Statement of Financial Interests 2007FORM 1 STATEMENT OF 2007 eddre~~+9 MY ~+rneY+nO posilion,bNow. FINANCIAL INTERESTS LAST NAME -FIRST NAME -- MIDDLE NAME FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: MAILING ADDRESS ID Code CITY : ZIP : COUNTY ID No. NAME OF AGENCY Cont Cotle NAME OF OFFICE OR POSITION HELD OR SOUGHT : P. Req. Cotle Yea are not IknltW b th+ e0ace an Ne Linn on qle loon. Aeach eddNional eh+et+, if n+cp++ry. POF ZOO7 CNECK ONLY IF ~ CANDIDATE OR ~ NEW EMPLOYEE OR APPOINTEE ''BOTH PARTS OF THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED'' dBCLOBURE PERIOD: THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS YOUR FINANCIAL INTERESTS FOR THE PRECEDING TAX YEAR. VNiETHER BASED ON A CALENDAR YEAR OR ON A FISCAL YEAR. PLEASE STATE BELOW WHETHER THIS STATEMENT IS FOR THE PRECEDING TAX YEAR ENDING EITHER (check one): D DECEMBER 31, 2007 Q)3 ~ SPECIFY TAX YEAR IF OTHER THAN THE CALENDAR YEAR: MANNER OF CALCULATING REPORTABLE INTERESTS: THE LEGISLATURE ALLOWS FILERS THE OPTION OF USING REPORTING THRESHOLDS THAT ARE ABSOLUTE DOLLAR VALUES, WHICH REQUIRES FEWER CALCULATIONS, OR USING COMPARATIVE THRESHOLDS, WHICH ARE USUALLY BASED ON PERCENTAGE VALUES (see Irutrtldbns for further details). PLEASE STATE BELOW WHETHER THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS EITHER (check one): COMPARATIVE (PERCENTAGE) THRESHOLDS QR ^ DOLLAR VALUE THRESHOLDS PART A -PRIMARY SOURCES OF INCOME [Major sources of income to the reporting penonJ NAME OF SOURCE SOURCE'S DESCRIPTION OF THE SOURCE'S OF INCOME ADDRESS PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY PART 8 - 8ECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME (Major customers, dims, and other sources of income to businesses owned by Me rcpoNng penonJ NAME OF NAME OF MAJOR SOURCES ADDRESS PRINCIPAL BUSINESS BUSINESS ENTITY OF BUSINESS' INCOME OF SOURCE ACTIVITY OF SOURCE PART C -REAL PROPERTY (Land, buildings owned by the rcponing person) FILING INSTRUCTIONS for when and where to the thi C s orm ars lo~at- ed at the bottom of page 2. INSTRUCTIONS on who must the this form and how to fill it out begin on page ~. OTHER FORMS ou ma need to y y filo an described on page 6. CE FORM 1 - ER. 7/2008 (Continued on reveres side) PAGE 1 .. PART D -INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (Stocks, bonds, certificates of tleposd, etc.( TYPE OF INTANGIBLE BUSINESS ENTITY TO WHICH THE PROPERTY RELATES PART E -LIABILITIES (Major debts] NAME OF CREDITOR ADDRESS OF CREDITOR PART F -INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES (Ownership or positions in certain types of businesses] BUSINESS ENTITY s 1 BUSINESS ENTITY s 2 BUSINESS ENTITY s 3 NAME OF BUSINESS ENTITY ADDRESS OF BUSINESS ENTITY PRNVCIPAL BUSINESS ACTNITY POSITION HELD WITH ENTITY I OVYN MORE THAN A 5°k INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS NATURE OF MY ONMERSHIP INTEREST ' IF ANY OF PARTS A THROUGH F ARE CONTINUED ON A SEPARATE SHEET, PLEASE CHECK HERE ~ BKiNATURE (required): WHAT TO FILE: ASar oompkflng all parts of dlis form, including sigrlhp arW dating it, send back only It1e first sheet (pages 1 and 2) for filing. N you Nava nothing to report in a particular aectlon, you must write "none" or "Na" in that aaetlen(a). Faalmilas will not be accepted. NOTE: MULTIPLE FILING UNNECESSARY: Generally, a person who has filed Form 1 for a akrMar or fiscal year is not required to file a second Form t for the same year. However, a candidate who previously filed Form 1 because of another public position must at least file a copy Of hh or her odginal Form 1 when qualifying. DATE SIGNED (required): WHERE TO FILE: If you were mailed the form by the Commission on Ethics or a County Supervisor of Elections for your annual disclosure filing, return the form to that location. Local off/eers/employeasfite with the Supervisor of Elections of the county In which they perma- nenity reside. (If you do not permanendy reside in Flodda, file with the Supervisor of the county where your agenry has its headquarters.) Ststa oTicers or speeiNed stsM employees file with the Commission on Ethics, P.O. Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709; physical address: 3800 Matlay Boulevard, South, Suite 201, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Candidates file this form together with their qualifying papers. To determine what category your position falls under, see the "Who Musl File" Instructions on page 3. WHEN TO FILE: MitlaNy, each local officer/employee, state officer, and speGfled state employee must flk w/fhln 30 days of the dale of his or her appointment or of the beginning of employ. meM. Appointees who must be confimled by the Senate must file prior to confirmatlon, even if that is less than 30 days hom the dale of their appointment CarWidares for publicly-elected local otrce must file at the same time They flk (heir qualifying papers. Thereafter, local officers/employees, state officers, and spedfied stale employees are required to file by July 1st following each calentlar year in which they hold their posi- tions. Final/y, at the end of once or employment I each local officer/empbyee, state officer, and specifred state employee is required to flk a final disclosure form (Form 1F) within 60 days of leaving once or employment. CE FORM 1 - Efi. 1Y1008 PAGE 2 .A INSrxuc"r1oNS FOR COMPLETING FORM 1 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS WHO MUST FILE FORM 1: AN persons who fall within the categories of "state officers,"'local oHcerslemployees." "specified state employees," as well as candidates for elective local oKce are roquired to file Form 1. Positions within these categories are listetl below. Persons required to file full financial disclosure (Form 6) and oKcers of rile judicia ',blanch do not file Form 1 (see Form 6 for a list of persons who must file that torml. ~ IA r G yrnGtKS include the folowing positions for State officials: t) Ebcted public offidals not xrving in a political subdivision of the state and arty person appointed to fill a vacanty in such office, untess required to tlb hIN Oiaclosure on Form 6. 2) Appointed members of each board, commission, autnoriry, or council havhp statewide jurisdiction, excluding members of sole atlvisory bodies; Dui inducting jutlidal nominating commission members; Directors of Me Florida Blade Business Investment Board, Enterprise Fonda, Scripps Florida FtaMYtg Corporation. Workforce Florida, and Space Florida; Members of the Fbdda Commission on Tourism, Florida Substance Abux and Mental Health CaPoratbn, and the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys; and Gotrerrrors and senior managers of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and Aulonwbib Jdnt Underwriting Assoda0on. 3) The Commissionw of EtlucaGon, members of the State Boats of Eduntlon, the Board d Gavemors, and the local Boards of Trustees and Ptnidertb of stale universities. w~.w~ vrrra.enc r mrt_tsit -include the fotlowing posiVOns for ollloers and employees of local government 1) Parsons elected to office in any polOical subdivision (such as munid- paMbs, nxuMks, and special districts) and any person appointed to fill a vaunry in such office, unless required to file full tlisUosure on Form 8. 2) Appdntetl members of the folowing boards, councils, commissions. ariClori9ee, or other bodies of any county, municipality, school district, inde- partdarlt spedal tlistrict or other pdttical subdivision: the governing body of 9M subdivision; an expressway authority or transportation authority estab- SaMd by general bw, a community colbge or junior college disVict 6oartl of trwtses; s board having the power to enforce local code provisions; a board of adjlritrnent: a planning or zoning boats having the power to recemmend, dsab, or motlity land planning or zoning within the poldical subdivision, exoeq br dozen advisory wmmittees, technical coordinating committees, ant similar groups who only have the power to make recommendations to plrxWg a zoning boards; a pension board or retirement board empowered b kwest pension or retirement funds or to determine endtbment to or amount of • pension or other retirement benefit 3) Arty other appdntetl member of a local government board who is requlrect to the a statement of finandal interests by the appoindng authorty or the eMbfing legislation, ordinance, w resdulion creating the board. INSTRUCTIONS FOR C INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION (At Top of Form>: N your name, mailing address, public agency, and position an aaaady prlntad on the lam, you do not nwd to provide this Intorma- Noa unlap N should Ile ehangad. To chanpa arty of this Information, trdb t1N normal IMOrmaUon on the torn, than contact your aganey's flnanebl dlsUOSUre coodinator. Your coordinator b Identkiect in the tbranebl dbelosure portal on lha Commission on Ethka walnib: vsvrw athla.sfate.tl, us. NAME OF AGENCY: This should he the name of the govemmenlal unit vAtidt you serve or served, by which you are or were employetl, or for nAridt you are a candidate. Fa example, "City of Tallahassee," "Leon CouHy, a'Oepartment of Transportation." OFflCE OR POSITION HELD