"' Department Memorandum No. s- 997-_-
To: All Department Directors Date: May 13, 1997
From: Jo. se Garcia-Pedrosa
On Monday, May 12, 1997, at 9:00 a.m., Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager/Hurricane Preparedness
Coordinator, was notified by the Metro-Dade Office of Emergency Management that a Hurricane
Watch (Drill) had been issued for Monday, May 19, 1997. A meeting of all department directors
has been scheduled for Monday, May 19, 1997, at 8:00 a.m., in the City Manager's large Conference
It is essential that you submit the following information, prior to 1700 hours (5:00 p.m.) on
Thursday, May 15, 1997. the information required is in your Hurricane Manual and is as follows:
~-- 1 ) Updated list of all essential personnel.
2) List of items you need to protect your office property.
3) Inform the City Manager's Office if all vital records can be stored in a protected area within
24 hours.
4) Inform the City Manager's Office if communication equipment (if available) is operational.
5) Determine where departmental vehicles will be stored.
6) Identify person(s) to coordinate with Purchasing Division.
7) Identify employees designated to handle FEMA documents.
8) Identify employees for our danaage assessment team.
Please stay toned for further last minute advisories.
Ij~ph:27Z;y questions, please contact Joe Pinon at 673-7010.
c: Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager
Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager/Hurricane Preparedness Coordinator
Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager/DDHPS
Richard Bender, Executive Assistant to the City Manager
Ronnie Singer, Special Assistant to the City Manager
~'~ Nannette Rodriguez, Media Relations Officer