Ad 490 Notice of Public Hearing~~~~ '~ ~~~~~~ _~ p1~1E1~~HIEN1:~1=~~~CfGHT INDUS~IAL QIST NOTfCE IS HEREBY givert that a Second Reading_and Second Public Hearing will be Field. by the Mayor and City Cbrr~mission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the 'Commission Chambers, 3rd._;floor, City Fjlall, 1700 Convention Center .Drive, Miami. Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, June 25~pQ$, alt 5:01 p.m., To Consider An Ordinance Amending: The :Land `l~~elo~mef~t Regulations O# The Code ~f The City Of"Miami Beach, Byi4rr~ehd'rng Chapter 142, "Zoning Districts And l~gula#ioi~s," .Division 11, ~`:I-1 ~~ht Industrial District," 'By ~iarifying Purpose And Permitted Uses, ~~adfng ~tiapter 130, "Off-Street Barking,." Article I:11, "Design S'taala~ds;~' 13y Adding The l-1 District As A District Permitting Garages As A Main Use. inquiries may be direc to Plarming Department at (305) .673-7550. ~ _ ti~iTE13ESTED. °PAfBS are :invited -to appear. at this meeting, or be represented by~n`agerxt, `or to ~xpress~ttaairdews in writing addressed t;~+ rntnis~,ion, ~~ .the. Caty ~,, 1700 ven#~n. Center - , ire,;:-~~t ~ ~- y ~l, tali ~-~l~da 33~~9.: CQ~i~s v~'is- c~d~rrar~ce~;~i~e la~#or p~tbl~ ~ir~spection ~luring_r~orm'~I ~us~raess ''-~~'~~~;Corrvtto~Ce~#er.Driver fst~l~or, Cityl~aTl, tami~eacka, Florida~3139. This ra~e~ay~be cont'uaued and under such circumstances addi#ional legal notice aniould not be provided. ., - W. :. ~ '. "Robert~E. Patche~`City Gler~c ~ - _ _ City_ of Miami; Beach - -Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the :public #hat` ~ a person decides to appeal -any decisioh`rnade by the City Commission wrtt3 respect to any matter considered at .its .meeting or its hearing, such ~ers~n must censure- than a vert~atim~ record of the proceedings is made; which .record includes the testimony and evidence upon '~nrhich the -.appeal into be based. This:notice does-not constitute .consent by the Gity for-the introduction or actrrrisson of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does ~t authorize challenges ar appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this materj_al - m accessible format, sign language irrterpreters, infiorrnat~n on access for persons with disabilities, andlor any accommc~dafion~to~review any :document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact(305) 604-2489 (voice), () 673-7218 (fTl~ fivetiays~n advance'toinitiate your request. TTY users may also call X11 {Florc#a Malay Service)., _ Ad #490 , ~i il~c~'tb~ n~~~; ~ .~Jb~J ll:wir: e etr:~l~cs i~.~. ev .u ~ir:~.i.~"_ _~+ ; i5s i- N Z } a ~~ f ,~ ~. a L Of ~~ z 0 E m f