003-1996 DM DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM N'UMBER 3-1996 January 1 O, 1995 TO: All Department Directors SUBJECT: PROPER CARE OF CITY EQUIPMENT ~,, As we invest more heavily in sophisticated (and expensive) equipment, it is essential that we take extra care to avoid loss or damage. The recent theft of a computer costing almost $2,000 highlights the need to keep track of and properly safeguard these resources. Each department director is responsible for the security of equipment assigned to her or his department and should take all steps necessary to discharge that responsibility. Thank you in advance for your attention in this matter. ]GP:pp cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Senior Staff f:cmgr\rrub\data60\memos\ecluipment. mem