Freedline, Lori 1 ~ OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT ~ For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGMIC, IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE VV(TTi SECTION 2-11.i(Kx2) OF Tax Year Ending- ~Dd~ THE M1r4MF-DADE COUNTY CODE. ame: Last __---------_-____ First _ _-- - ---- Middle Filing as a (Check one): ^ Miami-Dade County Empbyee ~`//~~~~ ~Muniapal Employee of: i Ttxl c~ -{ Position Title: ~ ~ ~ ~~~! J`~ Tim IL ~, Courrty/Municipat Department: Courrty/Municipal Division: /GPI J ~~ ~-- c~ If your home oddness is exempt htirn public records pursuant to Florida Stafutes § 119.07, please check here: ^ Work Telephone: ..,.; 3~ ~ ~'~~ ]~'7(p k ~~i9 c"> -~ Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) Apt. # S ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~¢~- 3 ~, City State Zip Code ~ / /Y? ~ (~~ ~3~~17 Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. if continued on a separate sheet please check hart?: ^ Name and Address of the Source of outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compensation Received . 5~~,gntS ~ ~'~D~ ~ Z,.(o ~ sil 2 C~ 2~117~"'~ ~/'~gY~ N~(s~ 4~7s I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signature f Person Disclosi Date Si ned ~~~ ;U "rl '1'1 ."~ cal w ,aneioo