/Guardian
must remain with their children} at selected afternoon workshop.
We ore commrned !o prooid:ep e,;ce1lenf public se+vrce and sofely fo cl7 who live, work, and ploy in our vibren{ rrop;cc!, historic communiryr.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beach, Florida 33139, vrww.miamibeachfl,gov
}urge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
Tel: 305.673-7010 ,Fax: 305.673-7782
To: School Principal/Designee
From: Jorge M. Gonzalez
City Manager
Date: April 4, 2008
On Thursday, April 24, 2008, the City of Miami Beach and its employees will participate in the
annual Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work®Day sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for
Women. The City of Miami Beach and its employees invite their daughters, sons, relatives,
friends, and other sponsored girls and boys between the ages of eight (8) and twelve (12) to
attend. The girls and boys will be participating in interactive learning activities, which will support
their Making Choices for a Betfer World.
It is the intent that the employees of the City of Miami Beach will serve as role models and will
inspire the girls and boys to strive to attain their full potential. Moreover, girls and boys will
discover how courses such as science, math, English, and business can better prepare them for
a wide variety of jobs and the skills needed to be hired in specific professions.
Parent/Guardian/Sponsor, please fill out the bottom of this form and have the participating
student take it to her/his principal or designee to sign. Please return the completed and signed
form to Yarily Sam, Human Resources Department. The Excused Absence'Form and City
Registration Form must be submitted for each child to participate in City of Miami Beach
scheduled activities.
I excuse C.~ ~ _ ~- !Y~ to attend the Take Our Daughters And Sons To
Work® Day, Thursday, April 24, 2008. f necessary, the student should complete assigned
work to make up for the excused absence. The participant is between the age of 8 and 12.
Student's name/age: fix. ~ c7 h t`~ ~~~ ~~~~~-f'~l
SchooilGrade Level:
Signature: Date:
(Principal or Designee)
We ore comm:ned re orov:di,7g excellent public serv~cc a^d sofzty to c11 •a~1.o live, work, and ploy ~^ our vibron;, tropical, h~sfoiic comma'^~p'