004-1996 DM DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE DEPARTMENTAL HE!4OR_ANDUH NO:. 4-1996 JANUARY 19, 1996 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS FROPI: lOSE GARCIA-PEDROS~y CITY PIANAGER SUBJECT: UPDATE OF EMERGENCY DIRECTORY ~m~M~.~.:r..~,~m~~~ ...... ~ ~m~ Submitted for your review is the Emergency Listing for your office. Due to the phone system changes and new personnel assignments, a revision is necessary. The Police, Fire and Sanitation Departments, and the Code Compliance Division, need to include the following information: names and emergency numbers for weekends, weeknights, and holidays. Please review and make all relevant changes and return it to Pauline Phillips via E-mail or the server (m:\cmgfiSali\pauline\*.*) no later than February 2, 1996. You will receive an updated directory upon completion. Thank you for your prompt attention. lGP/pp Attachment f:crngr\$allXmisc\ernergen.new