Best Change AgentCh
Agrowing number of American
cities, including Portland, Denver,
s Baltimore, and Chattanooga, have
come up with an enlighteningway
to help the homeless (and discourage
panhandling). The scheme is pretty
simple: Drop your spare change into
WNP~ YUUN MONEY NAYS conveniently placed refurbished
x.50 1 ~,',„, rb':.a:;.o;.~.
parking meters. Tne caies then
$1•~- ^^w••-•~~••~•°~°^"•' givethe moneyto housingand health
~..•.. ~.d,.,.~
s2~-r . ~~a•
_ , :,, ,, ~,~~;~~~;: that feedingthesemeters-which are
. painted in vivid colors to distinguish them
` from the real thing-won't getyou out
s of that pesky parkingticket.
ocHrE~ ~s ~ru~naus rasn Ta