OR SOUGHT: Use the Vtle of the office Or position you hold, are seeking, or heW during Me disclosure period (in cams uses you may not hob that position now, but you still waukl be rsquYed to Ole to disclose your interests during the last year you held that poailbn). For example, "City Coundl Member," "Count' Administrator," 'PUrehuinp Agent;' or "Bureau Chief." If you are a candidate for once or aro a haw employee or appointee, check the appropriate box. MAILING ADDRESS: If your home address appears on the form but you prefer another acldress be shown, change the address as described abovs If you are an active or /ormer officer or employee listed in Section 119.071(4)(0), F.S., whose home address is exempt from tlisdosure, Ole Commbsion is required to maintain the confitlenkality of your home address N you subrrxlr a wrlrrnn reaue4 Ion onfidenriafiN Persons 4) Persons holding any of thex posaions in beat government: Mayor county or City manager; chief administrative employee of a County, municipal ity, or dhM political subdivision; county or municipal attorney; chief county a muniUpal building inspector; count' or municipal water resources coordinator county or municipal pollution control director; county or municipal environmen tat contrd director; county or municipal administrator with power to grant of tlerry a bnd development permit; chief of pdice; fire chief; municipal clank. appoimed dislriU sehooi superintendent; communky college president; distrio medical examiner; purchasing agent (regartlless of title) having the audtoriry to make any purchase exceeding 515,000 for the local governmental unit. SPECIFIED STATE EMPLOYEES include the following positions to stale employees: 1) Employees in the office of the Governor or of a Cabinet member whd are exempt from the Carxr Service System, excluding secretarial, clerical, and similar postions. 2) The IoOOwing positions in each stale depanmeM, commission, boats. or council: Secretary, Assistant or Deputy Secretary, Executive Director, Assistant or Deputy Executive Director, and anyone having the power nor- mally conferred upon such persons, regardless of title. 3) The following positions in each state department or division: DireUOr, Assistant ar Deputy Director, Bureau Chief, Assistant Bureau Chief, and any person having the power normally conferretl upon such persons, regaMless of title. 4) Assistant State Attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders, Public Counsel, full-time state employees serving as counsel or assistant counsel to a state agency, administrative law judges, and hearing officers. 5) The Superintendent or Director of a state mental health Institute estab- lished for training and research in the mental health field, or any major able institution or faUlily established for corrections, training, Vestment or rehabili- tation. 6) State agency Business Managers, Finanrz and ACCOUnVrg Directors, Personnel Officers. Grant Cooroinators, arts purchasing agents (regardless of title) with power to make a Wrchax exeeetlmg 515,000. 7) The following positions in legislative branch egencbs: each empby- ee (other than those employed in maintenance. clerical, secretarial, a simian positions and legislative assistants exempted by the presiding officer of their hoax); and each employee of the Commission on Ethica. 1: Gated in Section 119.071(4)(0), F.S., are encouraged to provide an adtlress other than their home address. DISCLOSURE PERIOD: The tax year for nrost individuals is the calendar year (January 1 through December 37). If that is the cox for you, then your financial Interests shodtl be reposed for the calendar year 2007; Just check rite box and you do not need to add any information in Ibis part of the form. However, if you file your IRS tax return based on a tax year that is not the calendar year, you should speclty the ctabs of your tax year in this portion bt the form and check the appropriate box. TMs is the Ome frame or "disclosure period" for your report. MANNER OF CALCULATING REPORTABLE INTERESTS: As note0 in this portion of the form, the Legislature has given filers the option of report- ing based on either thresholds that are comparative (usually, Dosed on percentage values) or thresholds that are based on absdule dollar values. The instructions on the following pages specifically describe me dOferent thresholds. Simply check the box that re0ecls the choice you have made. You must use the type of thresholtl you have cMsen fa each pan of the form. In other words, if you choose to report based an absolute tlollar value mresholds, you