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Lonergan, Richard
~"~ MiAMFO OUTSIaE EMPL~YN~ENT STATEMENT For Fulf-time Gounty and Municipal Employees Fug-~~ Cc~urY ~ro t~a~u~crs~u ~n~tcsY~s~sacA~u~ err ouTSaaE EMPLflYr~NT Mi1ST F~tE AN ANINrrAt. Q~SGEAStJRE REPC3RT BY JULY Diacio&ure fur 1sr OF' EACH YFAFt IN At:CORDAr1CE WITH S~~r1oN 2-#'!.'i(Kj{2) ~ . Tax Year Ending: 3048 THE MwAAi-C COtJt1TY CotDE. Name: Last First Middle LaN~Rb"~>`1 Rfci-~ARi7 Filing as a (~ one): ^ Miami-t~!de County Employee Nluniapat Eir+ployee of: s-~ e~ ~ M I A tYt~ S EACkt Position Title: SFR6,EAa.fi" Qf Ao~tc~ CountytMunicipal %)epartment: County/Muruapat taivision; 1Y71A!'~! $F~G~ pCL1C& f 7Fc-i~ltcrrtL S~~c~~ tf your home address is exempt froth pubTrc r~rds pursuant ' Work Telephone: to Fbrida Statutes § 119.{?7, please check trans: ~ t~ ~ 73 -7?76 x 512 N Mailing Address (Streef NBrrre and !Number) . # /lOQ ~i~l iR5 N3NC'Tfl~ i3VE city State Zip Code MiHi'»4 ~Ic~~N FG 3339` Please 1`rst the rces of outside employment, the nature of the worts and the arnrwnts ot` rrwney or atfrer compensation you received. !i continued on a separate street, ,please check here: Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Yrtods Amount of Money or Outside income Performed Compensation Received ~ FtMERKtA>,1 G>cASt~i:NS SysiEms $©~sLL ed~3~ ~~$~- °° 12~t?O 'tiAIF~HR~4 BLVD. ~A tcsH s~r~v~,} ~~ N~Y3'i2 P~r4uirr~v7a>JJ FL. 333,5 . <-, hereby 81Medr {C}r af#im~) that the afOr~id jrt#Omk'ltlOn FS ~ trtl$ ~t1d cOTF@(~ St3tefrleP'It. r-.~, Ssgrrature of P isc~sr~g Date Signed l16~0~1'OS c~ .~~ .~ ~, 40l2910C v 0 a ;~ .7 ~7 ?7