Mayl 2 - 16, 2008
MONDAY, May 12
9:30 a.m. Art in Public Places IAiPP)
Prof. Advisory Committee
4:00 p.m. Land Use & Development
TCD Conference Room
555 1 T~' Street
City Manager's Large Conf. Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
8:00 a.m. Gay Business Development/ Mayor's Conference Room
Business Subcommittee Fourth Floor, City Hall
9:00 a.m. Historic Preservation Board * Commission Chambers
Third Floor, City Hall
9:00 a.m. Marine Authority Board City Manager's Small Conf. Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
9:00 a.m. Production Industry Council TCD Conference Room
555 17°i Street
9:30 a.m. Community Relations Board City Manager's Large Conf. Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
9:30 a.m. Beach Preservation Committee Public Works Conference Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
1 2:00 noon Gay Bus. Dev./Tourism/Resid. Mayor's Conference Room
Spec. Events Subcommittee Fourth Floor, City Hall
1 :00 p.m. Mayor's Gay Business City Manager's Large Conf. Room
Development Committee Fourth Floor, City Hall
3:30 p.m. Disability Access Committee Mayor's Conference Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
5:00 p.m. Budget Advisory Committee City Manager's Large Conf. Room
Fourth Floor, City Hall
5:00 p.m. Golf Advisory Committee Miami Beach Golf Club
2301 Alton Road
5:30 p.m. Miami Beach Commission Mayor's Conference Room
for Women Fourth Floor, City Hall
6:00 p.m. Community Development TCD Conference Room
Advisory Committee 555 1 T~' Street
9:00 a.m. City Commission/RDA* Commission Chambers
Third Floor, City Hall
8:30 a.m. Pension Fund for Firefighters Fire and Police Pension Office
& Police Officers 1 961 Michigan Av., Ste.355
6:00 p.m. Florida Department of Commission Chambers
Transportation IFDOT) Public Third Floor, City Hall
FRIDAY, May 16
9:00 a.m. Personnel Board Commission Chambers
Third Floor, City Hall
* Aired on Atlantic Broadband/MBTV 77
* * Commission Committee Meetings
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For any and/or all of the above meetings, one or more members of the Miami
Beach City Commission may be in attendance and participate in discussions. City
Hall is located at 1700 Convention Center Drive; and the Miami Beach Convention
Center is located at 1901 Convention Center Drive. Any meeting may be opened
and continued and, under such dreum-stances, additional legal notice would not be
provided. To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters,
information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to
review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact
305-604-2489 woice~, 305-673-7524 (fax or 305-673-7218 ~TTY~ five days in
advance to initiate your request TTY users may also call 711 (FL Relay Service. A
meeting not noticed in the Weekly Meeting Notice ad and determined to be an
emergency meeting will be posted on the bulletin boards throughout City Hall and
will be available on the City's website at
www. mi ami beachf. gov/newci ty/depts/clerk/clerk. asp