cannot use a percentage lhreshoW on any paA of the Conn. (CONTINUED on page 4) ~ FORM 1 - EM. 1/2008 PAGE 3 rARr A - rRIMARY SOURCES OF INCOME (Required by Sec. 172.3145(3)(a)t w (b)t, Fla. Slat.j Part A Is intended to require the discloswe of your principal sources of income during the disclosure period. You do not have to disclose the amount of income received. Tne sources should be listed in descentling order, wiN the largest source first. Please list in this part of the form the name, address, end Drincipal business activiy of each source of your income which (depending on whether you have chosen to report based on percentage tMeshdds w on dollar value Thresholds) either: exceeded five percent (5%) of the gross income received by you in yow own name or by arty other person for your benefit or use during the Oisdosure period, or exceeded 52,500.00 (of gross income received doming the disclosure period by you in yow own name w by any other person for your use w benefit). You need not list your public salary received from serving in me position(s) which requires you to file this form, but this amount should be Inducted when calculating your gross inwme for the disclosure periotl. The incwrle of your spouse need nd be disdosed. However, if you are reporting Dead wt percentage Thresholds and If there is joint income to you and your spouse from property held by the entireties (such as interest w dividends from a Dank account w stocks held by the entireties), you should include all of that income when calculating your gross income and disclose the source of that income it it exceeded the 5% ttveshdd. 'Gross income" means the same as it does for income tax purposes, Nldutling ag income from whatever source derived, such as wmpensation for servixa, gross income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, iividends, pensions, soda) severity, distributive share of partnership prose income, and alimony, but not child support. Examples: - If you were employed by a company that manufactures computers and received more than 5% of your gross income (salary, commissions, etc.) from the company (or, afternalively, 52,500), then you should fist the name of the company, ifs address, antl its prindpal business acivity (comlwter manutaluring). - If you were a partner in a law fmm and your distributive share of partnership gross income exceeded 5% of your gross income (or, aftemativety, 52,500), then you shwid list the name of the firm, gs address, and its prindpal business adiviy (practice of law). - If you were rice sole proprietor of a retail girt business and yow gross Income from the business exceeded 5% of your total gross income (or, sftemativety, 52,500), then you should list the name of the business, its eddrcas, antl its principal business adiviy (retail gift sales). - If you receivetl income hom investments in stocks and bonds, you are required to list only each individual company hom which you derived more than 5% of your gross inwme (w, allemativey, 52.500), rather than aggregating all of yow irnestment inwme. - 1/ more than 5% of your gross income (or, altemalivey, 52,SOD) was gain hom the sale of property (not just the selling price), then you sholld list as a source of income the name of the purchaser, Rte purchaser's address, and the purchaser's principal business adiviy. N the purchaser's ieenlity is unknown, such as where securities listed on an exchange are sdtl through a brokerage firm, the source of income should be listed simpy as 'sale of (name of company) stock,' fw example. - If more than 5% of your gross Income (or, alternatively, 52,500) was in me form of interest Rom one particular finandal institution (at)gregating interest Rom all CD's, accounts, etc., at that institution), gal Rre name of the institution, Its address, and its principal business adiviy. BART B -SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME (Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)2 or (b)2, Fla. Stat.J This part is intended to require the disclosure of major customers, limb, and omen sources of income to businesses in which you own an merest. Yw will not nave anything (o report unless: (a) If you are reporting based on percentage thresholds: (t) You awned (emher directly or irgire ctly in the form o/ a equitable w beneficial interest) during the disclosure period mor than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock o/ business entity (a corporation, partnership, limited pannershi proprietorship, joint venture, Wsl, firm, etc., tloing business ii Florida); and (2) Vou received more