019-2008 Request for Information - Study on Alton Road between 5th Street and 17th Streetm `s~IAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TO: Ed Tobin, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: May 1, 2008 MEMORANDUM No. 019-2008 SUBJECT: Request for Information -Study on Alton Road between Stn Street and 17th Street This memorandum is in response to your request for information (attached). The item that you referenced, C7B agreement with Chen and Associates, is specific to that portion of Alton Road, South of 5th Street. The agreement made provisions to incorporate the Bike Master Plan elements into the South Pointe Project areas. Attached is the Commission Item as well as the full Bike Master Plan for your review. As you know, the development of the Bike Master Plan was a process with a great deal of public input, including the creation of a Bikeways Committee, which provided input and feedback as to the location of bike lanes throughout the City. The Bike Master Plan was reviewed by various City boards, and was adopted by the City Commission on October 17, 2007. At that time, the direction given to staff was to incorporate the installation of bike lanes into CIP projects throughout the City. The information that the City has on Alton Road between 5th Street and 17th Street is the material that was developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for their project between 5th and 17th Street on Alton Road. The information we have is the same as that which was presented at the recent Neighborhoods Committee meeting. The City has not yet been able to provide its own professional analysis of the FDOT information. Attached is the hard copy of the presentation made by FDOT on April 30, 2008 at the Neighborhoods Committee. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. C'~; N O --.J C'f "~ ~i C: Mayor and City Commission ; , n. Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager r` -i Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager ~ ' rv v ~ -tf Attachments c; ~ "'' iN -*~ .. JMG/dm -- as F:lcmgr\$ALLIDOLORES\LTC and MemoslTobin-Bike Lanes.doc ..~- ~; :~ We are committed to providing excellen! public service and safety fo all who five, work, and play in our vibron~, tropico(, historic community.