011-1996 DM . '. . DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM r- 11-1996 Departmental Memorandum No: March 14, 1996 FROM: All Department Directors All Division Directors Jose Garcia-pedrosa ~ City Manager ?' TO: SUBJECT: REORGANIZATION OF SENIOR STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES As we have discussed at various staff meetings in the last few weeks, I have been evaluating different ways in which Senior Staff may better supervise the operations of the various City Departments, Div~sions, projects, and the like. - Attached please find a new Organizational Chart, effective immediately, reflecting the product of that evaluation and of my dialogue with Senior Staff Members on their responsibilities. Each head of a Department, Division, or other unit of City government, will be contacted by the appropriate Assistant City Manager in the next few days to ensure a common understanding of responsibilities, particularly in light of the amalgamation under the rubric of "Maintenance" of related functions in different departments. Please share this memorandum and the attached chart with your subordinates, as may be appropriate or necessary. In addition, it should be clear that all ongoing assignments are to be completed or reported to the Senior Staff Member who made the assignment, even if that Senior Staff Member is no longer responsible for that area. This should ensure that all pending items are accounted for and completed timely. With respect to the preparation of the preliminary documents for the FY 96/97 budget, Department and Division Directors will be dealing with Senior Staff and not just with OMB and with me. In this manner, Senior Staff responsible for any particular department will know what budget proposals are being submitted, will help shepherd those proposals through the budgetary process, and will - know what disposition is made of each request. Continued. . . /2 --- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM REORGANIZATION OF SENIOR STAFF RESPONSIBILITY PAGE 2 Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in new Organization Chart which I believe effectiveness in which we serve the City. implementing this will enhance the c: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Harry Mavrogenes, Assistant City Manager Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager Jack Lubin, Executive Assistant/Interim Parking Director. Peter F. Liu, Executive Assistant/OMB Director f:cmgr/$all/deptmem.96.jreorgani.ch r- r- Departments Divisions Projects! Prognm> BOards and Committees , ~ ~ Mayor and Commissioners City Manager Jose Garcia-Pedrosa Deputy City Manager I Sergio Rodriguez I City Clerk Finance Parking Assistant City Manager - Assistant City Manager - Assistant City Manager r-- Assistant City Manager - Executive Assistant MayraDiaz Buttacavoli Harry Mavrogenes Dean Mielke Joe Pinon PeterLiu Fire Development Design & Historic Human Resources Police Managernent&Budget (Code Enforcement) Preservation Services Sanitation Redevelopment Agencies Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance Public Works -PropenyMaintenlltlce -Engineering -PublicWorksConstruction -Special Projects -Streets/StreetLights -Water&Sewer -Environmental ------- ------ --------< -------- ----- Internal Audit Office of ADA Fleet Management Office of Child Development Central Services Purchasing PIO Office of Graffiti Control Computers & Communications Contracts Administration Special EventsIFilm & Flllihion Risk MlltIagement ---<--- ---- ---- ------- ------ Bass Museum Lincoln Road Labor Relalions Graffiti Cable Regulation CvnYenlion CenlerlTOPA Management Districts Hurricane Coordination Miami Beach Pride Management Districts Boardwalk ReslOration Legislative priorities Human Rights Ordinance Bridges -Audit Policy Manuals Garden Center Helicopter Landings Venetian Causeway - Cost-Efficiency Analysis Library Homeless Perfonnance-Based Budgeting Demo Golf Course Renovation Project Park Bond Issue ------- ------- ------ ------- ------ GMCVB MB Housing Alltlwrity Police Public Safety Committee Community Relations Bd Budget Advisory Committee TCCEA Linooln Road Pllrtnenhip Retirement System Seawall Tlllik Force veA MBDe Hurricane & Fire Homeless Police & Fire Pemion Board TllJStee NBDe Defense Group Insurance Board Member Barrier Free Committee Health Advisory Firemen's Relief Pension Fund Marine Authority Convention Center Advisory Board Community Benefits Committee VESIT \