2008-26824 ResoRESOLUTION NO. 2008-26824 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) TO PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE, BLOCK-BY- BLOCK ANALYSIS OF THE ALTON ROAD FROM 5T" STREET TO MICHIGAN AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT (THE PROJECT) INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ADDRESSING THE FOLLOWING CRITICAL ISSUES TO THE CITY: A SHORT TERM SOLUTION FOR FLOODING ON ALTON ROAD; PLAN(S) FOR PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION; A REQUEST THAT FDOT PETITION TO THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY THE REDUCTION OF THE PROPOSED ELEVEN (11) FOOT TRAVEL LANES TO TEN AND A HALF (10.5) FOOT TRAVEL LANES; THE EXECUTION OF A STUDY TO REDUCE THE SPEED LIMIT ON ALTON ROAD TO THIRTY (30) MILES PER HOUR; THE INCLUSION OF AGGREGATE POUR-IN-PLACE MIX FOR TREE GRATES; NO BLOCKAGE AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS; THE INCLUSION OF ON-DEMAND PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS; THE INCLUSION OF BIKE RACKS; AND FURTHER URGING THAT FDOT EXPEDITE THE DESIGN, FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT, ALL TO ENSURE THAT THE CITY, AND ITS RESIDENTS AND VISITORS, ARE DELIVERED THE BEST DESIGNED ROADWAY PROJECT, IN THE MOST EFFICIENT MANNER POSSIBLE. WHEREAS, FDOT is responsible for the construction, design, and maintenance of Alton Road (SR-907), including rehabilitation/redesign of the corridor, and is currently working on a project for transportation improvements needed on Alton Road, from 5th Street to Michigan Avenue which may include, without limitation, safety issues, drainage, traffic flow, pavement conditions, bicycle facilities, pedestrian enhancements, mass transit needs, parking, and landscaping (the Project}; and WHEREAS, although Alton Road is a State-owned roadway, it is also unique in the City of Miami Beach (City), in that this roadway is: heavily relied upon by those getting to-and-from work; a major North-to-South artery; a local and visitor shopping, entertainment and commerce venue; and also serves as a boundary for a residential historic district; and WHEREAS, for many years, due to serious deterioration of the subsoil, a major flooding problem has been created on certain parts of Alton Road, particularly in the southernmost corridor; and WHEREAS, due to lack of sufficient maintenance; proper marking and stripping; and out-of-date and non-compliant design standards, Alton Road has earned the highest rates of auto accidents and bicycle mortality statistics in the City; and WHEREAS, traffic continues to develop into a substantial problem due to finite road space and busier lives; and WHEREAS, gasoline, insurance, and automobile prices are skyrocketing, necessitating an imperative to strongly encourage more transit alternatives; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, on behalf of its residents and visitors, encourages the promotion of conscientious environmental and green alternatives; and WHEREAS, under the "complete streets", principle all users of transportation systems, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users, as well as children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, should be able to travel safely and conveniently on streets and highways; and WHEREAS, the City has invested significant capital improvement funds and grant monies on improving City transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities to encourage alternatives to private automobile use; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is charged with determining a locally preferred alternative for the Project from a variety of plans designed by FDOT, with public input; and WHEREAS, at its regular meeting on May 14th, 2008, the City Commission unanimously endorsed Local Preferred Alternative No. 1 for the Project, with the following additional recommendations: 1. that FDOT present a petition to the Federal Highway Authority (FHA) for the reduction of the currently proposed eleven (11) foot travel lanes to ten and a half (10.5) feet, lanes throughout the entire length of the Project; 2. that a study be undertaken executed to reduce the speed limit on Alton Road down to thirty (30) miles per hour; 3. that the Project include, in aggregate, pour-in-place mix for tree grates; 4. that there be no blockage on signalized intersections; 5. that on-demand pedestrian crosswalks be incorporated; and 6. that bike racks be incorporated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that, with regard to the Alton Road 5th Street -Michigan Avenue Rehabilitation Project (Project), it is hereby the intent of the City Commission to urge FDOT to take any and all actions, as necessary, to provide this community with the best designed Project, on a block-by-block basis, NOT cone-size fits all policy, and that in furtherance of this objective, the following issues be addressed: 1. that, as part of the Project, the City Commission urges FDOT to address a short term solution for flooding on Alton Road, and ensure that all cross walks and traffic lights are properly synchronized in the meantime; 2. that, as the City's economy will be greatly affected and serious life safety issues, such as emergency vehicle movement, will be created during the pendency of the Project, FDOT should designate/establish alternative routes during construction; add message boards; describe