Cuervo, Carlos Aurelio 5~ M „~, OUTSIDE EMPLC)YMENT STATEMENT ^ For Fuli~ime County and Muniapai Empfoytaes 1=uu -TSB Colx~rY ~ 1wu~clPa. ~ ~ ouTS1o~ =-~ -~ E1~IF'I.OYWEN? IIAUST FILE MI ANNl1AL OIECLOB<JItE REPORT BY JULY Dbciosure fOf n 1sT OF FJVC;H YEAR W A1XiORWWCE WITH 3ECTi0N 2-11.1(11)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: ~" TFE Mtn~n-Or~oe Ca~'nr Goof. Larne: Last ~ Fl~ ~~ Middle v? c; C ~ ~t JC~ft.~~ ~ S J~ e r J -„ . yee ~_ Fang as a (check one): ~ Mtami-t)ade C~atmty Emplo - r - n Position Title: --~~- ~,(~~-2{ ~~dCa/ ~eG~ 1 k3pa1 ~: C~cwrfi~fNwn C,otuttylMurtidpal Division: ~ ~„ ~ (~.Jot~-S l..j.{~~c.K if yrwr hwne address ~ exem~ horn public retards prasuanf to Fbrida Statutes § !19.07, pl~se t~edr hers: ^ Wa'k Teleplwne: 3OS ' ~0 73 " ~~~ Mailing addre~ (Street Name arxt Number) Apt. aR ~ ~ ~ N - l.~l - ~ ~ S ~' State Tip ('.ode ~~~,. w. ~ ~L 3 312--~ Please list the aauroes of outside arrlployrrlent. the nature of the vwric and the amounts of money a dher o~ You received. if oorrtinued on a separate sheet, pJieese check bane: ^ Name and Addrosrs of the Source of Nature of the tlYofk Pertofined Amount of Money or t:omPenr~ion Received Outside income ~ ~ ~-~ ~~ ~'~ ~~~ ~(t O . ~ ~ h r. s~ I her+~y swear (or a(tim,) ttWat the a~'oresaid infomaation i$ a true and correct statement. si9rraame or °~ 6 ~~ ~~ '°t'1 car ,~