than ten percent (t 0~,6) of yow gross inwrtx doming the disUOSUre period from that business entity; and (3) You received more than S1,SOD in gross income from the business entiy during the period. (b) If you are reporting based on dolor value thresholds: (i) You owned (either direly or indirectly in the farrrl of en equgable w Denefcal interest) during the disclosure period more than five percent (5%) of the total assets w capital stock of a business entity (a corporation, partnership, limitetl partnership, proprietorship, joint venture, trust, firm, etc., doing business in Florida); and (2) You received mwe Man 55,000 of your gross income during the disclosure period from that business entity. If yow interests and gross income ezaeedetl the appropriate thresholds Ifatetl above, then tom that business entity you must list every source of income to the business entity which exceeded ten percent (10%) of the business entity's gross income (computed on the basis of the business entity's moat recenty wmpleted fiscal year), the source's address, and the source's principal business adiviy. Examples: - Vou are the sole proprietor of a tlry cleaning business, from which you received more than 10% of your gross income (an amount that was more than 57,500) (or, altematlvey. more than $5,000, if you are using dolor value thresholds). If onty one customer, a unmorm rental company, provided more than 10% of your dry cleaning business, you must list the name of the uniform rental company, its address, and ib principal Dusiness activiy (uniform rentals). - You are a 20% partner in a partnership that owns a shopping mall antl your partnership income exceeded the thresholds listed above. Vw should list each tenant of the mall that provided more than 10% of the partnership's gross inwme, the tenant's address and principal business activity. - You own an orange grove and ses all your oranges to one marketing cooperative. You should list the cooperative, Its address, and its principal business activity if yow income met the thresholds. PART C -REAL PROPERTY (Required by Sec, 112.3145(3)(a)3 or (b)3, Fla. Stet.) In ws part, please list the bcatbn w description of all realproperty (land and buildings) in Florida h which you owned direly or indirectly tl arty time durtrp the preNOUS Wx year in excess of five percent (5%) of the property's value. This threshold is the same, wheMer you are using percentage thresholds w dolor thresholds. You are not required to list your residences and vacetion homes; nor are you required to state the value of the property Orl rile (Onn. Indirect ownership includes situations where you are a beneficiary of a trust that owns the property, as well as situations where you are mere than a 5% partner in a partnership w stockholder in a wrporation that owns the property. The value of the property may be determined Dy the most recently assessed value far tax purposes, in the absence of a more wment appraisal. The location w description of the property should be suffident to enable arryone who looks at the form to identiy the property. Although a legal description of the property will tlo, such a lengthy descriptwn is not required. Using simpler descriptions, such as "duplex, 715 Terrace Avenue, Tallahassee' or 40 acres localetl at the intersection of Hwy. 60 and I-95, Lake County' b sulficieM. In some cases, the property tax itlentification number of the property will help in identiying it: '120 acre ranch on Hwy. 902, HerWry Count', Tax ID a 131-45863.' (CONTINUED on page 5) ~ Exampes: - You own 1/3 of a partnership or small corporation that owns both a vacant lot and a 12% interest lei an office building. Vou should disGose the lot, but are not required to disGose the once building (because your 113 of the 12% interest-which equals 4%-COes not exceed the 5% Ihreshdd). - If you are a beneficiary of a trust that owns real property and your interest tlepends on the tlurakon of an intlividual's tile. the value of your interest should be detertninetl by appying the appropriate actuarial table to the value of the properly itself, regaMless o/ the actual yield of me property. PART D -INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY (Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)3 or (h)3, Fla. SIat.J Provide a general description of any intangible personal property that, at arty time tluring Ne disclosure pedod, was worth more than: (1) ten percent (10%) 01 your total assets (if you are using percentage threshdtls), gt (2) 510,000 (if you are using dollar value threshokts), and state the business entity