phasing of construction; and, in general, be clear and upfront with respect to conflicting projects and timelines; and 3. that FDOT present a petition to the Federal Highway Authority for the reduction of the currently proposed eleven (11) foot travel lanes to ten and a half (10.5) feet throughout the entire length of the Project; and 4. that the City Commission recommended alternative for the Project, Local Preferred Alternative No. 1, also include the following recommendations/considerations by FDOT: a. the undertaking of a study to reduce the speed limit on Alton Road down to thirty (30) miles per hour; b. the inclusion of aggregate pour-in-place mix for tree grates; c. no blockage on signalized intersections; d. the inclusion of on-demand pedestrian crosswalks; e. the inclusion of bike racks; and 5. that FDOT expedite design, funding and implementation of this Project. PASSED and ADOPTED this 14th day of May 2008. ATTEST: ~~-C.~ CITY CLERK MAYOR Robert Parcher Matti Herrera Bower F:\attolAGUR\RESOS-ORDIFDOT Block by Block Analysis Reso.doc ~ ~~ +t~ ~~.,- s~~,~~ ~7//'1~ wcU ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE 8~ FOR~6~CECUTION 5 2'i ~~ ata ?~ MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager FROM: Ed Tobin, Commissioner ~(s~ DATE: May 12, 2008 Su6)ECT: City Commission Agenda item C6D and R9C- Resolution regarding FDOT Alton Road 5th Street -Michigan Avenue Rehabilitation Project Please place the following Resolution on the May 14, 2008 City Commission Agenda. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my Aide, Anthony Broad at ext. 6274. ET/sm Agenda Item~C. Date S-/~{-o~ m MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, vrww.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members o the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: May 14, 2008 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) ON THE ALTERNATIVE DESIGN OPTIONS FOR THE ALTON ROAD PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT (PD&E) STUDY, FROM 5T" STREET TO MICHIGAN AVENUE FOR SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION. This is an informational item only. In addition to the results of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Alton Road Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study, FDOT is going to present their recommended locally preferred alternative, which the Commission does not need to take a position on. BACKGROUND The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Six is conducting the Alton Road Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study for transportation improvements needed on Alton Road from 5th Street to Michigan Avenue. The study will identify improvements on Alton Road which may include safety, drainage, traffic flow, pavement conditions, bicycle facilities, pedestrian enhancements including addressing deficiencies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), mass transit needs, parking, landscaping and aesthetics. FDOT has been working on this project since early 2007. Part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirement for this project is to conduct an intensive public involvement process. As part of this requirement FDOT established the Alton Road PD&E Study Project Advisory Group (PAG), which is comprised of stakeholders from the residential and business community along Alton Road. No City staff was involved in the PAG; however, FDOT has regularly provided the City with progress reports regarding the advancement of this project. The purpose of the PAG is to provide input and direction on the development of the conceptual design of the project. Based on input provided by the PAG, City and City boards and committees, community organizations, public comments, and further technical analysis, FDOT has narrowed the project to alternatives that they believe best meet the purpose and needs of the project. Over ten (10) possible alternatives have been reduced to five (5) alternatives: the no-build alternative; the Transportation System Management (TSM) alternative; and three (3) build alternatives. The current schedule for the Alton Road Project is as follows 1. Presentation of final alternatives to seek input from the City's Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee on April 30, 2008. 2. Presentation of final alternatives to seek input from the City Commission on May 14, 2008. Agenda Item Q C Date s-(4 -0 g FDOT Alton Road PD&E Study May 14, 2008 Page 2 of 5 3. Preliminary Engineering Report will be publicly displayed by end of May 2008. This document was submitted to the City for review and comment. The report contains the following: a. Summary of existing conditions b. Analysis of final preferred alternatives c. Environmental work required for project 4. Public Hearing to be held in June 2008, followed by a Public Comment Period 5. Finalize Preliminary Engineering Report and submit to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in July 2008 6. Contingent on FHWA approval, design to begin in FY 09/10 (18 months to complete) 7. Design will provide an accurate construction cost, which will be used to prioritize construction funds in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 8. Construction estimated to start in FY 2012-13 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES The existing conditions of Alton Road include a 100-foot Right-of-Way (ROW), 70 feet of existing pavement