026-1999 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH to - Department Memorandum No. 26-1999 - To: Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager Department Directors Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager Date: December 20, 1999 From: Subject: CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS - YEAR 2000 Allenda Review/After Action MeetinllS Agenda Review and After Action meetings will be held on Thursdays following the City Commission meetings, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. A list of the scheduled dates for the Year 2000 City Commission meetings is provided for your reference (Attachment I). City Commission Aeenda - To place an item on the City Commission agenda, please e-mail the title to the City Manager's Office IlrillI to the date of the Agenda Review meeting. City Commission memoranda should be forwarded to me in final form prior to the due dates (Attachment 2). Generally, land use items for the regular agenda are scheduled on the second meeting of the month. !fyou have a large document that needs to be printed as part of the agenda, please arrange to have it printed early. Please contact Judy HoansheIt of my office if you have additional questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. LAL~jah Attachments c: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Judy Hoanshelt, Special Projects Coordinator .r- - CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 2000 CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS - January 12 (Wednesday) February 9 (Wednesday) March 15 (Wednesday) April 12 (Wednesday) May 10 (Wednesday) June 7 (Wednesday) July 12 (Wednesday) January 26 (Wednesday) February 23 (Wednesday) April 26 (Wednesday) May 24 (Wednesday) June 21 (Wednesday) July 26 (Wednesday) August City Commission in Recess - ~ September 13 (Wednesday) October 11 (Wednesday) November 15 (Wednesday) December 6 (Wednesday) September 27 (Wednesday) October 25 (Wednesday) December 20 (Wednesday) .r- Attachment 1 DUE DATES FOR COMMISSION MEMORANDA - 11..IsIIII~.III.1 II.llililr(!,!liiliiffff [[t January 12,2000 January 26, 2000 February 9,2000 February 23, 2000 March 15,2000 April 12, 2000 April 26, 2000 May 10, 2000 May 24, 2000 June 7, 2000 June 21, 2000 July 12, 2000 July 26, 2000 AUGUST RECESS September 13, 2000* August 22, 2000 September 27,2000 September 12,2000 October 11,2000 September 26,2000 October 25, 2000 October 10, 2000 November 15,2000 October 24,2000 December 6,2000 November 14, 2000 December 20, 2000 December 5, 2000 .The Agenda Review meeting for the September 13, 2000 City Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, August 31,2000. December 28, 1999 January 11, 2000 January 25,2000 February 8, 2000 February 22, 2000 March 14,2000 April 11, 2000 April 25, 2000 May 9, 2000 May 23,2000 June 6, 2000 June 20, 2000 July 11,2000 - Attachment 2