018-1997 DMPLEASE PO_S__ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Department Memorandum NO. 18-1997 To: All Department Directors/Division Heads Date: November 7, 1997 From: Jo. se Garcia-PedrosaiC~LE Subject: ~L72a~HLE AGUE (PAL) THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE The Thanksgiving Holidays are only a few weeks away. This is the time of the year when we realize how fortunate we are, and we are also reminded of the many individuals who may possibly share a "Thanksgiving Dinner" with their families as a result of our kindness and generosity. The PAL is already working on its annual food drive in order to meet their goal of providing approximately 400 families with a Thanksgiving Basket. To this end, Officer Bernie Winer will be placing boxes throughout City Hall (City Manager's Office, Human Resources, Building Department, City Clerk's Office), and at the Recreation Department for non-perishable items. If you so desire, the PAL will also be accepting tax deductible monetary donations to purchase the turkeys, fresh fruit and vegetables. Checks may be made payable to the Miami Beach Police Athletic League. Let us all make an extra effort this year to enable PAL to feed those who are truly in need. Please contact Officer Bemie Winer at 531-5636 for further information. JGP:pp c: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Deputy City Manager Assistant City Managers Executive Assistants to the City Manager Susan Hickerson, Credit Union Director f:\cmgrXrmb\data60\memos\thanksgv.pal