width typically comprised of four (4) 11' travel lanes, two (2) 5' turn lanes, two (2) 8' on-street parking on each side of the street, and 14.5' of landscape and sidewalk on either side. FDOT has narrowed the design options far Alton Road to five (5) possible alternatives: no-build, transportation system management (TSM), and three (3) build alternatives. No Build Alternative The no build alternative will not provide any additional roadway improvements beyond already programmed projects such as pedestrian safety improvements, leaving the existing facilities largely unchanged from their present configurations. Transportation System Management (TSM) Alternative The TSM alternative is a limited construction alternative that would use minor improvements to enhance capacity. The following improvements were identified as part of the TSM Alternative: • Resurfacing of pavement along with signage and pavement marking improvements. • Four-lane roadway with 12-foot wide inner lanes to accommodate future mass transit; 10-foot wide two-way left-turn lane; and periodic median islands. • Landscaped sidewalks. • On-street parking. • ADA improvements. • Access management improvements • Traffic signal optimization. FDOT Alton Road PD&E Study May 74, 2008 Page 3 of 5 A typical roadway section of the proposed TSM Alternative is presented in Figure 1. H/N LINE ~{ ~HM' LINE ~- Q LWYSTR11CrlOti ~ _- SV !IS' Y' lAVDS:Ar£ / S; DEWA/K 6,y~ du !f' I ~ 5.0' S.`J' fr. 11' S. `i~ 2 14.5' ~ 1/WOSLMf / S~DfWai.x ~G r<Fx NIG 1 1 y ~ h ~ ~ ~.!'MrtlVG CIJHi & L~.I ~ ~~ Cll'1f1 8 :;ll l I cV Figure 1. Proposed Typical Section of Alton Road TSM Alternative Build Alternative 1 The first build alternative is composed of the following cross section: four (4) travel lanes, which include two (2) 11-foot through lanes in each direction; 11-foot center left-turn lane/periodic median islands; 9-foot on-street parking lanes; and 13-foot sidewalks with opportunity for landscaping. A typical roadway section of Build Alternative 1 is presented in Figure 2. RN! L~NL-+'{ F MN5I RUC~!ON , ~--N~!' UNE r r3' P~ '•5 I !f' R' 73' !„ I; !J' v. aFc. PM+'lHG ~ rARxlNG J.D~ 1 l~ 4 1 1---B.D• ~ '~ i ~ Lu Hli A~ iA.'!`!-:t cuxe s currrn Figure 2. Proposed Typical Section of Build Alternative 1 for Alton Road w/o Bike Lanes Build Alternative 2 The second build alternative is composed of the following cross section: four (4) travel lanes, which include two (2) 11-foot lanes in each direction; an 11-foot center left-turn lane/periodic median island; 9-foot on-street parking; 5-foot bicycle lanes; and 8-foot sidewalks. The 9-foot wide parking can be reduced to 8 feet thus providing an extra foot for the inner lane to accommodate mass transit in the future. This cross section considers improvements for traffic safety, bicycle facilities, pedestrian enhancements, and public transit needs. FDOT Alton Road PD&E Study May 14, 2008 Page 4 of 5 A typical roadway section of Build Alternative 2 is presented in Figure 3. FiW ~WC -_~ h - - - -- ~. f ravsrRt,~*roN 50' -l1lN L Nr -I ~S' SriJ/WFr x: i ~ 3.U' PARK/UG Plki :. A1'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nrnr ~,._~..,~~ I AMF '3.0' PARN!NL ~i ~~ ~~ Figure 3. Proposed Typical Section of Build Alternative 2 for Alton Road with Bike Lanes Build Alternative 1A (Pending City Resolution) On March 26, 2008, the Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee requested FDOT to meet with the Alliance for Reliable Transport (ART) to explore the possibility of incorporating bike paths into the design of Alton Road. At the April 7, 2008 ART meeting with FDOT, Build Alternative 1 was modified to add one directional bike path adjacent to the sidewalk on each side of Alton Road. The cross-section for this design would be as follows: two (2) 8' sidewalks, two (2) 4' bike paths each with 2' of clearance between the bike path and curb and gutter, two (2) 8' on-street parking lanes, four (4) 11' travel lanes, and an 11' median. In the original design, the on-street parking lane was 9' wide to allow space for a future mass transit project. FDOT stated that a mass transit lane can still be accommodated with the reduction of one (1) foot. A typical roadway section of Build Alternative 1A is presented in Figure 4. This typical section of roadway is symmetrical on the left side of the center line. Figure 4. Proposed Typical Section of Build Alternative 1A for Alton Road with Bike Paths ~~v uNF I ~~ aAr /sraeivacic 1 ~ 1 t PARKING I CURB & CUTTER FDOT Alton Road PD&E Study May 14, 2008 Page 5 of 5 CURRENT STATUS FDOT presented the Alton Road PD&E Study to the Neighborhoods/Community Affairs Committee on April 30, 2008. Committee members endorsed Build Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative, which will provide 13 foot sidewalks with an opportunity for landscaping. The Committee members requested that FDOT provide signage on the sidewalks to inform pedestrians that bicyclists would be sharing the sidewalks. The Alton Road PD&E Study is also scheduled for a presentation at the Historic Preservation Board on May 13, 2008 and at a special Planning Board Meeting on May 13, 2008 at 5:OOpm. Subsequently, FDOT will present the Alton Road PD&E Study and the preferred alternative at a public hearing in June 2008. The time and place of this public hearing are yet to be determined. JMG/RCM/FHB/FV/XF/CL T:\AGENDA12008\May 141ConsentlFDOT Alton Road Memo.doc