to which the property related. Intangible: per- sons) property includes such things as money, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposd, irtlerests in paMerships, Oeneficlal interests in a bust, prrnrpssary rtdtes owed to you, accounts receivable by you, IRA's, and bank acoounts. Such Nirgs as automobiles, houses, jewelry, and paintings are not inlan- gible property. IMangiDles relating to the same business entity shouts be aggrogated; for example, two certificates of deposit and a savings account vAVI the same Dank. Where property is ownetl by husband antl wife as len- ards by ttte entirety (which usually will be the case), the property should be valued tl 100%. Calculations: In oroer to decitle whether the intangible property a:seeds 10% of your total assets, you cats need to total the value of all of yow assets (Irleludirg real property, intangible property, and tangible personal property such as automobiles, Jewelry fumiture, etc.). When making this calculation, tlo not subtract any liabilities (debts) that may reWte ro the property-add ony the fair market value o/the property. Multiply the total figure by 10% fo arrive at the disclosure threshold. List only the intangibles that exceed this Otreshdd amount. Joinly owned property should be valued according to the percentage of your joint ownership, wflh the exception of property owned by husband and wife as tenanp by the entirety, which should be valued at 100%. None of your calalalions or the value of the property have to be disclosed on Ole form. H you are using dolor value Nreshdds, you do not need to make arty of these calculations. Examples for persons using comparative (percentage) mreshdds - You own 50% of the sibdl Of a small corporation that is worth 5100.000, according to generaly accepted methods of valuing small Dusinesaes. The estimated fair market value of yow home and other property (bank accounts, automobile, fumiture, etcJ is 5200.000. As your total easels are wont 5250,000. you moat disclose intangibles wont over 525,000. Skrce the value of the staclr exceeds this threshold, you should list 'stock' and the name of the corporetion. If your accounts with a particular bank exceed 525,000, you should list "bank axounts' and bank's name. - When you retired, your professional firm bough out your partner- ship interest by giving you a promissory note, the present value of which is 5100,000. Vou also have a certificate of deposit from a bank woAh 575,000 antl an invesbneM portfolio worth 53110,000, consisting of 5100,000 of IBM bonds and a variety of other investments wont beM~een 55.000 and 550.000 each. The fair market value of your romaining assets (condominium, automobile, arW other personal prop- erty) is 5225.000. Since your total assets are wont 4700,000, you must list each intangible worth more than 570,000. Therefore, you would list "promissory note" and the name of your loaner partnership, "certificate of deposit" and the name or the bank, `bonds" and "IBM," bu! none of the rest of your investments. PART E -LIABILITIES (Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)4 or (b)4, Fla. Stet.) In this part of the form, list [he name and atldress of each private or governmental creditor to whom you were indebtetl at any Dme tluring the disclosure period in an amount which exceeded: (1) your net worth (if you are using percentage thresholds), !Y (2) 510,000 (ff you are using dollar value thresholds). You are not required to list the amount of any indebtedness or your net wodh. You do not have to disclose any of the following: credit cartl and retail installment accounts, taxes owed (unless reduced to a judgment), indebted- ness on a Ige insurance policy owed to the company of issuance, contingent kabilities, and accrued income taxes on net unrealized appredation (an accounting concept). A "contingent liability" is one that will become an actual liability onty when one or more future events occur or tail to ocwr, such as where you are liable only as a guarantor, surety, or endorser on a promissory mote. If you ere a "co-makeP and have signed as being Jdntly liable or Jointly end severally liable, ttten this IS nil a contingent liability; if you ere Using the 510,000 threshold and the total amount of the debt (not just the percentage of your Ilabiliry) exceeds 510,000, such debts should be reported. Calcwlations for persons using comparative (percentage) thresholtls: In order to decide whether the debt exceeds your net worth, you will need to total all of your liabilities (including promissory notes, mortgages, credit card