Ad #491 Notice of Public Hearing•~i~~~~: n NOTICE OF PIIBLiC HE~IR1~16 ~_ ~' NQiICE IS HEREBY given that a second reading and public hearing uvill be,hetd by the C'dy Commission of flat City ~ A~arni Beach, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, Cay Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, F~x~a„a~ Wednesday,,Hme 2,2006 at ttxl5 a.m., To:Gonskder~n Drdinanc~~lmending Miami Beach City Code °w Sectirnl ~-451 Enfitied"t3se Of'Posttion To :Secure Special Privileges".Sy-Prphibrbng A C'dy Officer Or :Employee Frere Using His Offid'ta) Position To~oNsit Clients Or Customers.Forfiis Priva#eBusiriess. ~QIflR1ES maybe direct@d to the City Attorney's Office~at (305) 673-747A. ' ., ~[LERESTF_t) P,AEi~E~ a[e invited to-~earat this meeting;~or~be represented"byyan agent, or to express tt~ir ~rievirs ~` ar wtiti `addreSSed to fhe City Commission, c/oihe (~I'>Clerk,1700,Convention -Gerder Drive,lsfFloor, City Mall,. l~ni'Beacli, Florida 33130: This meeting may be operie~arai oordinued and, under~such circumstances addrtiorral ~ I~allnoficewafldnot~e~rowded. <~ ~ ~~,., ; .' : _ ` #ioberf!l.Parcher ``` i _ ~ City~lerlC ~ - ~ ~ ~ityvfMiamiBeach~= n ' Pursuant th Bastion °286.t)'L05, Fla.`S°tdk, "the City herby advises the public that: "rf a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Crty Commission vrith:respect•to rary matter'considered.at its meeting or its-hearing, ~, suem person must ensure that a verbatim record.of3he proceed'mgs is jnade,~which~recard Includes the #estimogy , and evidence upon. which the,appeal is to be=based. This nat~e:does,ROt constitute consent by the C'rty forttre ir~adaction or ad[nission of otherwise inadmissible or 'melevam .evidense, nor ~daes it authorize challenges or appeals not othervviseall3~y law., , _ .• E , - Tb request this material in"accessible:format, sign "language irrterpreters,,irTfocmafion on access for persor~ ~vi1#~ ~ disaf3ilities, arrd%or any accommodation to review any document nr..participate :in any city-sponsored p~oceedir~, please cordact (305) 604-2489 (vo'~ce), (305) .673-7218(TT1().,five days yin advance to initiate your reques#. TTY useis may also c~t.~1 ]=~(F~rida'$etay ~-ice)• "~ ~ _ r 1 r t~)• lY11~iY1tIJ~~~~