Perez, BarbaroMIAM OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Fuli-time County aid Municipal Employees Ftx~ ~ CtwKnr AND n~ Etc ~ avrs~aE EMPLOYMENT MUST' FN.E !W At~NaAL REPaRT BY .~Jt.Y Disclosure for 1ST OF EApi YEAR W A~ANCE VNl'H SECTION 2-11.1{tQ(2) OF Tax Year Ending. THE MWYM-D~AOE CoUNTYCoDE. Name: Last .~. First Middle Filing as a {check one): Miami-Dade County Empioy~ee ' 5~°~ Mtawdpai Employee of: Position Tide: G~ CountyMlunicipal Department: County/Municipai Division: rf ycxir home address Is exempt hwn public records Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes § i 19 07, please check here: ~~'~ _ Mailing A~dc~+ess (Street Name and Number] Apt. # City State Zip Code Please Nst the souroes of ouL~ide employmerrt, the nature of the vrork and the ~nouslts of md~ey or other corrtp~satior- you r+eoeived. tioorltirxied on a separate sheet, please dleck here: ^ Name acrd Address of the Source of Nature of fire Work Amount of Money or Outside Income Perfomned Compensation Received vrT ~~~~~~~~r~~~,~,~6 . G~if-~~~y ~~~~~ 3~ 3 s"y/~ /ddb //. /~,~~~/G~ G~/~/ r'G',~~,//G'/ iii/ c . ~, ` /.~ ,Clio ~ ~ m - ~: ~ ~ --•-, cn • -n .. ;~ ,~. I hereby swear' {or affirm) that the afores~d irdamation is a true and oorred statement. Signature sdosing Dam Signed ~ 7- d° ~C3 ~_ C ior~aioo