debts, lines o1 credit, judgments against you, ate.). Subtract this amount from the value of alt your assets as ralwlated above for Part D. This is your "net worth' Vou must list on the form each creditor to whom your debt exceeded this amount unless tt is one of the types of indebtedness listed in the para- graph above (reedit cant antl retail installment accounts, etc.). Joint liabilities with others for which you are Jdntly antl severally liable." meaning that you may De liabb Ion either your part or the while of the obligation, should be inducted in your ealwlations based upon your percentage d liability, with lire Idlowing exception: joint and several liability with your apouu for a debt whidt relates to property ownetl by both of you as 'tenants by the entirety" (usually the nose) should be inducted in your calculations by valuing the asset at 100% of as value antl the IiaDility at 100% of the amount owetl. Examples for persons using comparative (percentage) threshdds - You owe 515,000 to a bank for student loans. 55.000 for credit cartl debts, and E60,000 (with your spouse) to a savings and ban for a home mortgage. Your home (owned by you ant your spouse) is worth 580,000 and your other property is wOAh 520,000. Since your net worth is 520.000 (5100,000 minus E60,000), you must report only the name end address of the savings and loan. - You arts your 50% business partner nave a 5100,000 business loan from a bank, for which you boN are jdnty and severely liable. The value of the business, taking into account Ilte loan as a IiaDility of Ina business, is 550.000. Your other assets are worth 525,000, and you owe 55,000 on a credit card. Your total assets will be 550,000 (half of a business wont 550.000 plus f25,000 of other assets). Vour liabikties, for purposes of cekulaling your net worth, will be ony 55.000, because the full amount d the business ban already was included in valuing the business. Therefore, your net worth is 345,000. Since your 50% share of the 5100,000 business loan exceeds this net worth figure, you must list the bank. PART F - INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES [Required by Sec. 112.3145(5). Fla. Slat.) The types of businesses covered in this disclosure are only: state and federally chartered banks; slate antl federal savings ant loan associations: cemetery companies; insurance companies (including insurance agencies): mortgage companies; credit unions; small loan companies; alcoholic bever- age licensees; part-mutual wagering companies, utility companies, entities controlled by the Public Service Commission; and entities granted a franchise to operate by either a city or a county government. (CONTINUED on page 6) C~' FORM 1 - You are required to disclose in Mis part of the form the fad that you awned dudng the tlisdosure period an interest in, or held any of certain posi- fbrts with, particular types of businesses listed above. You are requiretl to make this discosure if you own or owned (either directly or indirectly in the form of an equitable or beneficial interest) at any time during the disclosure peAal more than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock of one o! the types of business entities granted a privilege to operate in Florida Ihat am listed above. You also must complete this part of the form for each of theae types of businesses for which you are, or were at any lime during the tlisdosure period, an officer, director, partner, proprietor, or agent (other that a resident agent solely for service of process). If you have or held such a position or ownership interest in one of these types of businesses, list (verticasy for each business): me name of the busi~ ness, its address and principal business activity, and the position heltl with the business (if any). Also, if you own(etl) more than a 5% interest in the business, as described above, you must indicate that fad and describe the nature of your interest. (End of Instructions.) PENALTIES A failure to make any required disclosure constitutes grounds for and maybe punished by one or more o/ the /ollowing.