011-Notice of Public Hearing CiTY OF
MOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the City
Commission of the City of Miami Beach on Wednesday, March 14.
~00'1, at 10.45 a.m., in the Commission Chambers. 3rd Floor, City Hall,
1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, Florida, to consider a
v~ivlr* of the Land Development Re. gulations applicable to the NOrth
9nora Park and Youth Center, as determined by the Planning Director.
pureuant to Sec~oo 142-425(d)(1) of the Code of the City of Miemi
Blach, for the North Shore'Park and Youth Center General Obligation
I~'~l Park Bohds Project. in order to allow venous encroachmerits into
th~ required setbacks facing 72rid and 73rd Streets, and Herding
Averse. and ~iminate the orevision of on-site Darkinn spaces for the
aforementioned project.
I~ mey be directed to the Public Works Department at (305
AI.L-~-*RESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting. or b
represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed
to the City COmmission, do the City Clerk, 1700 COnvention Center
Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall. Miami Beach. Florida 33139. This meeting
may be continued end uneer such circumstances additional legal notice
woc~l not be provided.
Ro~ert E. Pareher. City Clerk
City of Miemi Beach
Pgm~nt to Section 286.0105. Re. Stat.. the City hereby advise= the
~biic that'. if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
CommiSsion with respect to any matter considered at its meeting or its
hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the
proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evid~mce
upon which the appeal is to be based. Trtis notice does not Consltute
con~ent by the City fo( the introduction'or admission of otherwise
inadmissible or irrelevant evidence. nor does it authorize challenges or
a~ not otherwise allowed by law.
In accordance with the Americans with Dieebilie~Act of ~1990, pertons
needing special accommodation to partiblpete in this proceeding should
contict the City Clerk's Office. Telephone (305) 673-7411 for aseistanoe;
if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Sewice numbera,
,(e0~)955.877.F(~TbD)~or(ee0)955~877e,(Ve10E)~o~assistance. ~ ,4