Financial StatementM®~ Financial Statement For Full-time Coun and Munici 1 Em to ees Please Print or Type Last First Middle Disclosure for Tax Year Endin Name: Filing as a (check one) ® Miami-Dade County Employee Q Municipal Employee of: Q Advisory Board Member/Name of Board where serving Title of Position held or sought: Term/Employment began on: Department where employed: Work address: If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Florida Statutes § 119.07 please check here: 0 Wor1c Telephone: Mailing address (Street Name and Number) Apt# City State Zip Code FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Required by Miami Dade County Code, Section 2-11.1(1) as amended) Please list the requested information below. Amounts under $1,000 need not be listed. If continued on a separate sheet Please check here: ASSETS-Cash balances in savings and checking accounts, savings and loans, banks, credit unions, money market accounts etc. Name of Institution Address Account # T Amount OTHER ASSETS MARKETABLE SECURITIES-List in detail on reverse side Subtotal-Cash Assets TOTAL SECURITIES MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE-List in detail on reverse side TOTAL MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE NET WORTH IN BUSINESS-Attach current statement REAL ESTATE OWNED: ADDRESS TYPE OF PROPERTY MARKET VALUE CASH VALUE OF LIFE INSURANCE PERSONAL PROPERTY Car boa furniture etc. OTHER Describe Subtotal-Other Assets Total-Cash & Other Assets Financial Statement Page 1 of 3 LIABILITIES- List Mo a es Pa able Bank Loans Finance Com nies Etc. Owed To Address Account# Date Incurred Original Amount Monthly Pa menu Balance Due LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENTS ALIMONY AND CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS NOTE CO-MAKE ENDORSER OR ORIGINATOR Total Assets Minus Total Liabilities =Net Worth $ Total Liabilities MARKETABLE SECURITIES CURRENT MA RKET VALUE. Com n # of Shares Per Share Total TOTAL MARKETABLE SECURITIES Enter in Other Assets on reverse side MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE Address Date Ori final Amount Monthl Pa menu Balance Due TOTAL MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE Enter in Other Assets on reverse side I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signature of Person Disclosing Date Signed Financial Statement Page 2 of 3