• dis- qualification /rom being on the balb; impeachmenf, removal or suspension from office or employment, demotion, reduction in salary, reprimand, or a civil penalty not exceeding $10,000. [Sec. 112.317, Florida Statutes) the annual lone is not filed by September 1s; a me of S25 for each day late will be imposed, up to a maxJmum of 51,500. fSecdon 1123145_ FS L OTHER FORMS YOU MAY NEED TO FILE IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE ETHICS LAWS In addition to filing Form 1, you may be required to Ule one or more of the special purpose Tonne listed below, depending on your particular poaiUOn, business activities, or interests. As it is your duty to obtain and file any of the special purpose fomrs which may be applicable to you, you should carefully read the brief description of each form to determine whether it applies. Form 1F - Final Statement of Financial Interests: Required o/ local ofAeers, state ofrcars, and specG heal sbte employees within 60 days aker leaving oKce or employment. This form is used to report financial interests between January 1st of the last year of office or employment and the last day of ofice or empby- meM. [Sec. 112.3145(2)(b), Fla. Stal.] Form 1X -Amended Statement of Financial Interests: To be used by local oAlcers, state ofIieers, and speei- !bd ebb employees to correct mistakes on previously filed Form 1's. [Sec. 112.3145(9), Fla. Slat.] Form 2 -Quarterly Client Disclosure: Required of foul oflfcers, state o9/cem, and speei~sd sbro employees to discose the names of clients represented for compensation by them- xlvea or a partner or associate before agencies at the same level of government as they serve. The form should be filed Dy the end of the cebrMar quarter (March 31. June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31) rdlowing the calendar quarter in which a reportable representation was made. [Sec. 112.3145(4), Fla. Slat.] Form 3A -Statement of Interest in Competitive Bld for Pub/iC Business: Required or puDllc officers and ptlbkc employees prior to or at the Ume of submission of a bid for public blreirtess which otherwise wouM violate Sec. 112.313(3) or 112.313(7), Fla. Slat. [Sec . 112.313(12)(b), Fla. Stal.] Form 4A -Disclosure of Business Transacfion, Relationship, Or /ntBrest: Required of public officers and employees to disclose certain business transactions, relationships, or interests which othernrise would violate Sec. 112.313(3) or 112.313(7), Fla. Stet. [Sec. 112.313(12) and (12)(e), Fla. Stal.) Form 8A -Memorandum of Voting Conflict for StatB Officers: Required to be filed by a state officer within 15 Jaya aRer having voted on a measure which inured to his or her special pdvaM gain (or loss) or to the special gain (or loss) of a relative, busi- ness assodate, or one by whom he ar she is retained or employed. Each appointed State Office/ Who seeks to influence the deClsidn on such a measure prior to the meeting must file the form before undertaking That action. [Sec. 112.3143, Fla. Stat.j Form 8B -Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other local Public D~CerS: Required to be filed (within 15 days or abstenfion) by each locel officer who must abstain Rom voting on a measure which would inure to his or her special private gain (or loss) or the specal gain (or loss) of a relative, business associate, or one Dy whom he or she is retained or employed. Each appointed local o~cial who seeks to inRu- ence the decision on such a measure prior to the meeting must Rte the form bebre undertaking Nat action. [Sec. 172.3143. Fla. Slat.) Form 9 -Quarterly Gift Disclosure: Required w /Deal oR7eers, state oBeen, specifisd stab employees, and afore procurement empbyees to report giRS over f100 in value. The farm should be fled by the end of the calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31) following the calendar quarter in which the giR was received. [See. 112.3148, Fla. Stat.j Forrtt 10 -Annual Disclosure of Gifts from Governmental Entitles and Direct Support Organlzafions and Honorarium Event Related Expenses: Required or meal olncers, stab olACers, specHled stab ampbyses, arW able procurement employees to repoA gigs over 5100 in value received Rom certain agencies and direct support organizations; also to be utilized by these persons to repOA honoradum event-related expenses paid Dy certain persons and entflies.The form shoultl be Rled Dy July /following the calendar year in which the giR or honorarium evert+elaled expense was receivetl. (Sec. 112.3148 antl 112.3149, Fla. SIat.J AVAILABILITY OF FORMS; FOR MORE INFORMATION Cooles of these form are available from the Supervisor of Elections to your county; Rom the Commission on Ethics, Post Office Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; telephone (850) 488-7864 (Suncom 278-7864); and at the Commission's web site: www.eMics.state.R.us. Questions about any of these forms or the ethics laws may be addressed to the Commission on Ethics, Post Office Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; telephone (850) 488-7864 (Sunwm 278-7864). - ER.