016-Committee of the Whole Meet CITY OF MIAMI BEACH
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of
Miami Beach, Florida, sitting as the Committee of the Whole, will
hold a meeting in the City Mariagerms Large Conference Room, 4th
Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach,
Florida, on Wednesday, April lath, 2001, during the Commission
meeting lunch break, regarding the Fiscal Year 2001/2002
proposed operating budget request for the Office of the Mayor and
City Commission.
inquiries may be directed to the Mayor's Office at 305-673-7030.
Robert E. Parchar, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
Pursuant to section 286.olo5. Fla. Star., the City hereby advises the public that: if
a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with
respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such persen must
ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notice
does not cons'dtute consent by the City for the introduction or admission of
etherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize ~hallenges or
appeals not otherv.,ise allowed by law.
In accordance with the Americans with disabh'Ities Act Of 1990, persons needing
speblai accommodation to participate in this proceeding shouid contact the City
Clerk's Office no later than four days prior to the proceeding. Telephone (305)
673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service
numbers, (80Q) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance.