David Lancz 05/06/2009t
Cihr of Miami B~och, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Fbrida 33139, www.miamibeochA.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clerk
TEI: (305) 673-7411, FAX: (305) 673-7254
David Lancz
1500 Bay Rd #242
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
SUBJECT: Transparency Reliability and Accountability Ad Hoc
Congratulations! You have been appointed by Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg
to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 05/06/2009.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after
January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of
the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing
elected official leaves office.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City
Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully.
Congratulations again and good luck.
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Robert Parcher / Patricia Walker
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
Ordinance No. 2006-3543 -Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 -Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet -Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee
We are commined to providing excellent public service and safey to all who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic communiy
Cif~- of Miami d~ach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Fbrido 33139, www.miamibeachA.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, Ciy Clerk
TEI: X305) 673-7411, FAX: X305) 673-7254
TO David Lancz
RE: Transparency, Reliability and Accountability Committee (TRAC)
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 05/06/2009.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theF/orida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public ~cers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure" require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar n which I have served.
David Lancz
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ ~ day of , 200
_ ~>'~~J
Silvia Prieto
Deputy Clerk
*Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
We ore committed to providing excellent public service and safey to all who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
ME~''r`i7P~Cf~MMISSI0P1 Fax~3i~56~37096
JAN-19„ 2005 03:32Pf4 FR014-JUDGE HIGHSa~~ ~r{
Jan ?0 '05
15 • G? P. '.JL
T-d32 P 002/004 F-051
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(q) a and b: Members of agcnaes, boards, and ~ommit~es shall tae affillatEd with the qty? iFtis
requirement shall be fulfilled in the foUOWIRg WdYs; a) an individual ,:+alt have been a resident of the sty for a m-nlmum ofsa months; or b)
an :ndivldual shaft demonstrate ownership/interest for a mtnlmum of six months in a business establtshetl in tt,e cttY•
Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) rnortiths: Yes (~ or No ( ]
Demonstrate an ownershiplintx=rest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) manrf,s: Yes [ ] or No ~]
I dm applying Por a Board appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge, experience: Yes ( ]
My sptrial abilities, knowledge, or e;perience is:
Are you a regi3bered voter in Miami Beach: Yes (~ or No ( ] ,, _
t'~A~IE: ~-G1'f 1~ ~... G Vt
(~ Last Name Frst Name ,L EEM,,iddle Initial
Home` ~ 2~~ ~G~ ~ ~~~1'1~ ~~~ ~ z-
Addrdss: No. Street ~Y $~ p
Phone:3~'~o7Z-3SZq 5Z3=~5`~Z 5~~-~l~Q c~ te.~~cZC~''h~-~n~g:~.c~~-
Home ~ Work Fax Email address
I am now a resid8r~t of: Nort1h Be+a~ch [ J South Beach ~C] MiddlC Beach [ J
BusinesSNa e: U ~~ IJy~TC~T ~,,~1-~-' AppliC3nt's Position: ~-~w ~ (£~~~
Address~,~ f l~Z ~~ ~ E ~~ S-t~Cek- M ~~tf"t i T ~. ,~ ,?,' ~ ~~
No. Street Ciry State Zip Code
[ )Owner [ ] StackholCfer/Sharehol4er [ ]Corporate Ot~icer [ ] OtnEr Explain:
Professional License (describe): Exp'res:
Atbch a copy Of ehe /icense IisCed abav~
1. Have you e~~er been convicted of a felony: Yes [ ] or No [>Cj If yes, please explain in devil:
~, ao you Currently havB a violation(s) of Qty of Miami Beach codes: Yes [ ) or No [~ If yes, pleas® explain in detail:
3. Do you currently ow¢ the C~ty of Miami beach any money: Yes [ ~ or hIo [~
If yes, explain in detail:
a, Are you currently serving on any Gty Boards or CommitDzes: Yes [ ] or N4 [~]
If yes; which board?
What organizations in the Gty of Miami Beach do you currently hold membershio in?
list all properties owned or have an interest in, which are Ior~te0 within the City of Miami Beach:
I am now employed by the c;ty of Miami Beath: Yes [ ) or No,~. If yes, which department.
PurSUant t0 City Code SeCCiOn 225 (b): 0o you have a poreni [ ], spouse [ ), Ghlid [ ], bromcr [ ]~ or 3i-eGr [ ] vrho
:: t..:
C`~RYOR&Cf7MMI ~ LION Fax ~ 3056,3,096
J1~1-19~005 03:32Pl~t FRQbI-JUDGE HIGHSh,~ Sri
Tan ~0 'OS 152? P. 03
3055235119 T-d32 P.003/OOd F-Ogl
is employed ey the Gry of Miami Beach? CheCK ali that apply. Identify the department(s);
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first cnpice [Z] Second choice, and [3] third Choice. Please nntbe (hart
only 3 choices wit! be observed by the city Clerk's Offite.
(Regular 8aards of C:Ity} ('Board Required to Fie State bisclosure form)
] art (n Public Places
] Audit Committee
] 13drriBr Free Environment Committee
] &?ach Preservation Board
] eeavtification Committee
a Board oP ACju5trrlent (Flood Mgmt)*
] Butlget Advisory Committee
] rye
] Comrhlttee on Harnel~s
) Committee for Qumlity EGuca'Oon in MB
f ]Community OektlOpment Advisory=
] Communlry Relations Board
] Convention Cen~r Advisory board
] Convention tenter Capital Projects Oversight
Debarment CofimitGee
] Design P,BView eoard*
] Fine Ark hard
] Golf Advisory Committee
] Htaith Advisory CornntKtee
] Heeltfi Facilttiss AuthoHty
] lilspanlt Affairs Committee
] Historic Drpservation Board*
] Housing Authority*
] uoan Review Committee
] Marine Auffiorityr
] Miami Beach Cultural APtr C4Undl
~ Miami Beach Commission on St<7tus Of Women
Mleml t3eacn Flerlda Sister Cn19s
] Normandy Shores ~ocat Gov't Neighborhood Improvement
] NDtt}1 seath YDUth Center Oversight Committee
] Nuisance Abatement Board`
] Oversighx CommltbCe for General t3bligatSOn Bond
J Parks and Rcacation Paolitie5 Board
] Personnel 9odld*
] Planning t3oard'~
] Police Cttitene Relations committee
] Producr[on Industry Council
] Public Safety gdv~sory Committee
] Safety Committee
] South Pci~tAtivisory Boardx m RedevelopmentAg~ncy
] ~ ~ASier~-A~terdiY
] 7ransponation and PdrkIR9 BodtCt
] Ysitor and Convention lluthorrty*
] YoutTt Center Advisory t3oard
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory t3oar~d, please inAicate your affiliation with tt,e Scott Ra{cnw Youth
i. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes [ ] No [ ] (Years of Service [ ]
2, Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes [ ] No [ ]. If yes, please fist the names of your
children, their ages, and whlcn programs. List b81ow.
cnaa•s name;
child's name:
Age: Program:
Age: ~.. Program:
This section is "not required" but desired pye. (3(] Gender: M [x] or tr [ ]
ethnic 0-iyin (Check one)
White [ ] ATrir~n Ameriulrl(BIaCk [ ] HisFanic: [ I
lLSian or PaGi~p Islander ( ] American Indian or Alastcan Native [ ]
Employment Status: Employed [~] Retired [ ]Home-maker ( ]Other
I herepy attest To the accuracy and truthfulness of the appl®bon and have received, read and wit/ abide by
Chapter 2, Article VII - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency
Applicant's Signs At+bo Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT)
Attachment: Please atrac a cppy of your resume to your application.
NOTE: Agpl~tiartill rti nth o file for a period of one (].) calendar year.
Recetvud in City C'(erK'S Office ,~`/ / by
Document Control Number (ttSSignen by the Cty Cle p~c2) Rev iF7-- 01/08/04
MFl`r`OR~COMh~I I:>SION Fa.x ~ 305673?036 Ja.n 2(J ' 05 15 ~ 23
JAN-19-2005 03:32PM FRONhJUDGE HIGHSNITH 3055238179 T-d32
n3V1C1 ~11CZ
1504 73ay Road, Apt. 2,42
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 672-3829
ri~:~FC"'~cr~hntri>a71 GOIi1
P. 01
P.0041004 F-051
Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA taxis Doctor, June 1999
Activities: Financial Aid Committee, Career Services Committee, Institutional Life at
Ha~,rard Law School Advisory Cotranittee
199b-],997 Plu ICap~a Phi Graduate Fellow
Awat-ded to fifry 9rudents nationally for support of first-year graduate or prdfessio~aal study.
itscipiants selected on basis of leadership, sehoiarship, anal eommuniry service.
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL $.A. with honors, May 1995
Major: Political Science Minors: History, Jewish Studies CrPA: 3.97
Activities: Florida Blue Kcy, Student Government Academic Affairs Cal7inot Ducctor,
Vice-Chairman of Hillel Foundation Board of Dirzctors, University Senate
Honors; Spring 1995 Outstanding 71~1a1e Leader, University of Flo~zda Nall of. Fame,
phi $eta Kapga, Phi Kappa Phi, National ;v(erit Scholar, 1994 I3'nai BYith
);lorida Co]lege Student of the Year
United States District Court far the Southern District of Florida Apr. 2004-present
Law clerk to United State$ District Judge Shelby ~Tighsm~th
Sonnensche5n Nath ~ Rosenthal, Chicago, n- Jan. 2003-Mar. 2004
AJcerman Senterfitt, Miami, FL Nov, 2000-Dec. 2002
Morgan Lewis dr Bockius, Miami, FL Sep. i 999-Oct. 20x0
Conduc# legal research amd draft nu7noranda; author motions for summery judgment, motions to
dismiss, appellate btie'fs, and other pleadings; argue in statelfederai court; take/defend depositions;
counsel clients on labor/ernpltryment aed litigation matters.
Westlaw, Czrn>sridge, MA Sep. 1998-May 1999
~rpizi/assist Harvard Law School students in conducting legal research using westla~av.eom
AruerfCorps for Math and Litexacy, Columbus, OH Sep. 1995-June 1996
Taught readir~g and math at an inner-city elementary school Dit~ected afxer-school literacy
program at an area homeless shelter.
UII1LCd Vti'ay Of MtrnadC COUrny YOUth 11IlOC¢~TlQT13 C•oTtv7tittee~ ~'lcrida Box; Iuiaois Eac